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Eye Dominance****UPDATE****

Started by Will, February 19, 2018, 09:20:40 AM

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Quote from: Bowguy on February 23, 2018, 08:10:15 PM
Quote from: born2hunt on February 20, 2018, 11:24:13 PM
I am right handed and left eye dom. and I shoot right handed. When I was 5-6 I would lay over on the gun so I could line the sights with the left eye. My dad noticed the issue and would have me wear a patch over my left eye while target practicing. I guess you could say my right eye is now trained to pickup the sights and I have no problem wing shooting with both eyes open, but to this day, I will still test left eye dom.

I noticed the same issue with my son when he was around 4. I debated the left hand switch but he just didn't seem as coordinated on that side (which I can relate to)  so I have been taking the same approach as my father. He is 7 now and seems to be doing fine with his right eye, and over all handles a firearm safer and more fluently than most grown men I know.

There are obviously different opinions on this topic but for me, EVERYTHING I do left handed feels bass ackwards. I would much rather over come a small mental hurdle like eye dominance than change hands. Everything from reaching for a gun, gripping it, loading it, trigger pull, cycling a round, proper stance....it just all seems crazy to have to perform with your weak side when your other eye works perfectly fine. You just need to learn to use it if you can. :z-twocents:
You say a little thing like eye dominance. It's not little believe me. Now you say everything you do with the opposite hand feels wrong. For starters do your hand and eye line up? If so there's nothing to discuss because you can't be sure how hard it is to shoot accurately when you're using the wrong eye.
Second if you ever drank coffee lefty it feels odd if you've always done it righty. What if you got some reason lost use of your right hand? Ya gonna quit life? No you're gonna start using a left hand. In time it gets easier. The point is though we're talking a child who has yet to develop a style. Why make things harder.,
You also say there's a difference of opinion. Who's different the guys who do it wrong? Not one person who does it right says either way is fine. The opposite is true. Last thing I might add eye dominance is not a mental hurdle, it's physical. Fighting it is a mental hurdle guys need to overcome so life is easier

I realize you are a shooting instructor and obviously passionate and knowledgeable on the subject and I respect that. As I posted previously, I did and still do test left eye dominate so I absolutely can relate to any challenges you speak of, and I overcome them. I simply stated my own story and opinion, be it right or wrong. The only reason I disagree with your direction is because the opposite worked fine for myself and I'm glad it did. Now I realize I am only one case and I have no other experience on the subject, but the fact that I have absolutely no problem wing shooting or shooting at all and I can shoot all my old guns right handed as they were meant to be shot just makes it hard for me to say it was the "wrong" approach. This is not a one is best for all subject. As for now, I will continue to teach my son as I have been and if he continues to progress I assume all will be fine. If not and signs of difficulties arise then I guess I would entertain the lefty switch, but it will be of last resort. Once again, only my opinion whether right or wrong.
Genesis 1:26
   Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground."


Quote from: born2hunt on February 25, 2018, 07:53:22 PM
Quote from: Bowguy on February 23, 2018, 08:10:15 PM
Quote from: born2hunt on February 20, 2018, 11:24:13 PM
I am right handed and left eye dom. and I shoot right handed. When I was 5-6 I would lay over on the gun so I could line the sights with the left eye. My dad noticed the issue and would have me wear a patch over my left eye while target practicing. I guess you could say my right eye is now trained to pickup the sights and I have no problem wing shooting with both eyes open, but to this day, I will still test left eye dom.

I noticed the same issue with my son when he was around 4. I debated the left hand switch but he just didn't seem as coordinated on that side (which I can relate to)  so I have been taking the same approach as my father. He is 7 now and seems to be doing fine with his right eye, and over all handles a firearm safer and more fluently than most grown men I know.

There are obviously different opinions on this topic but for me, EVERYTHING I do left handed feels bass ackwards. I would much rather over come a small mental hurdle like eye dominance than change hands. Everything from reaching for a gun, gripping it, loading it, trigger pull, cycling a round, proper stance....it just all seems crazy to have to perform with your weak side when your other eye works perfectly fine. You just need to learn to use it if you can. :z-twocents:
You say a little thing like eye dominance. It's not little believe me. Now you say everything you do with the opposite hand feels wrong. For starters do your hand and eye line up? If so there's nothing to discuss because you can't be sure how hard it is to shoot accurately when you're using the wrong eye.
Second if you ever drank coffee lefty it feels odd if you've always done it righty. What if you got some reason lost use of your right hand? Ya gonna quit life? No you're gonna start using a left hand. In time it gets easier. The point is though we're talking a child who has yet to develop a style. Why make things harder.,
You also say there's a difference of opinion. Who's different the guys who do it wrong? Not one person who does it right says either way is fine. The opposite is true. Last thing I might add eye dominance is not a mental hurdle, it's physical. Fighting it is a mental hurdle guys need to overcome so life is easier

