I have this exact lathe and I love it. Everything functions fine on it, the headstock & tailstock line up true and there is no runout in the drive spindle. If you are on a budget, or you just want something to "get your feet wet" to see if it is something that you will like, I would personally recomend purchasing this lathe. You can get by with what is supplied with the lathe, but I would suggest getting a 4 jaw chuck, A longer toolrest for turning strikers, and upgrading the live and drive centers as soon as finances permit. This machine has a standard mt2 taper in both the head and tailstock as well as a standard size 1x8tpi drive spindle, so finding other accessories will not be a problem. You will want to get some turning tools as well if you do not already have come. Right now woodcraft is having a sale on their small pen turners set which has a skew, parting tool, round scraper, and two gouges for, I think $20-$25. That will be enough to get you hooked.