My good friend and hunting partner invited me to hunt his land this morning.
He likes to turkey hunt and goes out three or four days a year but he is not really addicted.
He had been seeing and hearing gobblers on the front of the property, so he gave it to me and he went to the back.
I heard two gobblers and they must have gobbled 75 times from the far woodline about 300 yards away. They gobbled for no reason except they wanted to and I never saw them fly down or heard, or saw them again.
My friend heard no gobbles but after 2 1/2 hours he saw two gobblers about 150 yards away. They ignored his calls so he went after them and was able to kill the biggest one.
19.5 lbs, Four beards, 11 3/4 for the biggest and a total of 35" of beard.
One spur was 1 3/16 and the other was 1 1/8.
We took it to the local taxidermist to look at and he said it was the best bird he had seen all year. He weighed him and took the measurements for us.
I wish I was entering him in the contest.