I realize you are a shooting instructor and obviously passionate and knowledgeable on the subject and I respect that. As I posted previously, I did and still do test left eye dominate so I absolutely can relate to any challenges you speak of, and I overcome them. I simply stated my own story and opinion, be it right or wrong. The only reason I disagree with your direction is because the opposite worked fine for myself and I'm glad it did. Now I realize I am only one case and I have no other experience on the subject, but the fact that I have absolutely no problem wing shooting or shooting at all and I can shoot all my old guns right handed as they were meant to be shot just makes it hard for me to say it was the "wrong" approach. This is not a one is best for all subject. As for now, I will continue to teach my son as I have been and if he continues to progress I assume all will be fine. If not and signs of difficulties arise then I guess I would entertain the lefty switch, but it will be of last resort. Once again, only my opinion whether right or wrong.
Was not trying to offend you so please don't be. I was talking about a child's best interest that's all. I don't wanna see them short changed. Like I said no way you can safely shoot righty  without closing an eye or obstructing it to force an eye change unless you read what I call cross eyed dominant. Many guys use that terminology when their eye and hand don't match. Sometimes the person being tested switches back and forth during each test and even continually on the same test. I have kids line up and point at my nose tip for starters. It's something they don't realize I'm doing. Don't say I'm doing an eye dominance test. Their finger winds up under the dominant eye. This is only the first check often.
The people I speak of , the ones that switch, are a small percentage of the population and can train an eye it seems but there is no real dominant eye to overcome. Again it's not a mental will thing. It's all physical. If you were to look at me one eye is dominant. You can't be one way all day long and for that split second you shoot will yourself different. Just doesn't work that way.
What are you showing your son?


A higher percentage of women are cross eye dominant, my wife is. She switched to shooting left handed and enjoys it much more. Some target shooters also put a piece of tape over the left eye, if shooting right handed, to keep the left eye from taking over. It allows the left eye to still take in light but it wont take over. Try as many ideas as you feel comfortable with and see what works best. Good luck, Al Baker


Quote from: Bowguy on February 25, 2018, 08:58:45 PM
Like I said no way you can safely shoot righty  without closing an eye or obstructing it to force an eye change unless you read what I call cross eyed dominant. Many guys use that terminology when their eye and hand don't match. Sometimes the person being tested switches back and forth during each test and even continually on the same test.

I am not sure what you are saying here???

I am cross-dominate (i.e. right-handed, left-eye dominant).  I have learned to shoot right-handed safely, with both eyes open, and I am strongly left-eye dominant.  It has taken some work and some practice, but I do not (generally) wink, close an eye, or squinch...  I am probably a better-than-average wing/clay shot, but will never be competitive, and will never, ever be a George Digweed....

Due to both my background as an eye doctor and shooting, and due to the challenges I have faced shooting this way, I would generally encourage most parents to have their kids shoot off their dominant eye, and not their dominant hand.
Women often have more flexibility or less distinct (if any dominance) as related to eye dominance.  In other words, women are more likely to be "ambidextrous" as far as eye dominance.  Most women do have some degree of preference as far as eye dominance, but not the same degree as men in some cases.

And, as stated previously accurately determining eye dominance should be done wearing corrective glasses or contact lenses.
Did I do that?

Fly fishermen are born honest, but they get over it.


I didn't read all the replies so someone may have mentioned this. Use a red dot and shoot with both eyes open. You can't see the dot with your off eye, whether you shoot right or left. I've used a red dot on both my turkey guns and bows for many years.


Quote from: Marc on February 26, 2018, 03:10:57 PM
Quote from: Bowguy on February 25, 2018, 08:58:45 PM
Like I said no way you can safely shoot righty  without closing an eye or obstructing it to force an eye change unless you read what I call cross eyed dominant. Many guys use that terminology when their eye and hand don't match. Sometimes the person being tested switches back and forth during each test and even continually on the same test.

I am not sure what you are saying here???

I am cross-dominate (i.e. right-handed, left-eye dominant).  I have learned to shoot right-handed safely, with both eyes open, and I am strongly left-eye dominant.  It has taken some work and some practice, but I do not (generally) wink, close an eye, or squinch...  I am probably a better-than-average wing/clay shot, but will never be competitive, and will never, ever be a George Digweed....

Due to both my background as an eye doctor and shooting, and due to the challenges I have faced shooting this way, I would generally encourage most parents to have their kids shoot off their dominant eye, and not their dominant hand.
Women often have more flexibility or less distinct (if any dominance) as related to eye dominance.  In other words, women are more likely to be "ambidextrous" as far as eye dominance.  Most women do have some degree of preference as far as eye dominance, but not the same degree as men in some cases.

