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pet peeve on alot of youtube videos

Started by bluetick58, May 12, 2022, 06:29:31 PM

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Quote from: saltysenior on May 12, 2022, 07:23:37 PM
My pet peeve is showing the turkey's head being blown off or it's flopping around after being shot....just more ammo for PETA..

I think most people are tired of protecting the weak from reality. I couldn't care one bit less what PETA or any other soft, clammy cold skin mouth breather thinks about me, and I'm not about to promote cancel culture in hunting programs to appease them either.
#couple calls


Quote from: Number17 on May 15, 2022, 04:37:06 PM
Quote from: saltysenior on May 12, 2022, 07:23:37 PM
My pet peeve is showing the turkey's head being blown off or it's flopping around after being shot....just more ammo for PETA..

I think most people are tired of protecting the weak from reality. I couldn't care one bit less what PETA or any other soft, clammy cold skin mouth breather thinks about me, and I'm not about to promote cancel culture in hunting programs to appease them either.
Browning'...."The Best There Is"

Austin 3:16...........


Quote from: Number17 on May 15, 2022, 04:37:06 PM
Quote from: saltysenior on May 12, 2022, 07:23:37 PM
My pet peeve is showing the turkey's head being blown off or it's flopping around after being shot....just more ammo for PETA..

I think most people are tired of protecting the weak from reality. I couldn't care one bit less what PETA or any other soft, clammy cold skin mouth breather thinks about me, and I'm not about to promote cancel culture in hunting programs to appease them either.
Here here!

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Quote from: saltysenior on May 12, 2022, 07:23:37 PM
My pet peeve is showing the turkey's head being blown off or it's flopping around after being shot....just more ammo for PETA..

Peta and those other animal rights groups aren't worried about your headless turkey, they make up their own facts to suit their own agenda. Tip toeing around them doesn't help anything other than your feelings.


"Some of these you tubers gun safety skills suuuuucks .!
Since when do you rest your gun butt on ground , and your hands over your barrel"? 
Well I always say, ya can't fix stupid!
We are afraid to tell people the way it is these days because we don't want to hurt their feelings!  Boo hoo there is right and there is wrong. I'm sorry but some people just need a foot up their butt to get their attention and to maybe get their head straight.
Enough Said!


Quote from: Missed mallards on May 12, 2022, 08:08:46 PM

I can not, under any reason, understand why they take the safety off the gun before the birds in sight or about to be shot at. Not only will they take the safety off they'll move, shake, reposition while having a loaded gun with tss on go.

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Clicking the safety off has cost me a bird. Filming video has cost me many birds. I keep my finger outside the trigger guard until it's time to shoot, but that safety is going off as soon as I think the bird is close.

Earlier this season, I heard footsteps and got my gun ready, got the camera ready, but I had not heard any gobbles and wasn't sure if it was a turkey or another hunter. I was ready to shoot, except my gun was pointed down at the ground so I wouldn't accidentally have someone in my line of fire. Of course it turned out to be 2 gobblers, and they saw me and took off flying across the holler. If I had at least heard a drum or a gobble over the rise, I would have had my gun up and ready for that head to pop up. But that's an unusual situation. Usually I have an indication that it is in fact a turkey about to show up, and yes my safety is going off before I see the bird.

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Quote from: catman529 on May 17, 2022, 05:49:10 PM
Clicking the safety off has cost me a bird.
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So be it.
Psalms 118v24: This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.


Quote from: catman529 on May 17, 2022, 05:49:10 PM
Quote from: Missed mallards on May 12, 2022, 08:08:46 PM

I can not, under any reason, understand why they take the safety off the gun before the birds in sight or about to be shot at. Not only will they take the safety off they'll move, shake, reposition while having a loaded gun with tss on go.

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Clicking the safety off has cost me a bird. Filming video has cost me many birds. I keep my finger outside the trigger guard until it's time to shoot, but that safety is going off as soon as I think the bird is close.

Earlier this season, I heard footsteps and got my gun ready, got the camera ready, but I had not heard any gobbles and wasn't sure if it was a turkey or another hunter. I was ready to shoot, except my gun was pointed down at the ground so I wouldn't accidentally have someone in my line of fire. Of course it turned out to be 2 gobblers, and they saw me and took off flying across the holler. If I had at least heard a drum or a gobble over the rise, I would have had my gun up and ready for that head to pop up. But that's an unusual situation. Usually I have an indication that it is in fact a turkey about to show up, and yes my safety is going off before I see the bird.

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I use my thumb and trigger finger to take the safety off. I use my thumb to push and trigger finger as a buffer. Then it's just a matter of sliding my thumb over the stock. It's a little bit of movement but I haven't been busted yet. I do this as soon as I'm sure it's a turkey.
Paul Myrdahl,  Goat trainee

"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.". John Wayne, The Shootist.


My safety going off will be the last sound he hears.  I have had birds CLOSE that did not even respond to the sound.  Like 6 yards.  You must have a very load safety. 
Psalms 118v24: This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.


Quote from: g8rvet on May 17, 2022, 09:39:28 PM
My safety going off will be the last sound he hears.  I have had birds CLOSE that did not even respond to the sound.  Like 6 yards.  You must have a very load safety.

I was calling for my dad early in my turkey hunting forays. I watched as the click of his safety spooked a Jake. He made a good shot just before it disappeared over the crest of the ridge. I prefer to shoot them when they are standing still.
Paul Myrdahl,  Goat trainee

"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.". John Wayne, The Shootist.


Like I said, those must be loud safeties.  I have never had a bird even slightly react to the safety. But I mostly hunt with old guns.   :goofball:
Psalms 118v24: This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Howie g

Safety gets mashed off quietly when I 100 % can identify my target as something that is going to be shot .
This rule is one of the lst rules I was taught as a youngster . 
Safety goes back on as soon as
" whatever " game is down . Or the target gets out of range etc .


My safety is between my ears!

Normally the gun safety goes off when he is in range and about to be shot!  I do as Paulmyr and use thumb and finger, zero noise, does it matter?  But it bothers me!!!


Quote from: Number17 on May 15, 2022, 04:37:06 PM

I think most people are tired of protecting the weak from reality. I couldn't care one bit less what PETA or any other soft, clammy cold skin mouth breather thinks about me, and I'm not about to promote cancel culture in hunting programs to appease them either.
I get what you are sayin', and actually agree to a point...

But...  Most non-hunters (who are not "yet" anti-hunters) do not realistically associate their hamburger with an animal dying and being butchered.

You are never going to convince the anti-hunters...  I see no need to entertain any sort of discussion or debate with them.  My hope when discussing or sharing my hunting experiences with non-hunters is to give them a positive enlightened perspective of hunting...  And any time you post a video on YouTube you are sharing your perspective with some "non-hunters."

And as far as reality...  I have never seen a turkey that I shot have his head explode in slow motion; I have seen that on YouTube...  Hunting videos on YouTube are often more "gory" than actual hunting...  I have taken a few non-hunters or first-time hunters, and most have been surprised at how "non-gory" it is.

I always feel there should be a certain respect to the animal I am hunting...  Laughing and talking into a camera, while stepping on a birds head (even though it is pretty much dead), is not a great image to put out to the non-hunting community...

Frankly, most of that does not bother me enough to think about it for too long...  My biggest gripe is guys braggin' about what tremendously good hunters they are, who seem to want to kill a bird at any cost...
Did I do that?

Fly fishermen are born honest, but they get over it.