I sure wish I was. Been a good year so far up here in PA. Rainy, but productive. Taly is now at 3 big gobblers on the ground. #1. Took my old man out for the opener for his 81st birthday after putting a STUD to bed the night before and set up no more than 80 yards from him. Gobbled his head off on the roost and came in strutting dead quiet to the decoys to meet a load of Federal HW 7s. This was the heaviest wild bird I've EVER touched in PA in 33 years of turkey huting. 10 1/4" beard, 1 5/16" hooks and 28 3/4 pounds. Yes. You read that right. POUNDS. He could barely hold him up for the hero shot. Lol. Helluva a birthday hunt huh? #2 met the same load of hw 7s on a different farm less than a hour later as he strutted to me from the group of 35+ birds in the field. 10" paintbrush, 1 1/4" hooks, 22 1/4#. I tagged out the 2nd Saturday in the same field, 200 yards west of my first bird on a boss gobbler that had 17 hens (4 bearded) that had lead pellets stuck just under his skin, likely from the jr day two weeks prior. 11" beard, 1 1/4" spurs and 23 3/4 #. Its been a good year so far. Great season, buying my first home soon, AND getting married June 3rd. Whew. Somebody pinch me! Anyway, hope your seasons are productive, your vests heavy and your hunts memorable. Take care guys n gals. Good hunting.