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Colors that turkeys see.

Started by deerbasshunter3, March 04, 2015, 11:43:45 PM

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Are there any colors to stay away from while hunting turkeys? I know with deer, I stay away from blues, purples, white, etc...

The reason I ask is because I have a Cabelas hat that I always wear and it is green and says Cabelas across the front in yellow. Should I use a different hat or is yellow not going to stick out to turkeys?


Any yellow spring flowers where you hunt? I'd not worry bout it. Just be still and you'll kill em.  :z-twocents:
Momma said "Kill that turkey"


Being still is all you need to worry about
Be the type of person your dog thinks you are.


Totally agree with the above posters, I wouldn't worry about a little bit of color (many turkeys have fallen to old timers hunting them wearing blue jeans in the past) but just stay focused on the three rules of turkey hunting below (as told to me since I started hunting turkeys years ago...lol):

1)Don't move
2)Don't move
3)Don't even think about moving

Good luck this season  :anim_25:

Tail Feathers

I avoid the reds, whites and blues so no one will mistake the color splash for a gobblers head.
Love to hunt the King of Spring!


1)Don't move
2)Don't move
3)Don't even think about moving

That's awesome and so true.  I've had hens literally at my feet. Had a gobbler walk by my son and I, we were sitting at the same tree. He was less than 3 feet from us.

He walked by and my son shot him at 20 yards. It was youth season, first bird he called in on his own. Never forget it.

I kept whispering to him
Don't move
Don't move
Don't move. lol

Spitten and drummen

Quote from: Tail Feathers on March 05, 2015, 08:30:03 AM
I avoid the reds, whites and blues so no one will mistake the color splash for a gobblers head.
x1000. especially with all the yahoos running around blasting away at everything that moves.


Most every bird, including turkeys, have color sight. There is some evidence that they have the ability to see shades in the ultraviolet range as well. This is the main reason that I wash my hunting clothes in a sport wash that contains no UV brighteners.

Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.

Rapscallion Vermilion

^^^^    Same here, and I treat my hunting camo with the UV-killer too.  It is surprising how bright some of the top selling camo is under a bit of UV light.  After treating it with the UV-killer it doesn't glow at all under a blacklight.  I don't think anyone knows exactly what a turkey sees, but wearing something that glows in a part of the spectrum that their eyes appear to be able to detect can't be good.


I would guess birds wouldn't have such brilliantly colored feathers if other birds didn't notice. The gobbler's bright colors are on it's head and neck and change colors with it's mood. So I would think reds, whites and blues might stand out for other turkeys along with other hunters.


Turkeys can pick out the slightest movements. So like everyone else is saying DON'T MOVE!!!! And just makes sure your in all camo head to toe. Don't forget gloves



A quote from the late Bee Lee =  A Turkeys eyes is .


In my past studies of the turkey's vision the one color they do seem to notice is the orange flame my 870 has thrown at them. My hypothesis is that they don't like orange. But I will soon be conducting more tests to fully confirm this theory. ;D
Genesis 1:26
   Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

dirt road ninja

If it catches your eye, it will most certainly catch theirs.