I'm hunting a 250 acre tract in the mountains of NC that is being completely dominated by a gang of 9-10 jakes.
There are some mature toms on this property that i've located, but i'm not having much success with them.
The toms don't gobble much on the limb and seem timid when they do. They'll honor your calling and approach your set-up cautiously, but the jakes show up to ruin the show. I was working a bird this morning that I found after fly-down that turned and scrammed when the jakes showed up 10 minutes after he (mature tom) made his 1st gobble and started coming my way.
I looped around them all after they left, got on the tom again and the jakes made a bee-line straight to our set-up again, by-passed us and went straight toward that gobbler.
In 30 years of bird hunting, I ain't never seen this happen to the point mature toms were scared. I've heard jake gangs would whip big toms....so what do you do ? These are strutting, gobbling jakes.
I hate to eliminate future gobbling stock, do you kill one out of the pack, stand up and scare the bejeepers out of 'em.........what to do ?