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Started by slamman, May 02, 2013, 12:08:08 PM

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Don't know all the details but sounds to me the idiot was shooting at movement.   ???

Authorities investigating shooting involving 2 brothers who were
turkey hunting near Flagstaff
May 01, 2013 - 5:45 pm EDT
FLAGSTAFF, Arizona — Authorities are investigating a shooting
involving two brothers who were turkey hunting southeast of
Arizona Game and Fish Department officials say the men from
Surprise were pursuing and calling turkeys late Saturday when one of
the men fired his 12-gauge shotgun about 25 yards away from his
Authorities say the victim was sitting against a tree and wearing
camouflage clothes at the time.
He was shot in the shoulder, but the wounds weren't life threatening.
He was taken to Flagstaff Medical Center for treatment.
The brothers' names haven't been released.
Officials say the Coconino County Attorney's Office will review the
case to determine if charges will be filed.
Game and Fish spokeswoman Shelly Shepherd says Arizona has had
26 hunting accidents since 2007, including three fatalities.


Sounds like someone needs to lose their hunting priveleges for several years and be forced to take a hunter's safety course.  Glad to hear the "shootee" survived.
Lights Out custom calls - what they're dying to hear!


Quote from: lightsoutcalls on May 02, 2013, 12:21:47 PM
Sounds like someone needs to lose their hunting priveleges for several years and be forced to take a hunter's safety course.  Glad to hear the "shootee" survived.

At least 7 years if not for life.


Absolutely inexcusable.  If you need to kill a turkey that bad you're there for the wrong reason.  I love calling them in and enjoying the show.  I have never in my life not been 110 percent sure it was a gobbler I was shooting at.  Glad he's ok though.


When your talking turkey hunting ranges(this was 25 yards) HOW??? does someone mistake a person for a turkey? This idiot needs his license taken away forever.


agreed loss of license unexcusable


I. Just can't see how people can mistake a human being for a turkey. I mean come on. Never in my life have I just shot at movement or mistake a hunter for a animal.


Ya'll are bustin the chops of the shooter without knowing facts. Maybe the victim wasn't where he was supposed to be. Maybe he crossed a pre-established line, and was sleeping against the tree. Maybe the shooter shot at a real turkey and the pattern caught the victim. Yeah, if they were hunting partners someone obviously did something wrong, but why immediately assume it was the shooter? Just my observation of human nature...


Glad he is alright... But man and I think I speak for most of us on here but my pattern at 25 yds is very devastating... Guessing he just caught a few fliers


Quote from: T-town on May 02, 2013, 05:59:28 PM
Ya'll are bustin the chops of the shooter without knowing facts. Maybe the victim wasn't where he was supposed to be. Maybe he crossed a pre-established line, and was sleeping against the tree. Maybe the shooter shot at a real turkey and the pattern caught the victim. Yeah, if they were hunting partners someone obviously did something wrong, but why immediately assume it was the shooter? Just my observation of human nature...

doesn't matter if one of them might have been somewhere he wasn't suppose to be,or "crossed" a line,or anything.
hunting accidents are unexcusable period.
you NEVER I mean NEVER shoot at movement,or something that you are not sure of,you always make sure of your target BEFORE the safety ever comes off.

I'll get off my rant now
it's not the harvest,it's the chase

Old Gobbler

Prayers to the injured , hope for a speedy recovery

but anyways glad to hear its not fatal , this is why most states have or are moving towards shot size restrictions, these are a too common occurrence   
:wave:  OG .....DRAMA FREE .....



I understand the concept of giving the shooter the benefit of the doubt, but short of the possibility that the victim was holding a full-body gobbler decoy in front of himself, there is absolutely no excuse for this happening. 

Anybody that is the shooter in a hunting accident, and especially a "mistaken for game" incident, should not be allowed to hunt ever again,...period.


I'll never understand that either. I've never even raised my gun at anything other than a turkey. How you shoot a person in camo is beyond me. Especially if you were hunting with your brother, you'd think you'd be extra careful if a loved one was hunting the same property.
Then again, people are stupid. I was deer hunting in the Ocala National Forest many years ago, when a child was shot through the head while sitting in his grandfather's lap. A guy in a climbing stand about 100 yards away saw movement, raised his gun and fired. The boy was killed. The same weekend, I was waiting for my buddy to come out of the woods, and an old man walked up. We struck up a conversation about the morning's hunt. He told me that he hadn't seen anything, but he'd gotten off "a couple of good BUSH SHOTS"!!!!! :o :o :o  I figured out what he was saying, but I played dumb just to make sure. He verified it. He'd heard something, and seen a bush move, so he shot into it, then went over to see if he'd gotten anything. Needless to say, after that, I started being a lot more selective about the WMA's I hunted, and started going to extra mile(s) to leave the idiots behind.


Unbelievable, some folks have no business with a firearm

Tail Feathers

No way a guy in camo looks like a gobbler's head.

This guy was totally wrong.  Hope the injured brother has a full recovery and finds a better hunting partner.
Love to hunt the King of Spring!