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Any Washington hunters or guys who have hunted there?

Started by Coop1082, February 09, 2018, 01:21:32 PM

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Just booked a flight with a buddy of mine for May 1-6 to Spokane to hunt. Heck of a deal on it. My buddy is friends with a fella who owns a cabin there and has some land for us to hunt and he also said the public tracts there are really good. Anyways all that aside the question I have is about weather. For anyone who familiar was the weather like in that area in May? I'm from south Alabama so if we're talking 40s and below, I'm going to need a jacket! Lol. Also wouldn't mind hearing about any positive hunts anyone has had in WA. Looking forward to it and thanks guys!
2016-2017-2018-2019 four time Old Gobbler Contest Champions



30s in the morning, 50s in the afternoons is what I would plan for
Proud Member of The Tenth Legion Since 2004


2016-2017-2018-2019 four time Old Gobbler Contest Champions



Yeah I would plan for it to be chilly you can see frost in the morning and be in a T-shirt by afternoon. Imo that's good hunting weather I don't know how you guys down south hunt when it's 80° out

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It's fairly tough especially around April here. Our first week is usually chilly (30s) and then after that Alabama's typical weather pattern takes hold and your right to 60s in the morning and touching mid to high 80s by afternoon the following week.
2016-2017-2018-2019 four time Old Gobbler Contest Champions



Dang Coop sounds like a great trip, I hope y'all stack them up. The 80's down here in south can be pleasant, it's when it gets in the upper 90's that  itis tough!


Plan for below freezing to 80s anytime that you hunt in the west.  Lean toward the lower end earlier in April and the higher end in late May.  While Spokane is probably considered the dry side of Washington, I wouldnt go without planning for rain.  Ive hunted it once and it rained all but one day.  However, its spring and I wouldnt travel anywhere to hunt without planning for rain.  Plan on thick timber if you arent in fields, but you may be used to that in AL.


Thank you for the details Hobbes and I hope we do too Bailey!
2016-2017-2018-2019 four time Old Gobbler Contest Champions



My sister and brother in law just got stationed there,  I was thinking about trying to plan a hunt for next year. Good luck and let us know how it was.
Genesis 1:26
   Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

Rio Fan

I live in Washington. I would expect lows to be in the 30's or 40's and highs could be anywhere from the 60's to 80's in early May. Definitely bring a jacket and I'd also bring rain gear as well. I hunted north of Spokane in late May last year and one day it was in the upper 80's and the next day it was much colder and rained most of the day. There are lots of birds up around Spokane. I hope you have a great hunt! Feel free to private message me if you have other questions.