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Help me know to do the right thing.

Started by NEKVT, April 30, 2020, 07:35:26 AM

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I wouldn't hunt it but if it's my only choice I'd be cordial the first time. Second time I'd put the fear of God in him and one of us is getting our butt whipped if law enforcement isn't going to do anything. I dealt with a guy like that once that thought he owned all the private and public and had a reputation for confronting others. He didn't even own the private but had access cause he looked after it cause the landowner lived away. First run in he was friendly. Second time he wasn't. Mind you this is on the public not the private. Told him to get to swinging or shut the blank up. He walked off and never had a problem out of him again. Never even seen him after that. I might get whooped but I ain't letting anyone push me around


Never ever, ever...get into conflict with anyone with loaded guns around. period.
ESPECIALLY with a known hothead.

Involve your local SO and/or DNR folks.

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"First one to the carcass gets the most"

"I'm livin ta rest, I was born tired"


Hunt the spot, its too close to home to let someone bully you out of it. But without a doubt have a back up plan.  I would arrange to have an extra vehicle there and if things go south pull one vehicle into the field and park it and then go hunt plan "b" in the other vehicle-he wont know if anyone's still there or not. Maybe strategically place a trail cam or two in advance that could help watch your vehicle while your gone. Yeah your risking him maybe damaging your vehicle but your not going to win this thing without taking some risk.


If he has a deed who cares? You have written permission directly from the guy who owns it. Only problem is the guy with the supposed deed thinks he still owns the right to play warden of the land he no longer owns. He sold it help him get over it.
I'd hunt it everyday until I filled my tag,but I don't let people push me around either. If he messed with my vehicle or belongings karma would most definitely strike him.  ;D.
No way would I let that guy have his way...Happy hunting..


Is there a slang use of the word "deed" of which I'm unaware?  Used like a "hunting lease" or "easement?"  To my limited knowledge, a deed is a transfer of ownership, which results in the ability of the new owner to acquire the title for the property.  I don't understand how someone could have purchased the land from this guy and he could still have a deed.   

All of the tools, some of the skills!


If it were me, I would ask the Game Warden to go hunting with me on opening day  ;D

Seriously, I would at least give them a head's up.  If you expect a confrontation, video is a must-even if it's a cell phone. 

To quote Edmond Burke "All that is needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."


talk to law enforcement and game warden, put up game cameras and other cams and video record everything with a signs clearly posted that video recording is being employed.  Maybe kindly ask law enforcement and/or game warden if they'd show up early and just be present and visible in the vicinity.

If you don't stand your ground now, this prick will always encroach.  You gotta draw a line in the sand, and document everything.

Old Gobbler

He approaches you ...TAKE OUT YOUR PHONE AND START RECORDING HIM, the tune will change when he realizes he is under video , he could freak out , but will likely split
:wave:  OG .....DRAMA FREE .....


Spitten and drummen

Sounds like the guy just needs a good ole fashion tune up. Tell him to pound sand and if he don't like it oh well. As John Wayne said. " 3 things that I live by. I wont be wronged , insulted or hands laid on me. I don't do these things to others and will not allow them to be done to me". I know , some say avoid conflict and it could go bad with guys that have loaded guns ect. But if law enforcement wont handle it , then I would. Just the way I am and the way I came up. I know many wont agree with me but thats ok. Just the way I feel. Good luck. Hope things work out for you.


I would I least go in and scare the crap out of the birds on the roost.

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Good-Looking and Platinum member of the Elitist Club


Right at dusk. Watch which directions the gobblers fly. Set up between them and the roost site in the morning and call one in and kill it. If he sees you toting one out. just tell him you wanted him to have the first crack but tomorrow is your turn.

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Good-Looking and Platinum member of the Elitist Club




I have a couple of thoughts. 

First, would be that if you push the issue will this bring headache to the landowner?  He is just trying to be nice and let folks hunt his property. I would personally feel an obligation to not aggravate him.  I have had landowners tell me if so and so shows up, run him off, to which I say "yes sir".   

Another thought is how much do you have to lose?  If it goes south and an arse whooping ensues, often the loser goes to the hospital and the winner goes to jail.  Is that worth it to you? Only you can answer.  I have a hot head (my daughter says I can go from happy to pizzed off faster than anyone she has ever met)-decisions I make in haste are usually not great and ones I think and pray on are usually the best. You are thinking about this ahead of time and is it worth it?  You are not gonna teach this clown something his parents failed to teach him, so it is up to you if it is worth it or not. Just reading it pizzes me off for you, so I understand. 

I think I would have an  open and honest discussion with the land owner.  Lay your cards on the table and tell him the last thing you want to do is stir trouble for him.  Ask him what he thinks should be done and you will likely have your answer. 

Good luck and let us know how it goes. 
Psalms 118v24: This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.


Sounds like he disked the field for you so you can shoot bottle rockets into it without starting a fire.


I agree with the vet. Check with the landowner. If the fellow has a written agreement there ain't much you can do. If he doesnt I am sure your desire to respect the landowner will make his decision on how to settle it pretty easy. At least it would for me.

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Good-Looking and Platinum member of the Elitist Club