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turkeys for tomorrow


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whos left?

Started by turkey slayer, May 02, 2011, 03:08:44 PM

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turkey slayer

Just wondering who is finished for the year, and who is still going strong?
I'm done. I got one this year, overall it was a fun season, but birds really didn't act right all year.


I still have the next two weeks and maybe the week after that.  It is finally start to warm a little in Wisconsin.  Scoot


I've still got a couple weekends left although I should be done as of Saturday afternoon....missed another bird at 11 steps...would have been a good scoring bird as well...if I had it to do again I would have body shot him.

I am changing back to my old choke tube and getting away from this 665...not that anything opens up at 11 yards


I've just started, got 3 tags left to go. I'll be done the 22nd of May. Be back in the woods Weds morning, for bird no 2.
Wisconsin Turkey and Turkey Hunting Pro-Staff


Rain, rain, rain. 10 + inches last week and 3.5 inches today and it's still raining. Most of my public hunt area was, closed due to high water.  Oh well, that season is over. I Still have until May 8th to fill 3 tags and then hopefully on to Kansas and 3 or 4 days of Rio hunting.
Spring turkey hunting, I love it so.                FREEDOM IS NOT FREE

West Augusta

Got 3 weeks left. Don't know how much I will be able to hunt though.
No trees were hurt in the sending of this message, however a large number of electrons were highly inconvenienced.


Still after them, I got the rest of this week and the next.  Got my fingers crossed!!!! :smiley-char092:


I am pretty sure I am done. Outside chance of going across the river to Indiana, but the bad weather, $100 plus & and only one bird is probably not gonna happen.


Great season though!!
left to right
2nd Ky(legs are huge),1st FL,2nd Fl,1st KY


My season just opened this past Saturday and runs through Memorial Day. Only heard one gobble Sat. and saw him strutting for a hen. I'm getting back out tomorrow, it's probably going to be raining, but I stopped in this spot Mon. am on the way to work and they were gobbling pretty good in there.   :fud:       :newmascot:


I took a vacation day tomorrow , I'm going after turkeyzilla....I know where they roost and i know where they want to be...but i'm going to get there first in the dark around 4:30...get comfortable and see who shows up on the dance floor come daylight ......I'm stoked.....


Just started myself. Got till memorial day.