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Weekly check in thread.

Started by JVA54, March 18, 2011, 12:12:16 PM

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That's cool you can hunt all day.  We can only hunt until 1pm on public land.


Congrats on an awesome bird and story!! Way to stick it out through the tough weather! Thats makes it that much sweeter, especialy when all your buddies are like "you went hunting in that?' haha yup and I killed one to boot!!!
:z-guntootsmiley: :you_rock:

Grounded Brand - https://groundedbrand.com/


 Well I'm going with my son in the morning, we roosted two tonight, he's only has two days to hunt so we are going to hit it hard for the next two days. :z-guntootsmiley: :z-guntootsmiley:

            :fud: :newmascot:


  My son shot this jake today 4-9-11    15lbs    4in beard

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Hey JVA congrats to your son!  :icon_thumright: Me and my brother (LilFrid) went out this morning and got some MRI on a gobbler that has been givin us fits for the past two seasons. We have one of three properties locked down. Ready for our season to open up in 16 days!  :z-guntootsmiley:


Nice job fellas!

Heading out to KY on Friday for the Saturday opener. Hoping to add some points to our total!
Go Dawgs!
Beware the Yelp Marks.
Proud Member of the IAFF



Sure hope my wife makes it through this turkey season, after me fanning out my turkey on her hardwood floor that I had not planed on telling her about, forgot those pics where on her camera. The other morning she came into the bedroom before she had to go work and ask if I could do her a small favor, I said sure, can you move that turkey beard off her kitchen table it's making me want to throw up!  I told her I guess I could put it in the bedroom,  ;D she didn't think that was funny. After my son killed his Jake I put it's beard on the table with out thinking and she came home and said I thought we talked about this.................. :help:


12 more days until WV season starts. Can't wait and yes it has been killing me to wait this long. Good thing though is the weather has been cold so its keeping the turkeys from going at it. Good luck everyone!  :fud: :newmascot:


I will be taking my 15 year old stepson on his first turkey hunt this weekend, been having really good luck so far this season hope i can get him on a bird.        :z-guntootsmiley:


   My stepson shot his first turkey today 4/16/11  nice first bird
  18 lbs  9 1/4 in beard 1 1/4- 1 1/8 in spurs.

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Killed number 4 yesterday!!! Well kind of hahaha... so here the story, so its kinda long. So one of my friends over here at college tells me that her dad is a big turkey hunter! (they are from florida!) So one day before spring break I was joking around with her telling her to call her dad and see if he would take me turkey hunting sometime! Well a few days later she texted me and said "He said he would take you, if you take him!" I was pumped! I was like well give me a time, and he can choose which state, AL, TN, Or Ms. So he emailed me the next day saying he would be heading to missouri and he would like to stop by and hunt the weekend in TN. So we planned on that. Well I told him where the key to the gate was, since I would be driving in from school and he would get there before me. So friday night I met him up at the farm. He said he had seen 3 gobblers driving up the road, but could not do anything with them when he hunted.... So the next morning he wanted to go by himself and sit in his blind for a few hours. So we met back at the cabin around lunch or so, shared our mornings stories, and then proceeded to eat some lunch! After eating we decided to hop in the truck and drive around to the backside of the farm to see if we could see one in a neighboring field, and call him across. Well there wasnt a bird out in the field, so we decided to park and walk up to the foodplot where I had called in a bird earlier that morning. Well before I had time to step out of the truck one gobbled over on the neighbors place. So we set up close to line, and tried to call him over.... mean while I texted dad and asked him to give the neighbor a call and see if we could go hunt that bird. Well after about 30 mins and the bird not coming I received word we could go hunt him!!! So off we went, we were walking down a road when looked to the left and there he was 50 yds!! We both just hit the dirt praying he didnt see us. We crawled up to the fence and sure enough he was just feeding away from us with some hens. After crawling out there to stick a decoy out, trying every call I had, the bird would NOT come in. We go lucky and the hens started coming our way... well when they got about 50 yds, and the gobbler was 60 yds they turned around and decided to leave. So The next thing I know, Dutch shoots, immediately I take off running into the field. All the birds including the gobbler take off flying. So I start running following him. I stopped about 100 yds into the field, grab my binos and marked where he went down at. It was 8-900 yds. So I grabbed my vest and we decided to go look for the bird. Sure enough the bird was right where I marked him at! As im walking up to him he takes off flying again, but the 3.5in shell at a mere 15 feet did the trick this time!! We were so excited, especially when we found out he had 3 beards!! Measurements were 10.5inches, 9.75inches, and .5 inches. 1 1/16 in spurs and 19 lbs!!! It was an awesome hunt!!
Grounded Brand - https://groundedbrand.com/


  Congrats!! turkeykiller22


Got one for us today.  17.5 lbs, 1 1/8" spurs, and 10.5" beard.   :z-guntootsmiley:
"A turkey hen speaks when she needs to speak, and says what she needs to say, when she needs to say it. So every word a turkey speaks is for a reason." - Rev Zach Farmer


Congrats on an awesome bird!!!! Now we only need 7 more!!
Grounded Brand - https://groundedbrand.com/