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Sick of the nonsense

Started by Bowguy, May 23, 2017, 09:51:22 AM

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Quote from: VaTuRkStOmPeR on May 28, 2017, 10:41:20 AM
Quote from: Bowguy on May 28, 2017, 08:57:31 AM
One of the differences between liberals n normal folks is the libs ability/desire to see things as being "even" when speaking way past tense and when things are way skewed against them.  Things happened thousands of years ago aren't the same as kids being killed yesterday nor one instance the same as many . We've got to move forward and better the world.

The other thing is the excuses, sort of where Hillary got her playbook from but if you ask a normal guy about Timothy McVeigh which is certainly a bad dude most folks would just call him wrong and leave it at that. Libs make excuses why their people do what they do.

Your redneck rhetoric is pretty amusing.  Instead of dissecting the many contradictions and falsehoods in your beliefs I think we should just agree to disagree.  You can't make small minded people understand that all things are not as linear as they'd like them to be.

And btw, libertarians aren't liberals. I'm not a fan of liberals and the way they seemingly want to destroy what little identity America has left. I'm not a fan of a lot the Left tends to identify with. Libertarians just have a sincere general tendency to truly be truly small government without feeling the need to impose religion on others.  It's about stay the F out of other people's lives unless their actions truly violate your constitutional rights.
How would you know I'm a redneck? Why would you say my beliefs are falsehoods? Seems you are the odd 2 men out.
Your entitled to your beliefs n I do respect that. Now you'd prob not curse at me if I was standing in front of you, the computer screen has you braver. It's no threat I promise just a factual observation.
The libs try constantly to violate our constitutional rights, look only to the second amendment or Obamas rant the constitution is an outdated document that needs replacing.
What about the lefts back door way to gun control and saying if you're on a "no fly" list you can't get guns. Sounds pretty logical but what about out "due process" as mentioned in the constitution.
You're making zero sense in your statements

Greg Massey

Quote from: Bowguy on May 28, 2017, 11:29:03 AM
Quote from: VaTuRkStOmPeR on May 28, 2017, 10:41:20 AM
Quote from: Bowguy on May 28, 2017, 08:57:31 AM
One of the differences between liberals n normal folks is the libs ability/desire to see things as being "even" when speaking way past tense and when things are way skewed against them.  Things happened thousands of years ago aren't the same as kids being killed yesterday nor one instance the same as many . We've got to move forward and better the world.

The other thing is the excuses, sort of where Hillary got her playbook from but if you ask a normal guy about Timothy McVeigh which is certainly a bad dude most folks would just call him wrong and leave it at that. Libs make excuses why their people do what they do.

Your redneck rhetoric is pretty amusing.  Instead of dissecting the many contradictions and falsehoods in your beliefs I think we should just agree to disagree.  You can't make small minded people understand that all things are not as linear as they'd like them to be.

And btw, libertarians aren't liberals. I'm not a fan of liberals and the way they seemingly want to destroy what little identity America has left. I'm not a fan of a lot the Left tends to identify with. Libertarians just have a sincere general tendency to truly be truly small government without feeling the need to impose religion on others.  It's about stay the F out of other people's lives unless their actions truly violate your constitutional rights.
How would you know I'm a redneck? Why would you say my beliefs are falsehoods? Seems you are the odd 2 men out.
Your entitled to your beliefs n I do respect that. Now you'd prob not curse at me if I was standing in front of you, the computer screen has you braver. It's no threat I promise just a factual observation.
The libs try constantly to violate our constitutional rights, look only to the second amendment or Obamas rant the constitution is an outdated document that needs replacing.
What about the lefts back door way to gun control and saying if you're on a "no fly" list you can't get guns. Sounds pretty logical but what about out "due process" as mentioned in the constitution.
You're making zero sense in your statements
As for as i'm concern Bowguy, i have never like him or his comments or views...Rock on brother.. We got your back... calling people redneck....omg....he's a fine one to talk....



