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Spring Scouting Ethics-- how would members handle this??

Started by quavers59, February 14, 2018, 03:11:01 PM

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I feel so fortunate not having to deal with these issues out here. I did have to deal with a trespasser last year and it got heated, but that's the first real issue I've had in years.
"I don't hunt turkeys because I want to. I hunt turkeys because I have to."

tha bugman

really nothing to do about it.  I have had several incidents like this, some less, some more intense.  One time this older gentleman showed up at my camp and began engaging in psychological warfare.  I guess he thought he was trying to get into my mind.  I played none the wiser, went and killed my turkeys, slipped back into camp each time without him even knowing I had done any good.  Amazing what some folks will do.


Quote from: Deast1988 on February 15, 2018, 07:44:07 AM
It's common, we leave early get in early. First to park at spot. Leave truck only vehicle at the gate. When we left after we killed a bird. 5 trucks decided to park right behind us. No courtesy no plan B literally all in the same block of woods.

I went to each vehicle and put a patch of chest feathers under the windshield wipers. Why? To show them one less bird was there for them to hunt.

Now that to me is a Male Appendage move.. you think they didn't hear you shoot or something??  I guess there is always a chance you missed, but that will be pretty clear when he doesn't gobble any more the next few days ..

You are just bragging that you are a better hunter than them.. don't give me this "just wanted to let them know one less bird".   Kill your bird be humble and don't shout it from the rooftops.  They will figure out you are a good hunter soon enough.

No this is different if I happen to know the truck and friendly with them.. then I would give them Feces and put feathers all over the truck and rub blood on their windshield :)
RB .. Take me Home Country Roads


Guess we handle public land respect or lack there of differently. :turkey2:


Personally, I would rather have this sort of situation happen on a scouting trip than when I am actually hunting, and especially in an instance where I am making decisions on where to focus my hunting efforts. 

Yeah, the guy should have had the courtesy to let you enjoy your scouting session without interjecting himself into the middle of it.  But since he didn't, you had a prime opportunity to discuss each other's plans for the actual hunt.  I would have introduced myself, and then tried to find out what his plans were for hunting, and how we could coordinate such that we were not getting in each other's way.

His willingness to have a frank discussion about hunting that location would go a long way in determining whether I would plan on hunting that spot,...or looking for another.  A pleasant conversation with a fellow turkey hunter that might be planning on hunting the same place you are can go a long way,...probably further than the value of hearing some gobbling in a place where you already know there are usually turkeys. 

In summary, there was a potential silver-lining to that cloud,...sometimes we just have to look for it and react accordingly.


Quote from: fallhnt on February 14, 2018, 08:22:19 PM
Quote from: saverx on February 14, 2018, 07:01:09 PM
I would have shot his truck but then again I am from the south.
South Detroit? He was scouting not hunting. Lol

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
in south we are armed at all times scouting or hunting. I know some southern guys have joked about it but there is some truth in it I know several areas he would have come out to hopefully just 4 shot tires or worse and for my 2 cents have at act like jack  get treated like one


Public land-how I would handle it.
#1 Be safe.
#2 Don't talk about scouting if you do any.
#3 Wait and scout with a gun during turkey season.
#4 If you run up on another hunter be polite and go the other way.

"Turkeys ain't nothing but big quail son."-Dad

"The truth is that no one really gives a dam how many turkeys you kill."-T

"No self respecting turkey hunter would pay $5 for a call that makes a good sound when he can buy a custom call for $80 and get the same sound."-NWiles


Yeah GobbleNut- I did pick his brain also since he decided to talk in a normal tone. The other parking spot has just as many Toms over there and it is easier to drive into anyway.   


Most times in the past though--- I have had warm turkey talk with other Scouters. Some can be quiet as well. I remember I was listening to Gobblers in a Swamp and caught movement behind me-- another scouter and like me all camo with a facemask. Just a thoughtful look to each other- then we both went in different directions.


Quote from: turkeyfoot on February 15, 2018, 10:12:18 AM
Quote from: fallhnt on February 14, 2018, 08:22:19 PM
Quote from: saverx on February 14, 2018, 07:01:09 PM
I would have shot his truck but then again I am from the south.
South Detroit? He was scouting not hunting. Lol

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
in south we are armed at all times scouting or hunting. I know some southern guys have joked about it but there is some truth in it I know several areas he would have come out to hopefully just 4 shot tires or worse and for my 2 cents have at act like jack  get treated like one
Or worse....

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

When I turkey hunt I use a DSD decoy

Meadow Valley Man

An elderly gentleman I met in Missouri once had a bird roosted the night before a hunt.  He got in there early, and of course, the bird started gobbling his head off. His vehicle was parked where all could see it. It wasn't long before he heard a truck stop, and doors slamming.  Still, the bird gobbled.  Soon, in the dim light Bob saw two hunters on their way in to where he was set up. You could say that Bob's normal mood was a bit cranky.  It became apparent to Bob that these two yahoos were going to ruin his hunt.  So Bob, in full Bobness, shouted, "Hey Bill, I'm going to the other spot!"  Bill, of course, did not exist. And the turkey, of course, stopped gobbling.


It sucks but you've got inconsiderate folks hunting in all states and some of them just weren't taught any better. The best thing to do is just move on down the line and avoid any confrontation or conversation with them if they start acting a fool. A turkey isn't worth me not getting to see my family again.

I have found the earlier you get there and the further you walk from the truck the less things like this happen.


I just rarely encounter this when turkey hunting, but duck hunting happens all the time.  I figure I am unlikely to teach someone something that their momma or daddy were too sorry or too dumb to teach, so i usually just try to move on. I have been caught on a bad day and said a thing or two, but it I try to just bite my tongue and shake my head and move on.
Psalms 118v24: This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.


This happened to me a few years ago.
Only difference, it was during the season.
I was setup in one of my favorite spots well before dawn. I was setup, and about 20 min later, I saw lights and and a truck park on a dirt road. I then saw a flashlight beam walking to right where I was sitting!
Knowing my hunt was screwed up, I shined a light right back so they knew I was there.
They continued towards me, and setup about 50 yards to my left!
I was furious!!!
I went, got my stuff rather noisily, went to my truck, and honked the horn goodbye on my way out!


In all my years of turkey hunting on public land I luckily haven't had an issues like this .I normally hunt a good way off from any roads early in the morning but if  I strike out at one of those spots ,i will bounce around to easier to access spots that I have previously scouted .when Im bouncing around most hunter have already gave up for the day.