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Another shooting

Started by Bowguy, October 02, 2017, 09:21:22 AM

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Jer 17:9 "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?" We look to politicians and political parties, we look to Government; we look to laws. We look everywhere but one place, GOD. We have to get on our knees and pray to almighty GOD. The worst thing that happens when we remove God from our lives is that He will leave us to ourselves. That is what is happening. As a country we must turn back to God.
We wait all year,why not enjoy the longbeard coming in hunting for a hen, let 'em' in close !!!


Quote from: silvestris on October 02, 2017, 09:13:33 PM
There is no acceptable motive.  Evil is evil.
Absolutely!!! No questioning that, but understanding the reasons behind the violence doesn't justify it with the families of those involved but it gives them closure... After it was brought to light about the Oklahoma City bomber, because he didn't cowardly commit suicide, the families atleast were not left with the lingering question of "why?". That is what haunts the families of unexplainable tragedies such as this one, but you are absolutely correct, it will never be acceptable.


Quote from: greencop01 on October 02, 2017, 09:15:39 PM
That is what is happening. As a country we must turn back to God.
Amen brother!!! We certainly are in desperate time of God's graces, which will only be shed upon us if we call upon him.


Quote from: compton30 on October 02, 2017, 05:22:41 PM
Quote from: 1iagobblergetter on October 02, 2017, 03:46:47 PM
Quote from: compton30 on October 02, 2017, 03:23:04 PM
Quote from: silvestris on October 02, 2017, 01:30:42 PM
Quote from: HookedonHooks on October 02, 2017, 11:54:23 AM
Everybody needs to come to the table with an open mind and talk about what we can do to stop senseless acts of violence. Everybody needs to respect the other party's needs and wants."

Are there still people who actually think they can sit across a table with a snowflake and negotiate their 2nd Amendment rights away successfully? Negotiations means losing for the side who has something to lose.  I have lost enough.

This was the act of a lonely, angry white man.  We may get a hint of what set him off, but that is all.  Humans have faced danger from other humans since Cain got a burr under his sandal and so it continues.  My prayers go out to the victims and their friends, but negotiate, not I.

Have you lost your life or the life of someone you love to a guy with a weapon who's name features the word very word 'Assault'? How many gunshot wounds does a prayer save? Probably not as many as a civilian being incapable of buying an automatic weapon would. But I'm glad you have your rights, you're not the one laying somewhere bleeding.
You don't think some disgruntled nut job would find another way??

What other ways are people domestically being killed en masse regularly? This isn't about the people doing the killing. It's about limiting their way of inflicting as much damage as possible.
Homemade Bombs....Poison peoples food....etc...If someone wants people dead bad enough they will find a way know matter what limitations. Look it up on the internet..We live with millions upon millions of people from every walk of life know matter what is done mass killings will always happen.. How many people does drinking and driving kill and also texting and driving? Face it.It's the terrible part of life we live in and you have no control over it. If government takes all of our guns we'll be the defenseless ones the criminals will be able to rob,pillage and kill whoever and whenever.


Quote from: HookedonHooks on October 02, 2017, 09:20:57 PM
Quote from: greencop01 on October 02, 2017, 09:15:39 PM
That is what is happening. As a country we must turn back to God.
Amen brother!!! We certainly are in desperate time of God's graces, which will only be shed upon us if we call upon him.
I agree whole heartedly. God is whats missing in all of this and our only chance for Peace and Harmony...


I was just in PT and I heard someone say something that made lots of sense. If the liberals stopped shooting everyone there'd be 90% less shootings. The fellow was prob right.


Quote from: Bowguy on October 03, 2017, 11:02:51 AM
I was just in PT and I heard someone say something that made lots of sense. If the liberals stopped shooting everyone there'd be 90% less shootings. The fellow was prob right.

You're actually onto something here...  It's been proven that several shootings were done by extremist left members.

Which definitely leads to the many conspiracies of the left creating the mass shootings to push their agenda. Which is entirely possible.

