My brother and I had our muzzleloaders and were hunting a new to us location (had been there many years ago briefly). We were easing our way in to a very distant gobble and heard a hen tree yelping. Figured we better sit down as we did not want to bump her and she may have had a silent tom with her. We had about an hour to hunt until some very heavy rains were inbound (rain + muzzleloader = NOT GOOD). So we sat down and she proceeded to make every call in the range of hens in the tree. After a lovely flydown cackle, she purred, clucked, yelped and just generally made a racket. She eased up to shooting range (she was below us and came up a rise) and walked away making a ruckus the whole way. If there had been a gobbler around us, I feel pretty sure he would have come to her. Wish my daughter had been with me to hear the full range of hen sounds (no alarm putt). Was sure a salve for a gobble less day.