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Every U.S. citizen should be aware!!!

Started by sixbird, July 18, 2012, 10:36:24 AM

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Quote from: longspur on June 10, 2013, 01:25:03 PM
well...well...well. we have a few people wakeing form dreamlalnd. They think all this is something new. They think oboma did it. Nice to see folk wakeing but its about 50 years too late. Those thugs have controled this country for years. Only reason they are so blantant about it now is that they know they can't be stopped. They own both parties. They own the media (fox included, don't be fooled.) IRS, Homeland security, Department of energy, department of education, EPA, Department of justice, DFAC, transportation, agriculture, immigration, health & human services. All we have is the tea party. On the other hand, Washington didn't have much did he.

Well longspur, I'm glad to hear you say that...For the most part, I can't disagree...From Nixon, who took us off the gold standard. He said, "Let me lay to rest the bugaboo of what is called devaluation...". Now we all know first hand what devaluation is at this point and we can lay that at Nixons' feet.
Clinton who told us that North American Free trade Agreements were good for the country...Are you or your children looking for a job right now? Bet if you are, you're over qualified/under employed, if you're employable at all.
Clinton who also finalized the demise of Glass/Stegal, the post depression law that disallowed investment firms from doing banking...You all know how that ended up...Too big to fail investment banks...
Then Bush II with the Patriot Act which enabled the Feds. to look at your bank records, your library records, your computer actions and allowed them to search your home, even if you aren't home all with no requirement to notify you. Actually all this can be done without your knowledge, AND the holders of those records can be forbidden at jeopardy of violating federal law from telling you...
Add to this the Grounds and Improvement Authorization Act which prohibits you from protesting against gov't policy within a certain distance of the Pres. or anyone he designates. That was Obama...
Then the Defense Authorization Act that allows indefinite detention, without trial, or charges, anyone, including U.S. citizens, who are SUSPECTED of ties to terrorism...That was "O" also...
Now add the abuses to constitutional protections from the NSA (data gathering on a massive scale without cause...Violation of your 4th amendment protections), targeting of conservatives (insert any group according to which clowns are running the circus) by the IRS/EPA/Justice Dept.
Add laws disallowing criticism of candidates within a certain time frame of elections...Go down the list...
The only thing I have to take exception to is the Fox News statement...Of all the mainstream "news" organizations, Fox is essentially the only one willing to pursue abuses...Fox correspondents are basically THE ones who question Jay Carney and press him on the dismissive excuses that the admin. use to justify their actions (Benghazi/IRS/EPA/AP, etc.). I do occasionally hear them defending admin., but rarely...
So, I have to agree overall on the complicity of the media on covering up abuses and corroborating admin. excuses/lies...


Regarding Fox News and their pursuit of truth...Just tonight watching O' Reilly. I heard him disparaging Snowden (the NSA contractor who divulged the data collection apparatus). Said he hasn't divulged any specific information...That may be true BUT, my question is, why would a guy give up his liberty, family, home country and subject himself to possible prosecution as a traitor or worse, the real possibility of being assassinated, if he had no information that was incriminating?
So...Maybe I'll qualify on Fox News and say they at least make an attempt at keeping gov't in line...


I warn people and talk about this alot on FaceBook. Great place, getting the government to hear us..lol. Yeah, this has been in the making for a very long time. It's all part of the NWO and only way to take full control, citizens will have to be disarmed fully. Yeah hunting will even be outlawed. Many people are finally awaken but many are still part of the blind culture. I love how Joe Biden says this does not effect hunters. Well we know better and other fellow hunters and gun owners should also. It's sad to see fellow hunters and gun owners getting sucked in to these lies. They still exsist around us. Not many but there are stil ones that dont want to see the real truth.
Mossberg 835 Ulti-Mag


