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MeatEater SC Turkey episode

Started by ChesterCopperpot, February 23, 2022, 08:45:40 AM

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Rinella is a pompus commie who sold out to an anti gun group. Said I wouldn't watch him after I saw him smash a long beard with that rock in an old episode. He's a sockcucker
don't let the truth get in the way of a good story


Quote from: rakkin6 on February 23, 2022, 02:55:44 PM
Yeah the guy he was hunting with is named Robert Abernathy. He is a conservationist and helped re-introduce and increase the population of the Wild Turkey in the southeast and all of North America. And he did say that he shoots Jake's often. He gave the reason but I can't remember it. But his rational made sense to me because I remember it not bothering me. I want to only shoot Longbeards but if a man shoots a Jake and he legally tags it and eats it it doesn't really bother me. Kind of like when a man kills a spike buck or a basket 6 pointer, I don't care has long has he eats it and does it legally. Some people just enjoy the hunt and don't care about spurs, beard length or how many points.

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Couldn't agree more. As long as it's legal who am I try not to judge. Especially when the guy in question spent majority of his career working for NWTF. I'd say he knows a bit about conservation and right or wrong.


I did misunderstand the older fellow on the episode. He said, "No, I'll shoot jakes," and what I heard the first time was, "No, I don't shoot jakes." That's my fault. But I disagree with both of their assumptions that laws like what exist in Mississippi don't help replenish stock killed from the adult population. Bird populations plummeting in South Carolina, just hard for me to watch a group of five jakes come running in like idiots and for him to shoot into the pile three times to knock one down, longest beard in the group on his decoy. To each their own, I guess.

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I`d be curious to know what biologists like Dr. Chamberlain have to say as to the impact of taking jakes out of a population. Just personally, I`ve never been interested in shooting a jake even though legal in GA.


Quote from: Turkeytider on February 23, 2022, 09:16:05 PM
I`d be curious to know what biologists like Dr. Chamberlain have to say as to the impact of taking jakes out of a population. Just personally, I`ve never been interested in shooting a jake even though legal in GA.
Starting this spring in Al. there will be a study on Jake's. They are going to request, I believe, gonads samples from harvested jakes this spring. The goal is to study viability of Jake's as breeders throughout the season. The hope is to get enough participants in the state of Al alone this season for a good sample size. Should be interesting.
Paul Myrdahl,  Goat trainee

"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.". John Wayne, The Shootist.


Quote from: hootgobbleyelpgobble on February 23, 2022, 09:30:21 AM
I remember watching the show and having the same feelings as yourself. Being from SC, I cringed when I saw him kill the jake. If I recall correctly, the camera cut out or something and I thought to myself they had to run down the crippled jake.

I don't care for the nasally talking Yankee anyway nor the agenda he pushes.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!  What's being a "Yankee" have to do with anything at all?


Overall, I think Rinella has made some positive contributions to conservation and the image of hunters in the public eye.  He puts out a quality video production and often has some content included that indicates he is aware of the need for having a conservation ethic as well as portraying hunters in a positive light.

However, a segment on spring gobbler hunting filmed in New Mexico a few years back had me questioning his motives and conservation ethic a bit.  In that video, he is hunting in an area that I know has a very low density of turkeys, and in fact, I think he and a buddy hunted several days, heard one gobble, and repeatedly stated that there was very little evidence of turkeys in that entire area.

On the last day of the hunt, he finally heard a couple of birds that were together and called them in.  Both were jakes, and instead of having the foresight to recognize that, since they had encountered so few turkeys in their hunt, perhaps it would be wise to either pass on shooting one of them, or at the least only shoot one and leave the other, Rinella shot both jakes,...literally the only two male turkeys they had seen in several days of hunting that area. 

Rinella obviously gets to hunt a lot and should have a consciousness as to how his actions might impact the resource, especially after seeing how few turkeys there are in that area.  There was absolutely no reason for him to shoot either of those jakes much less both of them, but under the circumstances, as far as I am concerned it was inexcusable for him to kill them both. 


Turn them off. Don't click on their content.

St. Augustine Strutter

Quote from: arkrem870 on February 24, 2022, 08:15:08 AM
Turn them off. Don't click on their content.

This!!!  This is the only way, folks.


I enjoy Meateater content that doesn't involve turkeys.  That episode was legitimately painful for me to watch. 
That being said I think it was all about getting a kill on video for Rinella in this case, and he does shoot jakes out West and doesn't think a thing of it.  Unfortunately Abernathy didn't take the opportunity, a lot of us would have loved to see, to educate him on why he maybe shouldn't.  He got caught up in the "show" too. 

And I'm sorry, but just because it's legal doesn't make it right.

Which Gun

This is what puts a spur under my saddle.  Who are y'all to decide what is right for someone else. If this is the case leave your trucks home they drink to much gas. You shouldn't be killing anything to begin with. You should turn in all your guns.  To many people out there already trying to decide what is right for me or the environment.

If you don't want to shoot jakes good for you. I've shot two in my turkey hunting career when I was starting out and I was tickled to death to do so. I'll probably never shoot another one but if I do so be it.

If we're WORRYING what is right do away with all TSS AND LONGBEARDS for I have decided you shouldn't be shooting no turkey past 30 yards for it ain't RIGHT. See how this can go.

Don't decide for me what is right if it is legal. China hasn't taken over completely yet.


You shoot the boss gobbler and the pecking order starts over delaying the breeding so would it not be better to shoot a jake ?

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Quote from: camotoe on February 24, 2022, 11:11:12 AM
You shoot the boss gobbler and the pecking order starts over delaying the breeding so would it not be better to shoot a jake ?

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Lol what?
don't let the truth get in the way of a good story

Which Gun

I've read that to its best to shoot jakes. There's a pecking order. You shoot dominate bird the other gobblers have to fight for domination the hens wait for winner So on and on.  Can't remember where I read but I did. 

MISSISSIPPI Double beard

Quote from: Which Gun on February 24, 2022, 11:01:56 AM
This is what puts a spur under my saddle.  Who are y'all to decide what is right for someone else. If this is the case leave your trucks home they drink to much gas. You shouldn't be killing anything to begin with. You should turn in all your guns.  To many people out there already trying to decide what is right for me or the environment.

If you don't want to shoot jakes good for you. I've shot two in my turkey hunting career when I was starting out and I was tickled to death to do so. I'll probably never shoot another one but if I do so be it.

If we're WORRYING what is right do away with all TSS AND LONGBEARDS for I have decided you shouldn't be shooting no turkey past 30 yards for it ain't RIGHT. See how this can go.

Don't decide for me what is right if it is legal. China hasn't taken over completely yet.
They call him...Kenny..Kenny