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class about bullying

Started by TClark, November 02, 2011, 02:24:50 AM

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A teacher in New York was teaching her class about bullying and gave them the following exercise to perform. She had the children take a piece of paper and told them to crumple it up, stamp on it and really mess it up but do not rip it.

  Then she had them unfold the paper, smooth it out and look at how scarred and dirty is was. She then told them to tell it they're sorry. Now even though they said .........they were sorry and tried to fix the paper, she pointed out all the scars they left behind. And that those scars will never go away no matter how hard they tried to fix it.

  That is what happens when a child bully's another child, they may say they're sorry but the scars are there forever. The looks on the faces of the children in the classroom told her the message hit home.
Take Care and be blessed,

College Students


That is the best approach I have heard of!


Yep, I'm 60 years old now and still wear the scars. Very good analogy.


What a great way to teach about the nasty subject of bullying. That is a visual that they won't soon forget.
May I assume you're not here to inquire about the alcohol or the tobacco?
If attacked by a mob of clowns, go for the juggler.



very good.my nephew took care of his bully after he warned him 3 times to lay off.needless to say the bullys nose was crumpled.has never bothered him again!!! ;D ;D

Strut Buster

Ethics & Respect First


Bullying is an ugly, ugly crime. Too many beautiful childeren take their own lives because the pain is too much to bear.
I truly hope those young people understood the analogy the teacher was getting at.


QuoteBullying is an ugly, ugly crime. Too many beautiful childeren take their own lives because the pain is too much to bear.
I truly hope those young people understood the analogy the teacher was getting at.

I strongly agree!!!
Take Care and be blessed,

College Students


That's a very cool way of illustrating how cruel bullying someone can be. I think I'll use that illustration in my own classroom. Thanks for sharing this with us.


An intelligent, creative way of illustrating an ugly reality.


I was the reciepient of Bullying all through school.  The stuff these people talk about is a bunch of BS to me.  Some of the tactics that kids are told to use to stop the bullying, will just make it worse.  In this touchy feely world the only thing a bully will bow to is a good old fashioned butt kicking.  Not a shooting or a stabbing, but an arse kicking.  Things like uniforms and single sex classes wont help.  THe popular kids know who is not popular.  The cliques know who is in or out.  It does not matter.  You can explain to a bully how they make people feel, but the bully sees that and thinks it is fun.  They truely see the power they have and can make it worse.  To the parents of the bully (who either encourage the behavior or stick their head in the sand) they need a butt kicking too.  Until the bullied stand up and are given an avenue to retaliate, bullies wont stop.
Certified Wildlife Biologist


Quote from: aristico on November 02, 2011, 07:06:42 PM
Kids just need to toughen up.......Parents now a days just want to protect their babies instead of telling them how the real world works.......If I would have told my dad I was being bullied he would have told me to go punch the bully in the face and that would end the situation as I'm sure most of the parents of most of the members of this forum would have done. I'm sure some of you real country guys probably would have gotten smacked by your old man just for bringing it up. It's just an extension of the sissification,made up word I know, of our nation as I see it.

I like your approach alot better then the then stomping on a piece of paper, I look at that a politically correct garbage that was dreamed up by some liberal arts college professors that does not have a clue on how to function in the real world. Not surprise to see that it was taught in a New York school.

Uncle Nicky

The crumbled piece of paper lesson will probably work for any intelligent, balanced person.

Unfortunately, there is always a knucklehead that gets his kicks by trying to show his dominance over others...was this way when I was growing up, and doubt it's changed. Sadly, the only thing a person like this really understands is a knuckle sandwich. I know it's not politically correct, but I've taught my kids to stand up for themselves if they're provoked (just don't throw the first punch).


Quote from: LaBiologist on November 02, 2011, 04:52:28 PM
I was the reciepient of Bullying all through school.  The stuff these people talk about is a bunch of BS to me.  Some of the tactics that kids are told to use to stop the bullying, will just make it worse.  In this touchy feely world the only thing a bully will bow to is a good old fashioned butt kicking.  Not a shooting or a stabbing, but an arse kicking.  Things like uniforms and single sex classes wont help.  THe popular kids know who is not popular.  The cliques know who is in or out.  It does not matter.  You can explain to a bully how they make people feel, but the bully sees that and thinks it is fun.  They truely see the power they have and can make it worse.  To the parents of the bully (who either encourage the behavior or stick their head in the sand) they need a butt kicking too.  Until the bullied stand up and are given an avenue to retaliate, bullies wont stop.
BUT kickin will fix most any bully. i found that out in the 7th grade