I could write a book on push pins , construction and methods of use - I've used them all , but never a winkey hicks , but I hear he makes a good sounding call and is very , very nice man I would consider his a handmade custom call and very desirable to own and or collect - winkey makes his pushpins with a special soundboard , and avoids the commonly used 3 ply that the big manufactures use - another reason to go out and get one of his calls
I have different layup for my soundboards , it's a 2 ply , one wood is a ebony , the other is undisclosed .... I lay mine up by hand and it was very time consuming to learn the winning process and technique to clamping it under 5,000 pounds of pressure until it's cured - the soundboard is the bottom part of the call where the screw goes through
There are only a handful of people making pushpins , unfortunately the design hasn't garnered any serious widespread acclaim like other calls , due in part to the very people who mass produce them , as a " beginners call" ......beginning to call in a lot of gobblers ....is what it should be called