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Bow Bird on Easter Sunday

Started by GSLAM95, April 24, 2011, 07:02:45 PM

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Yesterday's hunt was in the rain on the opposite end of the 1/2 mile winding field and I had a bird start to work me in between showers but when it started pouring again he clammed up.  I sat with no sightings up until hunting hrs were over at 1pm and had been rained on several times.

I went back to roost birds last night in the drizzling rain and although I was pretty sure where I wanted to set up this morning the visual of some birds in the corn stubble late just confirmed my game plan.
I started off this morning shutting the alarm off at 4:30, as I could hear the rain beating on the roof.  I still decided to get up and check the weather map, where it appeared that it was going to be raining most of the day off and on, (hmmm a repeat of yesterday).
I turned on the TV, hit the recliner and at about 5:30 it looked like it was clearing off, back to the computer and I hit update on the weather map where it showed some promise of partial clearing for the early morning so I headed out. 

I never heard a bird gobble off roost this morning but had 2 jakes in the decoys shortly after fly down.  At about 10:00 a gobble rang out from way down the field, I guess his hens left him and he decided to investigate the calls that I had blindly let out every 1/2 hr or so throughout the morning.

It took him about 20 minutes to make it up the field road to my location as he would stop, strut and let out a roar to let everyone know the king of the court was present.  I would occasionally cut him off with some quick excited yelps to keep him interested.
Finally as he approached around the 100 yard mark I noticed the 2 earlier jakes had reappeared in the decoys.  As the Gobbler approached within 50 yards the jakes scattered back a bit to watch the show.
BIg Boy ran in full strut up to my DSD strutter and immediately gave him a chest bump followed by a floggin, this in turn gave me time to draw and pick a spot with my pin.
I let him strut around until I was presented the angle I wanted and released the Spitfire Gobbler Getter through his chest.  A mere 5 seconds and less than 20 yards later this toad of a Gobbler was mine.
I quickly took a few pictures, loaded my bags and and started my trek to the truck in a drizzle of rain.  It was pouring by the time I reached the truck and I was soaked but somehow it made it just that much sweeter of a rewarding memory that will always bring a smile when I look back.
I knew this was a heavy bird when I went out to pick him up but little did I know that he would top anything I ever killed in the weight department, coming in at 26.55 lbs.
Sorry for the lengthy read, bow hunting for spring gobblers gets me pumped!  Have a great season to all that are still hunting.

Apologizing:  does not always mean you are wrong and the other person is right. 
It just means that you value your relationship more than your ego.


Wow what a whopper,  Congrats on a monster.  Scoot


Awesome Bird! Even better getting him with a bow. gotta love those DSD's, still waiting on my Strutter.

Nice Job!


Congratulations John on a great bird and read.
Spring turkey hunting, I love it so.                FREEDOM IS NOT FREE

turkey slayer


Congrats on that great bird John, sweet upgrade
Wisconsin Turkey and Turkey Hunting Pro-Staff



West Augusta

No trees were hurt in the sending of this message, however a large number of electrons were highly inconvenienced.


Nice bird. Congrats on the bow kill.  :you_rock:


Quote from: turkey slayer on April 24, 2011, 09:41:17 PM
Quote from: spurman on April 24, 2011, 09:18:21 PM
Congratulations John on a great bird and read.
:agreed: what a stud!

X3 what an AWESOME bird, and a cool way to put him in the dirt!!!! :you_rock: :you_rock: :you_rock: :you_rock:


Congrats buddy!  That is a HOSS


WOW what a turkey! Congrats on a great bird!
Proud Member of The Tenth Legion Since 2004


MAN WHAT A BIRD!!!!?????

Congrats to you and our team on this one


what an awesome bird and done with a bow tooo......YOU-DA-MAN!!!!!!!!!!1