And, as stated previously accurately determining eye dominance should be done wearing corrective glasses or contact lenses.
Like I said it's best for a child or anyone to look and shoot in the same direction. Look I shoot a bow instinctive and realize the brain can figure some things out. People aren't most likely going to spend the time and energy to be as you said it more or less not at your best. The whole thing is silly. Why work harder for mediocre results? If your brain is compensating and I've been at this a long time tell me how many others can do it? Answer is almost zero and they never will be as good as if they shot straight.
A child should start off properly. If your dad knew that he'd have started you I'd bet w the highest odds of success as this father said. The post is about what's best for a beginning child. You agree it's dominant eye.


Kinda late to the party here...If still young, definitely teach them to shoot left-handed if you can.  That'll solve the problem.

I'm right-handed and left-eye dominant.  I still shoot right handed, and force my right-eye to just get 'er done.  I keep both eyes open until just prior to aiming, then I close my left-eye, aim and squeezing the trigger.  It's never been a problem shooting still targets (turkey, deer, etc).  Now, shooting flying birds (aka: dove) is more of a problem. 

Also, I HIGHLY recommend teaching kids to shoot both right and left handed.  I let the turkey (or deer) determine which side I shoot from.  If they approach on my right side, I shoot left-handed...if they approach on my left side, I shoot right-handed.  I never have to move my body around just to get a shot.

Even though I'm right-handed, shooting left-handed is easy since my dominant arm (right) is supporting and aiming the gun.  When shooting left-handed, the only thing my left hand does is squeeze the trigger with my index finger....that's easy.  I enjoy shooting still targets left-handed even though I'm right-hand dominant.


Phire Phite

That's awesome, good to hear (read.)

Ozark Ridge Runner

Quote from: Bowguy on February 23, 2018, 07:57:53 PM
Quote from: Ozark Ridge Runner on February 22, 2018, 05:10:05 PM
The way I see it we are a bunch of weird dudes with all this cross ways stuff.
Def not weird bud. It's weird you don't see it as the facts are. Can't look one way and aim another. As stated if you had sights you could dial them in for one exact place. Any further you'd be off, any closer you're off to the opposite side.
Try mounting a broomstick like a gun. Cheek it an point it at an object on both sides. You'll see you're absolutely off.
Idk why guys always fight this. Prob cause they do it wrong and don't want it to be wrong if that made sense.
We weren't taught anything bout eye dominance years ago. Why do you think so many people think they just stink at shooting?
I was teaching at an open house at the range. Kind of a family day combined.
This fellow came up and swore he was right eye dominant. He was never tested. He was a cop and said he was so so shooting . Hmmm I checked him. He was left eye dominant. I showed him some things and he was dead on. What miracously happened?! He had the barrel and his vision for once on the same side and lined everything up.
Do what you want but don't recommend a child shoot against their vision cause you think it's weird.
Evidently you didn't read my post.  I did not recommend the youngster shoot opposite of his dominant eye.  Reread the post with your dominant eye.   ;D


Quote from: Ozark Ridge Runner on March 05, 2018, 10:01:02 PM
Quote from: Bowguy on February 23, 2018, 07:57:53 PM
Quote from: Ozark Ridge Runner on February 22, 2018, 05:10:05 PM
The way I see it we are a bunch of weird dudes with all this cross ways stuff.
Def not weird bud. It's weird you don't see it as the facts are. Can't look one way and aim another. As stated if you had sights you could dial them in for one exact place. Any further you'd be off, any closer you're off to the opposite side.
Try mounting a broomstick like a gun. Cheek it an point it at an object on both sides. You'll see you're absolutely off.
Idk why guys always fight this. Prob cause they do it wrong and don't want it to be wrong if that made sense.
We weren't taught anything bout eye dominance years ago. Why do you think so many people think they just stink at shooting?
I was teaching at an open house at the range. Kind of a family day combined.
This fellow came up and swore he was right eye dominant. He was never tested. He was a cop and said he was so so shooting . Hmmm I checked him. He was left eye dominant. I showed him some things and he was dead on. What miracously happened?! He had the barrel and his vision for once on the same side and lined everything up.
Do what you want but don't recommend a child shoot against their vision cause you think it's weird.
Evidently you didn't read my post.  I did not recommend the youngster shoot opposite of his dominant eye.  Reread the post with your dominant eye.   ;D
You haven't read my posts, due to a medical issue my dominant eye is very compromised, I've spent the effort and continue to spend the effort to learn switching as eye dominance has changed. I didn't say you said anything. It's just not weird.

Ozark Ridge Runner


This thread has run its course.  Shoot with your dominant eye. End of story. 
"[T]he changing environment will someday be totally and irrevocably unsuitable for the wild turkey.  Unless mankind precedes the birds in extinction, we probably will not be hunting turkeys for too much longer."  Ken Morgan, "Turkey Hunting, A One Man Game