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What Is the Biggest Mistake Hunter make at 1st Light

Started by Hootowl, April 03, 2012, 10:29:46 PM

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Getting to excited with bird on roost and calling to him. Like he's going to fly 100 yards and drop in front of me I catch myself in that "da" move all the time. I agree with posted above just a soft tree yelp to let bird know your there works magic.
Live For It!


Focusing on where he is at the moment (in a tree) instead of where he most likely wants to go upon fly down...


Quote from: VooDooMagic on March 01, 2013, 09:02:08 PM
Focusing on where he is at the moment (in a tree) instead of where he most likely wants to go upon fly down...

Good advice there...I agree



"Playing that cowboy music
And it feels good, to be working hard"


Calling way too much and just making that ol tom gobble till he about fell out of the tree......Its nothing but a few soft tree yelps, kick on the thermacell and wait. When we were young we thought we knew it all.....haha

Garrett Trentham

Quote from: VooDooMagic on March 01, 2013, 09:02:08 PM
Focusing on where he is at the moment (in a tree) instead of where he most likely wants to go upon fly down...

Very good point.
"Conservation needs more than lip service... more than professionals. It needs ordinary people with extraordinary desire. "
- Dr. Rex Hancock



Quote from: CntrlPA on August 07, 2012, 08:57:12 PM
yelp yelp yelp.....gobble, yelp yelp yelp....gobble, yelp yelp yelp.... gobble, yelp yelp yelp.....gobble yelp yelp yelp.....gobble, yelp yelp yelp....gobble, yelp yelp yelp.... gobble, yelp yelp yelp.....gobble   yelp yelp yelp.....gobble, yelp yelp yelp....gobble, yelp yelp yelp.... gobble, yelp yelp yelp.....gobble  yelp yelp yelp.....gobble, yelp yelp yelp....gobble, yelp yelp yelp.... gobble, yelp yelp yelp.....gobble  yelp yelp yelp.....gobble, yelp yelp yelp....gobble, yelp yelp yelp.... gobble, yelp yelp yelp.....gobble  yelp yelp yelp.....gobble, yelp yelp yelp....gobble, yelp yelp yelp.... gobble, yelp yelp yelp.....gobble

:TooFunny: :TooFunny: :TooFunny: :TooFunny: :newmascot:
:icon_thumright:  right on the money!!!!   
~ Listen to the Wind ~    http://customprocalls.com/

Uncle Tom

 :toothy12:Guys, you won't believe this one but I had a longbeard.....and I mean 10" plus jump in my blind set-up one morning after this hot hen calls I was making.. flew straight up, I fired didn't touch a thing. Had laid my gun down in my lap to get out a scratch call and was using a scratch pad on it...would not make a sound... got it to working ... real light whines & purrs... looked up and here comes two longbeards running straight to me...one jumps thru an opening directly on my right leg...grab my gun ... fire over my shoulder ..bird untouched. Swing my gun back around and there stands his buddy 5 to 10 yds. front of me. As I got on him he takes off running...dogging my lead ... never touched him. Felt like a fool.  Emptied my gun in less than 5 seconds. Moral of story... never take your eyes off of incoming birds to make a call...and never your gun in your lap while working a call. Trust me, it can happen real fast.

Hooks' n' Beards'

get to close to the roost area and over call those gobblers...


I'd probably get chewed out by a lot of old timers but my approach on getting too close to the roost is "I'd much rather bump one trying to get in the game as opposed to never being in the game at all". Where I hunt in the South MS swamps, the woods are extremely thick (thanks Katrina!) with water always wreaking havoc. You can be 100 yds from a bird when you're really a mile away! I like knowing I'm in the game plain and simple. Now, it's not every morning that I get the chance to get in tight on one on roost but I get as close as I can when I get the chance. Like others have said, the one thing to do while they're in the tree is to give em just enough and nothing more. I have educated a PILE of birds by over calling to them while they're still on the limb. A stubborn, pressured public land bird I killed on about the 4th or 5th hunt last year taught me a lot that I'll take with me from then on.

Another big mistake people make at first light is trying to blow the reeds out of owl and crow calls. Guys will know they're within 100-200 yds of birds and will try to locate them like they're 1/2 mile away. I let them do their thing on their own when they will. I only use locators at daylight once gobbling time has come and the woods are still silent. I have watched birds spook when locators get overblown at close ranges.


I sat up on a gobbler one morning bout the second year I hunted turkey's and kept him up in the tree for an hour and a half after daylight! He'd gobble so I'd yelp, he finally got down and went the other way but I was tore up the entire time. Silly boy :TooFunny:


the number one mistake I have made at daylight was waking up in my own bed..gotta make sure your alarm clock is properly set.


Setting up where you think he wants to go instead of being where he is headed.
Scout him, and be between him and where he is going.


Quote from: Hooks' n' Beards' on January 24, 2014, 11:23:32 AM
get to close to the roost area and over call those gobblers...


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