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Sears now selling XXX videos online

Started by lightsoutcalls, May 05, 2011, 11:02:59 AM

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Quote from: Last Strut Calls on May 07, 2011, 02:45:49 PM
Quote from: S.C.C on May 06, 2011, 11:51:16 AM
By the looks of all of the trashy movies they are selling,I'm sure they support open gays/homo's in the military as well! Sickening fact the immoral things that are being accepted by the majority these days!!

What is so wrong with gays/homos in the military? If they deep down in their heart want to serve their country than thats what they should be able to do.
Im not gay or homo and Im conserative but seriously why discriminate on them if they want to fight for America?

You may be on to something. Why stop at homos??  Let's open it up to all perversions just so long as they are patriotic.


QuoteI think it was just a far right organization taking a rumor and running with it.

Yep, isn't the American Family Association run by Donald Wildmon? If this is indeed the group headed or founded by him then they are nut cases. They famously once wanted the cartoon "Mighty Mouse" banned because they claimed an episode where he sniffed a flower was trying to promote cocaine usage to kids. No, I'm not kidding. They are that crazy.


Quoteor sexual content in entertainment

Yeah the deal with their pornography claims against certain companies often comes down to the them having a much lower threshold (insanely low IMHO) for what they call porn. You say that word to most people and it conjures a pretty specific image of what you mean. The AFA on the other had sees pornography in movies that would air without problem on the Hallmark or Disney channel.


Quote from: Todd1700 on May 08, 2011, 03:30:21 PM
QuoteI think it was just a far right organization taking a rumor and running with it.

Yep, isn't the American Family Association run by Donald Wildmon? If this is indeed the group headed or founded by him then they are nut cases. They famously once wanted the cartoon "Mighty Mouse" banned because they claimed an episode where he sniffed a flower was trying to promote cocaine usage to kids. No, I'm not kidding. They are that crazy.

Don Wildmon is the founder of AFA.  We all have the right to express our own opinions, and thanks for expressing yours. 
What some would see as "crazy", others would view as caution.  If one were to err, is it not better to err on the side of caution?  Tolerance and choice are very popular buzzwords in our society today.  These words are paraded around by many people to support many causes.  When it comes right down to it... many of those people that use these words to support their own causes are some of the most intolerant people around. 
I have heard only briefly about the founding of AFA, but am very familiar with what they do today.  I strongly support their mission and listen to their programming more than any other radio or internet based station.  I grew up in the 70's... not a time of complete innocence to be sure.  However, I so wish that my kids could have grown up in a time with less objectionable materials, advertising and information competing for their attention.  Even a trip to the checkout counter at the grocery store offers much more vivid enticements to draw kids from a conservative upbringing than when I was a kid. 
Some laugh it off and call it crazy or prudish or whatever.  It truly saddens me (not like the guy on the couch in the geico commercial) to see people so unaware of the state of society around them, and the things that have negatively contributed to its demise.  It's sad to see people condemned for making an effort, devoting their lives to making a positive contribution to the improvement (i.e. cleaning up) of society.  As previously stated MULTIPLE TIMES, there is no arm twisting, no condemning of others, etc. involved.  AFA simply provides information and a means to contact companies that promote lifestyles or choices that many find offensive.  They hold to the principles of "One nation under God".  They support the values and ideals of our founding fathers and our Heavenly Father. 
You made reference to a cartoon and the supposed "subliminal" reference to drug use.  If only we still lived in an era where marketers, producers and promoters were so subtle.  Now we have shows airing in prime time, targeted specifically at teens and pre-teens that openly promote a homosexual lifestyle (Glee).  We have "cartoons" with vile, cursing babies and unfaithful fathers caught in a plethora of deviant and irreverent acts and call the show "Family Guy"?  Please, tell me there is no need to call a spade a spade and hold someone responsible when they contribute to the further decline of society.
Everyone has to choose where they stand. 
Lights Out custom calls - what they're dying to hear!