The government also did Sandy Hook.
(No tin foil hat, but turkey in bucket)
:OGturkeyhead: :OGturkeyhead: :OGturkeyhead: :OGturkeyhead:


I have contemplated on the state of our world and "man kinds" role for some time and I do believe it is our character that is broken and not any material thing/social philosophy. Through out our history there are many accounts of man randomly killing man or acts of genocide. If the heart of people are evil then the actions of said people are evil. Evil comes in many forms, it can be with holding food from the hungry, physically abusing, impoverishing, discrimination and general lack of love for one another. So with that said, no legislation or lack of will cure what is wrong with our society. I also am in the camp that we in The USA have forsaken the ways of our Lord Jesus Christ who said, "love your neighbor as yourself" and do unto others as you would have them do unto you. What we have done is remove God from our schools, work and government. Then expect people to act from moral conviction..... If you are students of the Bible or just time you will find that all of the great societies that forsake the God of creation have fallen, by the weakening of their moral fiber. I am one who believes this country was founded on a Biblical model and our forefathers never envisioned we would govern with out considering basic Christian principles. I do believe each person is free to pursue happiness and fortune and believe in whatever religion they please, but we can not deny this is first a christian nation . You do not have to believe in Jesus Christ,as the majority of Americans do, but you do need to live peacefully among us.
If a man's eye is evil than how much more evil is the man....your vision of the world dictates how you respond and act! So this is not an issue of gun control but conscious control. When we return to our roots we will again see our land blessed and prosper. Guns were not an issue to our past American ancestors, because every one knew and accepted they were tools for survival. Yes some used them for vengeance and evil, but those acts were then and are still criminal acts of lawless and immoral people. Our forefathers did not turn weapons on the innocent population, as a rule. Almost every household had guns and they were kept for appropriate use. So I believe it is the heart of man that has become depraved, guns are just a thing ....like a rock! Cain did not have a Gun to kill his brother, chances are he used a rock or club. Should we outlaw rocks?

ok my rant is over...you all either agree, partially agree, think I'm a fool/zealot or could care less, but I am still your brother and wish you well 


I typically avoid religious issues like the plague. And I really don't think that a forum devoted to hunting is a place to express religious (or political) views. But here I go. Lack of god did not cause this tragedy. There has been more atrocities committed in the name of god than anything else. Hitler himself spoke of killing non believers. I'm sure we can agree he wasn't a great man by any means. But in reality, he did nothing that wasn't instructed somewhere or another in the Bible. Was he evil? Damn straight I think he was. Did he break gods rules, he actually followed more biblical rules than he broke. So if a psychopath like him was in support of Christianity, how do you think more god in this country will help? 


Hitler followed none of God's rules. One of the commandments is thou shall not kill. One of the commandments is also throu shall not judge or you'll be judged. Did he judge the Jews? Course he did.
I can go on but I'm not gonna rehash the whole bible.
Remember something lack of God didn't help. God fearing people do not commit atrocities such as this. No offense personally to you but I see the above post as non sensical.
Farmboy did you ever actually read the whole bible? Like where it says (in the New Testament) that the Old Testament ways are no more because of the sacrifice Jesus made for us?
There's no way you could have. The Old Testament ways are not the way we live or something to emulate.  It's the reason certain cultures are so problematic. Trying really hard to not curse any religion or type but I'm no good at sugar coating nonsense and that's what this is.
Please do not say Hitler was following even one of God's rules.
What I wonder is why so many believe or quote Old Testament wars and stuff yet don't ever quote the New Testament. It's like it doesn't exist


I apologize for the comment. I meant no personal offense to anyone. But if numerous people can post that the lack of god is causing these problems, then can't I post my belief as well?  Before you begin judging me for my belief, look at your own. Before judging me as a person, look at yourself. I have donated more money than I know to children's hospitals, charities, relief efforts, etc. I donate blood every time I can. I do this because I feel it helps. I don't pray. I don't feel it benefits anyone but the person doing the praying. I'll openly admit that I'm a "non believer". Does that make me a bad person?  To some people, absolutely!  Those are the types I would rather avoid. That is why I would love if this site could just stick to hunting and avoid all the political and religious crap. I have no problem with anyone thanking god for their success. No problem with anyone praising god for anything. It's their belief. But when people start blaming the lack of their beliefs on the problems of the world, that's when I take offense. This is not a religious nor a political forum. Send all the prayers you want to the victims. You don't need to do that on the forum. If I am wrong in the thought that this forum was developed for hunting discussion and not political or religious issues, then I guess I'm at the wrong place.