If you actually listen to what these libtards say, it's a bunch of high sounding words that mean nothing. They stand for nothing, believe in nothing, are empty inside, and that is why they have such contempt for people that do believe in a higher power that rules the universe. They don't believe in God, so they think men are gods. That is why they revile linear thinkers - in their world there is no absolute truth - since men are gods, then every man can create his own truth.


Quote from: Bowguy on May 28, 2017, 11:24:20 AM
Quote from: Phillipshunt on May 28, 2017, 10:29:04 AM
Quote from: g8rvet on May 28, 2017, 08:22:13 AM
I just want to point out a few things that may not be popular.

I also have gay friends, clients and relatives.  Many of them are Christians and attend church.  It may not be the church you attend, but one is an elder in my church, our piano player and a vibrant member of our church.  I have had several meaningful discussions with him on the subject.   If he were Muslim, depending on the country in which he lived, he would be dead, at best. 

People always like to give examples of atrocities committed in the name of Christianity and that is valid in pointing out hypocrisy, but not valid in pointing out the differences in Christianity, Judaism and Islam.  It is just not.  If you are, or were a Christian (thinking Crusades, KKK, Westboro, etc), you are quite simply not following the teachings of Christ.  If you are a Muslim, you can freely commit jihad against the infidels and follow, to the letter, the teachings of Mohammed in the Q'uran.  Then an atheist or  agnostic points out the violence in the Old Testament.  That is a history of the people of God according to all three religions (yes, Muslims too, they are people of The Book).  In Christianity, Jesus gives us the New Covenant (new promise) between believers in Jesus and God.  There is no call to killing, no call to taking over other lands and imposing religious law - in fact quite the opposite.  So when admonishing a modern Christian of the atrocities committed by a Christian, it does not ring true, as the modern true Christian believes those acts were NOT committed following the teachings of Christ.  And will condemn them.  The same does not hold true in Islam.  Read the Pew Research poll on Islam (hardly a right wing organization) for some eye opening differences.

I believe a liberal can look at the world and intelligently, even prayerfully come to very different conclusions than me and that person is worthy of respect (ie Jimmy Carter) even though I will agree with almost nothing they say.  I have read extensively on many of the world's major religions and Christian denominations and my opinions, while open, are well formed for me.

A great, short read is America Alone by Mark Steyn.  He is not from the US. 

Terrorism should be prosecuted with fervor regardless of religious affiliation and if a group has the majority of terrorists, I have no problem in targeting that group. I don't hunt turkeys at the beach.
.The old Testement makes clear Gods stance on homosexuality ( Sodom and Gomorrah for one) also says a man with a man or a women with a women is an abomination. Jesus plainly says in the New Testement that he came to fulfill the law ( Old   Testement) not change the law. No we're in the Bible does homosexuality get Gods approval it is the one an only thing I can agree with muslims about.
God is clear homosexuality is a sin, same for sex period outside of marraige, thinking about cheating on your spouse or hurting someone. He says you can sin in thought. Jesus also sat w the sinners n said "only the sick come to the Dr".
He said not to judge He'd judge in the end.
I'm not a pro any type sin guy but I sin too and it's also been said he who is without sin cast the first stone.
Homosexuality can't kill thousands like the terrorists can

Very well said Bowguy.  I never said homosexuality is not a sin, I agree with you Phil and did not say otherwise.   I sin every day.   So do you.  So does everyone.  As someone in the Reformed Tradition, a sin is a sin in my beliefs, no one greater than another.  As ye Judge, so shall ye be Judged.  Only One sits on the right hand and it is neither you nor me.

(all this that follows is my faith, how I was taught, not implying it is the only Christian interpretation)The Law Jesus was talking about was all of the Mosaic Law.  According to my faith, He did come to fulfill the law.  And He did.  Otherwise, we would still observe the laws of Moses. Paul's teachings say that "sin will have no mastery over you, because you are not under law, you are under grace".  Just curious what is your denomination?  Here is a non-denominational interpretation that I used once to teach adult Sunday school. https://bible.org/article/mosaic-law-its-function-and-purpose-new-testament

Like often occurs, homosexuality is polarizing and distracting from the point of this thread (and I think sometimes from our faith).  I thought it was about the Muslim faith and terrorism.   Christianity does not and never has condoned violence.  People claiming they are Christians have.   There are dozens of references in the Quran, attributed to the prophet, which the Muslim believes is infallible, which incite violence.  That is why I said what I did about the differences.   
Psalms 118v24: This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.


