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Every U.S. citizen should be aware!!!

Started by sixbird, July 18, 2012, 10:36:24 AM

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That is interesting, that would be the last word I would think of not being able to use. I think you are right this can not be easily stopped and the whole situation in this country is so far gone it may be too late to turn it around.


Agreed as to stopping it...In the reporting on the latest revelations about the surveillance activities of the NSA, brought to light by Snowden (the NSA whistleblower described by the admin. as a traitor), information became public regarding the surveillance center being built in Utah. Billions have been invested...Don't think they're going to turn that into a theme park...
Little or no coverage has been given to the center outside of Washington or the one in Texas or the one in Phila. or Georgia or Hawaii and the listening centers Lord knows where... They're just the ones that I know about...Good luck dismantling those!
We're shot out of a gun and the "powers that be" are going to continue to pursue that agenda...Scary stuff!


Quote from: coyote1 on June 13, 2013, 02:29:05 AM
That is interesting, that would be the last word I would think of not being able to use. I think you are right this can not be easily stopped and the whole situation in this country is so far gone it may be too late to turn it around.
This is what I've been thinking for a long time. Think about this. What we know only scratches the surface. This is by far the most corrupt government there has ever been on earth. They just haven't come out of the closet yet. Don't give up, all is not lost yet. There are a few fighters comming along. Look what Harry's Governor did. Everybody should read Washington the Crossing. He had very little hope.


Quote from: longspur on June 14, 2013, 04:02:16 PM
Quote from: coyote1 on June 13, 2013, 02:29:05 AM
That is interesting, that would be the last word I would think of not being able to use. I think you are right this can not be easily stopped and the whole situation in this country is so far gone it may be too late to turn it around.
This is what I've been thinking for a long time. Think about this. What we know only scratches the surface. This is by far the most corrupt government there has ever been on earth. They just haven't come out of the closet yet. Don't give up, all is not lost yet. There are a few fighters comming along. Look what Harry's Governor did. Everybody should read Washington the Crossing. He had very little hope.

Agree with you all. So corrupt, Russia and China is even sayin that they never thought America would ever be like this. Now coming from those 2 countries, you know it's bad. And I noticed how laws are gettin so tight now days. Only in Communist countries would one be arrested for speakin out against their government. Look how this government is starting to do the same. They have stepped on the 1st amendment sooo much, it's only half of what it used to be. And for the 2nd, well if it was not for the NRA, other gun rights orgs, and Conservative gun owners, we would not even have that one. It's soo sad how we have to fight for our rights in our own country now days. Thats why they say our men and women in the US armed forces are doing everyday. It just sickens me.
Mossberg 835 Ulti-Mag


Here's an interesting discussion on the issue of gov't surveillance and the implications regarding free press, the constitution and gov't accountability...We should all educate ourselves on these issues since, if we have no background, we only regurgitate whatever media outlets tell us...
I try to view things through the prism of constitutionality, not as interpreted by the courts but as it was written...



Snowden deserves to be put in prison? They would kill him 1st. He know's way too much to keep alive. He would be spilling his guts in prison. Obama can't have that, now can he? Btw, the way, I seriously love how Obama say's he is for the poor and he has pulled all the fund's to help them. The opposite day president is what he is. Everything that come's out of his mouth to the media is what he does the opposite of. Only the blind will keep supporting such a liar. What is he getting them in return? Yeah, I would like to know because he has not showed anything. And where is all this money that should be helpin the poor or the one's having hard times? Funding our enemies with it. How can anyone in the right mind support such a so called leader? Sorry had to rant.
Mossberg 835 Ulti-Mag


This entire issue has been framed by the media in the context of what Snowden did wrong...Well, the way I see it, the spotlight should be shown in the opposite direction. Here is an agency (NSA) that has absolutely subverted the fourth amendment, without question! And the media is on a hunt to convict the only guy who had the courage to expose it!
Look at what they're doing to Bradley Manning and what they've done to Julian Assange...Both, people who have been courageous enough to expose what our gov't has been doing under the cover of secrecy...


Agreed. It's sad to see Russia lookin like the good guy over our country now days. Snowden is in good hands over there. That's is crazy for me to say this. Yeah, it's got that bad.
Mossberg 835 Ulti-Mag



Mossberg 835 Ulti-Mag