I can't disagree...If you look at it in it's totality. The laws that have been instituted such as the ones I've cited plus the recently adopted granting of control of all resources and manufacturing and banking,police, etc. in the event of a national emergency, to the Pres. (what constitutes a national emergency is solely left the interpretation of the Pres.)
All the "Free Trade" agreements that diminish us as a nation and individually. And the debasement of our currency.
The rulings that describe your bank deposits as "loans" to the bank and "legally" unsecured (meaning you're one of the last in line to collect upon default...Of course derivatives are secured) and that the FDIC only has enough reserves to cover a small percentage of depositors.
The obvious press to disarm the citizenry and the unabashed abuse of power by D.O.J. ...And then the lies...
The mainstream press ignoring and covering for the admin.
The push for U.N. control in the form of Agenda 21 and the Small Arms Treaty and the complicity of the U.S. gov't.
The admitted agenda of the Bilderberg Group to promote a single one world gov't and the fact that essentially every Pres. in recent times being invited to their meetings, along with some of the most powerful people in the world from all walks including media, education, big business, military, clergy, gov't,and finance...Think they're talking turkey hunting?
Could it be that they're setting up to take advantage of a crisis of their own creation? I don't know...I do know that if there is a crisis, they have put in place some really ingenious ways to take advantage of it...
It's a matter of record that it has happened in the past (look up the banking connection to the beginnings of W.W. II, the false flag in the Gulf of Tonkin that, for all purposes started the Vietnam war and the history of the Iranian transition from freely elected democratic rule to the Shah and consequently to the Ayatollahs and the current regime, owing to civil disorder and murder promoted and funded by the U.S gov't in 1954)...It has happened so our gov't is absolutely capable...
Scary times gents!


Quote from: sixbird on June 10, 2013, 04:16:27 PM
Quote from: coyote1 on June 08, 2013, 07:31:52 PM
Quote from: spaightlabs on April 02, 2013, 05:28:57 PM
This has nothing to do with your right to bear arms.  This has to do with the sale of arms, and not to individual US citizens.

Loosen the straps on the tinfoil hat.

Not to be rude but this has nothing to do with tinfoil hats. I suggest you pay attention to what our government is doing. This with the other things mentioned above looks like a scary pattern to me.

Be rude, be loud and don't give up...This stuff is scary and it definitely has a pattern...

I just didn't want to be booted from the forum, I like it here. With that said, it amazes me how many people still don't see what is going on in this country. We have been losing freedom for years and just recently it seems new bills/laws are being pushed through at an alarming rate. What's happening here is not much different than Nazi Germany in the hitler era. We have gun control bills constantly threatening our gun ownership rights and ridiculous laws that make people felons that don't deserve it. This is so the public is disarmed. They are spying on our computers and phones so they know who doesn't believe their crap and may stand against them. The government is trying to control the hours you can work at a job by making employers put everyone on part time because insurance through Osama care is sky high in price. This effectively represses people so they depend more on the government. They have stockpiles of ammo and armored vehicles in all major cities and what they call the citizens army to keep us under control when the time comes. This is just the tip of the ice burg, so for the folks that don't understand this WAKE UP. This is very real and coming faster than I ever anticipated.


I so agree. Btw, noticed how the DHS is bulkin up on their ammo, weapons, troops, armored trucks, and so on. I believe this is their force to be sent out after we resist when Obama gives the UN full control. Not only will or the UN sends out troop to disarm us, the DHS, FEMA, and the rest of those Agents under Obamas commands, will also join the UN. Yes, we are the last line of defense, right after unorginized Militias. It's sicking how they rather sell us for all that Middle Eastern oil.
Mossberg 835 Ulti-Mag


Coyote1 and shotgunsniper...Agreed, but, in my opinion, it's more the banks and the brokerage houses, multinational businesses and the new world order guys (Bilderberg, Tri Lateral Commission and The Bank for International Settlements to name a few) who are the drivers.
Oil is still problematic but becoming less and less a middle eastern issue (we're developing our own)...I think that issue (middle eastern) is more a function of our aggression in regard to securing resources and nation building, which I think is all related to the New World Order and enforcing the U.S. Dollar reserve currency status.
It's ugly and I don't know that it can be easily stopped...
It pains me to see this oasis of free thought and expression destroyed for the avarice of a few...


Securing resources and NATION building...


Don't know why this forum won't let me say NATION building...





Agreed. Btw, I got called a stupid Liberal by, Im assuming another Conservative, on FB. Im usually agreed with by fellow Conservatives but not sure where that came from..lol I guess he misread a comment I made on a Conservative page. I do get alittle politically sarcastic sometime's....lol
Mossberg 835 Ulti-Mag


I agree. The new world order is not needed here. If our government was made up of true americans these issues would not exist. What true American would relinquish power to a foreign power (the u.n.)?


O.k.... Found out why I couldn't use the word that describes our collection of states, regarding our aspirations toward forming foreign gov'ts sympathetic to the U.S.
Apparently someone was using that word in a way that was disparaging this site so it can't be used, temporarily...So insert that word in my text just before "building."