Quote from: Bowguy on May 28, 2017, 11:24:20 AM
Quote from: Phillipshunt on May 28, 2017, 10:29:04 AM
Quote from: g8rvet on May 28, 2017, 08:22:13 AM
I just want to point out a few things that may not be popular.

I also have gay friends, clients and relatives.  Many of them are Christians and attend church.  It may not be the church you attend, but one is an elder in my church, our piano player and a vibrant member of our church.  I have had several meaningful discussions with him on the subject.   If he were Muslim, depending on the country in which he lived, he would be dead, at best. 

People always like to give examples of atrocities committed in the name of Christianity and that is valid in pointing out hypocrisy, but not valid in pointing out the differences in Christianity, Judaism and Islam.  It is just not.  If you are, or were a Christian (thinking Crusades, KKK, Westboro, etc), you are quite simply not following the teachings of Christ.  If you are a Muslim, you can freely commit jihad against the infidels and follow, to the letter, the teachings of Mohammed in the Q'uran.  Then an atheist or  agnostic points out the violence in the Old Testament.  That is a history of the people of God according to all three religions (yes, Muslims too, they are people of The Book).  In Christianity, Jesus gives us the New Covenant (new promise) between believers in Jesus and God.  There is no call to killing, no call to taking over other lands and imposing religious law - in fact quite the opposite.  So when admonishing a modern Christian of the atrocities committed by a Christian, it does not ring true, as the modern true Christian believes those acts were NOT committed following the teachings of Christ.  And will condemn them.  The same does not hold true in Islam.  Read the Pew Research poll on Islam (hardly a right wing organization) for some eye opening differences.

I believe a liberal can look at the world and intelligently, even prayerfully come to very different conclusions than me and that person is worthy of respect (ie Jimmy Carter) even though I will agree with almost nothing they say.  I have read extensively on many of the world's major religions and Christian denominations and my opinions, while open, are well formed for me.

A great, short read is America Alone by Mark Steyn.  He is not from the US. 

Terrorism should be prosecuted with fervor regardless of religious affiliation and if a group has the majority of terrorists, I have no problem in targeting that group. I don't hunt turkeys at the beach.
.The old Testement makes clear Gods stance on homosexuality ( Sodom and Gomorrah for one) also says a man with a man or a women with a women is an abomination. Jesus plainly says in the New Testement that he came to fulfill the law ( Old   Testement) not change the law. No we're in the Bible does homosexuality get Gods approval it is the one an only thing I can agree with muslims about.
God is clear homosexuality is a sin, same for sex period outside of marraige, thinking about cheating on your spouse or hurting someone. He says you can sin in thought. Jesus also sat w the sinners n said "only the sick come to the Dr".
He said not to judge He'd judge in the end.
I'm not a pro any type sin guy but I sin too and it's also been said he who is without sin cast the first stone.
Homosexuality can't kill thousands like the terrorists can
Hundreds of thousands of gay men have died of aids occording to the CDC
If you make everything easy how do you know when your good at anything?


I voted for Clinton the 1st time because I thought that's what middle class did. I have always been a supporter of a strong military too. I hate people who pray on the weak. Well after three attacks against the USA Clinton shot a couple missiles at the bad guys. The only reason he did that was to draw attention away from his womanizing. I don't vote Democratic anymore. And I thank God we have men who do what needs doing and leaders who are not afraid to lead and order those men. Anyone of us could have been born in a country who's leaders kill our family in front of us for there cause. Think about that. Be thankful you were born in THE LAND OF THE FREE AND THE HOME OF THE BRAVE.

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When I turkey hunt I use a DSD decoy