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Kill with follow-up shot?

Started by GomerPyle, March 10, 2014, 05:17:04 PM

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Like some of the others, Missed the first bird i ever called in/shot at. Ran back to my left and I rolled him up at about 30 yards. Before the following season I patterned my gun for the first time and found that the gun was off about 7-8 in. left at 30 yds. Shot 1 was "probably" that much behind him and shot 2 was a lucky lead that he ran into. In my youthful in-experience I did not know that a gun/choke/load needed patterning but have since learned its necessary value.

Ross R

I shamefully admit I killed mine on the third shot this weekend. I am pretty sure I got a hold of him on the first one but he was turning and burning for the cypress. My buddy said he saw leaves falling after my second shot....  It ended up being the nicest bird I have ever shot so luckily I got him.  I had to make a 90 degree adjustment to take the shot.


I've killed several on a second shot. If I didn't think I'd need a second shot on rare occasions --then I carry a single shot and not a pump.


I have been lucky enough not to need a second shot.


One of the second or third birds i killed starting out turkey hunting. It was a jake, he was standing in a Field and i had snuck around on him and sit down against a oak tree. Clucked a few times and he popped his head in an opening i pulled the trigger and clean missed in turn he ran about 35 yards closer at a angle amazingly and i hammered him with second shot  lol

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 In the early 80s, I leaned my gun against my car as I unlocked the door.  The gun fell on the concrete.  I called up a nice gobbler, pulled the trigger and he took off.  I fired again and killed him.  I checked the point of impact and discovered that I had bent the barrel.  Dead on with the first shot and missed; of with the second shot and killed.  Go figure.
"[T]he changing environment will someday be totally and irrevocably unsuitable for the wild turkey.  Unless mankind precedes the birds in extinction, we probably will not be hunting turkeys for too much longer."  Ken Morgan, "Turkey Hunting, A One Man Game


Nc 10s story reminds me, I had taken a landowners 14 yo nephew, Set up on the edge of a field as a gobbler was roosted on over the hill a ways. Well they are approaching and it is 3 Longbeards. He had been shooting very well, killed a deer, and i tell him at 30 yds to put it on the first gobblers neck and take him. Well he shoots and i am half up on my feet, turkeys just flinch and mill around He shiucks and shoots again and they trot off. Well we chase gobblers all over the farm call in some jakes but no shots, 11 o clock I say we will check the field if nothing there we head out. Sneak up to a horse jump in the fence line and peek, 0 ,so look harder, 0, step out and a jake up the fence tries to make it to the cedars behind us. I tell him "turn around a gobbler is coming out". He flattens him on a dead run, go figure.


Quote from: Old Gobbler on March 10, 2014, 05:30:04 PM
If you miss with the first one.... There is a good chance the second is going to be equally disappointing

Pretty bold there........I killed one Wednesday on the second shot. He got too close and I sent a softball sized ball of lead right by his face. I think it gave him a heart attack cause he just stood there. He was not so lucky on the second shot.

Rio Fan

I've done it twice that I can remember. The first time was 8 years ago, it was the first time using my new Benelli SBEII. I think I missed him clean on the first shot, he started running and was at about 35 yards when I rolled on the second shot.

Last year on opening day, my buddy and I called up a group of 4 longbeards.  They ended up circling around us and came in from behind us.  At one point my buddy probably could've killed 2 in one shot,but I still couldn't shoot yet.  I had to lean around the tree to have a chance of getting a shot off.  When the birds finally took a few more steps, we both missed our first shot and then we both dropped birds out of the air on our second shots.  How crazy is that - true story!

Green Trumpeter

Two seasons ago I missed a bird and then dropped it on a second shot as it ran at about 35 yards.


yep...have done that...that's why I tote a repeater..I  also am from the camp that believes that "clean " misses rarely exist.. I would like to think that of the few birds that I have missed.. and didn't get a follow-up shot..that they were clean misses...but in my heart, I always fear that they are carrying some pellets..have spent hours looking for a potentially wounded bird ( thankfully only twice...found one.. lost the other)..but where I hunt it is impossible to be sure because of the thickness of the swamps..that's EXACTLY why I pattern my guns..believe it is an ethical thing to do.. I have never understood how a hunter would shoot a gun and not know how it shoots..shotgun or rifle


 I flat out missed a bird in Nebraska a few years back with my first shot. He didn't booger and I was able to pump another shell and kill him with my second shot.

Mike Honcho

Best follow up shot I've ever seen was my grandson Kolbi who was 11 at the time.  We were hunting out of a ground blind me, (calling) , and my 10 year old grandson Tanner and 11 yr old Kolbi.  Tanner was designated shooter and I called in a nice Rio tom to about 27 yards.   Tanner was using a 20 ga. Mossberg Bantam Turkey and hit the tom but not solid and he turned and ran off at about a 45 degree angle away from us.  Kolbi jumped up , got his 835 out the blind window and tetched one off....bird rolled stone dead.   I used laser range finder and he was 65 yds from the blind....true story...may have been one lucky pellet to the head. 

And for the record I don't condone shooting a turkey from that range...we were just trying to put down a wounded bird ...and did.


Romans 8:38-39


About 20 years ago (when rifles were still legal) I hunted a problem bird all year and finally decided he needed killing so i left the 12 ga and  took my 7mm rem mag deer rifle to a field I knew he might be in. He got to within 40 yards and i shot and missed, he turned and ran straight away from me as I bolted round #2 in the chamber and hit him in the back of the neck at 110 yards hauling butt straight away. If I had taken my shotgun that day it would have been an easy kill.