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Terry Baker contact info wanted

Started by TauntoHawk, February 28, 2018, 03:34:31 PM

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I'm looking for contact info I have a phone number that I've used in the past but it longer is in service I believe it was a land line.

Terry is in Wisconsin and used to enter calls at Midwest but not any other contest.

If anyone knows how I can currently contact Terry please drop me a PM.

Thank you,

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If no one here has I wouldn't know where to look to track him down.

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you have a PM on the way...............


Still looking for current contact info for Terry namely his phone number. I have a number  for a landline that no longer works and just trying to follow up on an order.

Going to mail a letter to his address and hope he didn't move and just his number changed.

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I called him and left a message a year ago, and he never returned my call. I know I had the right number by the message I heard. Oh well.......


Quote from: Jacobson on March 04, 2018, 07:41:00 PM
I called him and left a message a year ago, and he never returned my call. I know I had the right number by the message I heard. Oh well.......
I have one of his boxes and absolutely love it, called talked him and we talked for a long time and ordered 4 boxes he said about a year but he'd try to keep it to less. At 15 months I called and he said his mom had been sick and he wasn't getting much shop time boxes were finished but not lids. Now another 8 months and the number i have doesn't work.

Really just trying to find out if he's still making calls. I'd love to get the boxes because he makes a great one but no harm if life has changed his priorities and he's not building for sale any longer or possibly moved.

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I have a call from him also, yellowheart over butternut. I like the call a lot and wanted other combos, hope he starts up again as he does a good job on the calls and artwork on the lids is done well.


Quote from: Jacobson on March 06, 2018, 12:25:53 PM
I have a call from him also, yellowheart over butternut. I like the call a lot and wanted other combos, hope he starts up again as he does a good job on the calls and artwork on the lids is done well.
I'll let you know if I track him down. Need to remember to write and send an old fashion letter to his address.. I hear letters are a way to communicate with others over distance but I can't be sure

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I have one of his single sided box calls would part with. It is a Midwest comp call in bloodwood over sassafras. Good call.

I would let it go if you are interested.