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Official Member Roster and Running Score Sheet

Started by dublelung, February 28, 2018, 08:12:01 AM

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Here's the running scores for the 2018 Old Gobbler Turkey Contest. The score in BOLD is the high scoring bird for that member. The final team score will be the total of those highest scoring gobblers from 9 individual member tallies. I will be updating this list throughout this turkey season, so check on it often as the seasons progress.  Special thanks to Fullstrut from The Roaring 20's Team for allowing me to borrow his format.

Chuck1443    67.375 3/27/18

tanna114     57.25  5/10/18


Big Jeremy. 70.425 4/13/18


MS Boy   55.73  4/5/18  58.07 4/7/18

nickhrp   58.3  4/4/18

MISSISSIPPI Double beard  55.25 4/2/18

Hooded on Hooks  62.65 4/24/18 68.1 4/28/18

chbarnha     57  5/12/18


Dublelung        53.275  3/15/18, 56.01 3/23/18 57.83 4/30/18

Total Team Score    549.6