Quote from: Farmboy27 on October 03, 2017, 07:49:42 PM
I apologize for the comment. I meant no personal offense to anyone. But if numerous people can post that the lack of god is causing these problems, then can't I post my belief as well?  Before you begin judging me for my belief, look at your own. Before judging me as a person, look at yourself. I have donated more money than I know to children's hospitals, charities, relief efforts, etc. I donate blood every time I can. I do this because I feel it helps. I don't pray. I don't feel it benefits anyone but the person doing the praying. I'll openly admit that I'm a "non believer". Does that make me a bad person?  To some people, absolutely!  Those are the types I would rather avoid. That is why I would love if this site could just stick to hunting and avoid all the political and religious crap. I have no problem with anyone thanking god for their success. No problem with anyone praising god for anything. It's their belief. But when people start blaming the lack of their beliefs on the problems of the world, that's when I take offense. This is not a religious nor a political forum. Send all the prayers you want to the victims. You don't need to do that on the forum. If I am wrong in the thought that this forum was developed for hunting discussion and not political or religious issues, then I guess I'm at the wrong place.
Farmboy I'm not judging you. And I was only responding to your post, not bashing you either. All I'm saying is if you're gonna quote something you should actually have some knowledge on the subject. Not just the few things you could have heard.
Give you a for instance, I dated a girl one time that was a evangelical Catholic so she said and whatever that meant.
She didn't like ink and I'm full of tattoos.
When things were nearing the end for us she mentioned she heard we are not allowed to have tattoos.
Ok so I asked her where it said that?
She had zero idea.
If you look to Leviticus, 3rd book in bible it says we should not mark or tattoo our skin, this is Old Testament now and only part of the verse.
The rest says we can't shave the sides of our head or our face, we also can't pierce our skin.
Hmm being my head is shaved that'd be breaking Gods commandment, she was ok with that, I also normally shave my face, she had a pierced belly button ring, ears pierced, I found out she did drugs(Jesus said be sober when He returns), she had sex outside marraige, and she judged me for the ink.
Classic example of only seeing a small part of something. There is a bigger picture. We shouldn't twist the bible to suit an arguement is all I'm saying cause it'll bite us


Quote from: Bowguy on October 03, 2017, 08:26:50 PM
Quote from: Farmboy27 on October 03, 2017, 07:49:42 PM
I apologize for the comment. I meant no personal offense to anyone. But if numerous people can post that the lack of god is causing these problems, then can't I post my belief as well?  Before you begin judging me for my belief, look at your own. Before judging me as a person, look at yourself. I have donated more money than I know to children's hospitals, charities, relief efforts, etc. I donate blood every time I can. I do this because I feel it helps. I don't pray. I don't feel it benefits anyone but the person doing the praying. I'll openly admit that I'm a "non believer". Does that make me a bad person?  To some people, absolutely!  Those are the types I would rather avoid. That is why I would love if this site could just stick to hunting and avoid all the political and religious crap. I have no problem with anyone thanking god for their success. No problem with anyone praising god for anything. It's their belief. But when people start blaming the lack of their beliefs on the problems of the world, that's when I take offense. This is not a religious nor a political forum. Send all the prayers you want to the victims. You don't need to do that on the forum. If I am wrong in the thought that this forum was developed for hunting discussion and not political or religious issues, then I guess I'm at the wrong place.
Farmboy I'm not judging you. And I was only responding to your post, not bashing you either. All I'm saying is if you're gonna quote something you should actually have some knowledge on the subject. Not just the few things you could have heard.
Give you a for instance, I dated a girl one time that was a evangelical Catholic so she said and whatever that meant.
She didn't like ink and I'm full of tattoos.
When things were nearing the end for us she mentioned she heard we are not allowed to have tattoos.
Ok so I asked her where it said that?
She had zero idea.
If you look to Leviticus, 3rd book in bible it says we should not mark or tattoo our skin, this is Old Testament now and only part of the verse.
The rest says we can't shave the sides of our head or our face, we also can't pierce our skin.
Hmm being my head is shaved that'd be breaking Gods commandment, she was ok with that, I also normally shave my face, she had a pierced belly button ring, ears pierced, I found out she did drugs(Jesus said be sober when He returns), she had sex outside marraige, and she judged me for the ink.
Classic example of only seeing a small part of something. There is a bigger picture. We shouldn't twist the bible to suit an arguement is all I'm saying cause it'll bite us
Yeah. Still don't get it. Rules are rules. I can't ignore the first 5 pages of the drivers manual because I like the last 5 pages better. But I will agree to disagree with you!  Lol. I just don't think that this is the place for political or religious issues. I have the entire internet for that!


If you read the bible you'd understand tge Old Testament is irrelevant once Jesus was born and saved us. You'd also not say Hitler followed God's commandments