Another Spring season has came and went for me with no bird. I hunted 14 days out of the four week season. I saw only one gobbler and had his lady's to thank for dragging him out of the field I was setting in.
I had hens come in almost every time I was hunting this year. It was nice to see them but frustrating at the same time.
I have given this whole Spring turkey hunting thing a bunch of thought..........
I am going to walk away from it, I have been chasing Spring birds off and on for over 10 years with only one bird to show for it.
I just can't justify the cost anymore. 24.00 for the tag and God only knows how much gas money I have thrown into it.
On top of that I finally looked in the mirror and admitted to myself that I am just not good at this.
I very much can go to the woods and come back empty handed and be OK with it, but at some point something has to hit the ground or their is no point for me being out there.
So with all this being said, I am done.
I am going to still hunt them in the Fall. I have got that figured out, and I really enjoy it.
I am also going to use the Spring time and just shed hunt, I really spend a good bit of time with that already. I am going to take it to the next level though.
Wanted to also say congrats to all that have got a bird!!!!
I hope every one who did not and has not yet, all the luck in the world the next time you are out.