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Hunting on the Sabbath?

Started by dejake, March 18, 2017, 06:21:28 AM

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Quote from: Tennessee Lead on March 18, 2017, 09:44:00 AM
Quote from: StruttinGobbler3 on March 18, 2017, 07:37:19 AM
This can be a controversial topic to be honest. As a born again Christian man, here is my take. The Sabbath is actually an Old Testament concept. According to our calendar, I believe the actual Sabbath would actually fall on Saturday. Our relationship with Christ under the New Covenant is not based on one particular day of the week, rather an ongoing personal relationship that should be interwoven into our daily lives. Sunday seems to be the day that the Christian church has selected to be our official day of worship, as well as Wednesday evenings in more recent times. The real issue here is not whether you are at church once a week, but rather are you living for Christ and communing with Him each day? Personally, I see no issue with hunting/fishing before or after services on a Sunday, as long as you're not placing your hobbies above your worship in the list of priorities. Anything we place a higher value on than Christ can become an idol in our lives, hunting and fishing included. A lot of people don't like to hear that, and I'm probably stepping on some toes here. However I've been guilty of everything I've listed for you. Even recently I've noticed my priorities getting a bit out of line, and that's something the Lord has pointed out to me these past few weeks. It happens rather easily. So the real question is not whether it's wrong to hunt before or after church, which in my opinion it is not, but are you placing Christ as your top priority? Hope this reply gives you some insight.

You are 100% spot on!
When Christ was crucified on the cross the old law and covenant was not destroyed but fulfilled and the vale was torn down.
Under Grace we have the ability to be baptized for the remission of Sin and put on Christ. We can speak with the Father through Christ instead of relying on a priest and a curtain.
Under Grace we don't need a blood sacrifice to wipe out a sin. That sacrifice was made as Christ's blood was shed his blood is sufficient for all our sins. Living under grace we can repent for sins and ask forgiveness and also have others pray on our behalf.
The Sabbath under the Old Covenant falls on Saturday.
So hunting for a couple hours on Sunday morning before service wouldn't be considered hunting on the Sabbath.

In the last few months I've really been struggling to keep Christ as my number one priority. I've made turkey hunting into an idol. I have been putting off studying the word and have slacked off on Prayer throughout the day just Morning and night as of late.
I haven't allowed myself to see it until I read your post.
I would like to ask for forgiveness and strength and guidance to keep Christ as my number one priority.
If you will go to the Lord in prayer on my behalf. I would appreciate it greatly.

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My friend, I'm always honored to pray for a brother in Christ, and I ask that you pray for me also. It's very easy in today's fast paced world to shift your worship, prayer, and Bible study to the backburner. The past few months I've been guilty of this myself
John 3:16

"Fall hunting is maneuvers. Spring hunting is war"
Tom Kelly, Tenth Legion


Quote from: StruttinGobbler3 on March 18, 2017, 07:37:19 AM
This can be a controversial topic to be honest. As a born again Christian man, here is my take. The Sabbath is actually an Old Testament concept. According to our calendar, I believe the actual Sabbath would actually fall on Saturday. Our relationship with Christ under the New Covenant is not based on one particular day of the week, rather an ongoing personal relationship that should be interwoven into our daily lives. Sunday seems to be the day that the Christian church has selected to be our official day of worship, as well as Wednesday evenings in more recent times. The real issue here is not whether you are at church once a week, but rather are you living for Christ and communing with Him each day? Personally, I see no issue with hunting/fishing before or after services on a Sunday, as long as you're not placing your hobbies above your worship in the list of priorities. Anything we place a higher value on than Christ can become an idol in our lives, hunting and fishing included. A lot of people don't like to hear that, and I'm probably stepping on some toes here. However I've been guilty of everything I've listed for you. Even recently I've noticed my priorities getting a bit out of line, and that's something the Lord has pointed out to me these past few weeks. It happens rather easily. So the real question is not whether it's wrong to hunt before or after church, which in my opinion it is not, but are you placing Christ as your top priority? Hope this reply gives you some insight.
Agreed.  VA just opened Sunday hunting a few seasons back on private land with written permission on your person stating you have it.  Landowners still have say so on the subject.  As a Christian I have spent many a Sunday scouting, fishing, playing golf and working so hunting is no different as long as I don't put I before God.  My 2 cents!

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GOOD POST..  I too am a Christian and LOVE turkey hunting and if not careful i can let it become an idol and all i think about.. With my job I can hunt every morning if I feel like it so its not a problem for me to skip sunday hunting.  However Hebrews 10:25 says do not forsake the assembling of ourselves together,as the manner of some is,but exhorting one another and so much more, as you see the day approaching..  If you dont believe in Christ i guess this is hogwash to you. (But you better search your heart ,cause if you wind up being wrong ..................) The more mature i become as a christian the closer i want to be to my savior, so far me, i try to be there everytime the doors are open just to be lifted up because the world beats us down everyday if we let it ..

Brian Fahs

Here in pennsylvania it is illegal to hunt turkeys on sunday......

Tennessee Lead

Quote from: StruttinGobbler3 on March 18, 2017, 10:58:15 AM
Quote from: Tennessee Lead on March 18, 2017, 09:44:00 AM
Quote from: StruttinGobbler3 on March 18, 2017, 07:37:19 AM
This can be a controversial topic to be honest. As a born again Christian man, here is my take. The Sabbath is actually an Old Testament concept. According to our calendar, I believe the actual Sabbath would actually fall on Saturday. Our relationship with Christ under the New Covenant is not based on one particular day of the week, rather an ongoing personal relationship that should be interwoven into our daily lives. Sunday seems to be the day that the Christian church has selected to be our official day of worship, as well as Wednesday evenings in more recent times. The real issue here is not whether you are at church once a week, but rather are you living for Christ and communing with Him each day? Personally, I see no issue with hunting/fishing before or after services on a Sunday, as long as you're not placing your hobbies above your worship in the list of priorities. Anything we place a higher value on than Christ can become an idol in our lives, hunting and fishing included. A lot of people don't like to hear that, and I'm probably stepping on some toes here. However I've been guilty of everything I've listed for you. Even recently I've noticed my priorities getting a bit out of line, and that's something the Lord has pointed out to me these past few weeks. It happens rather easily. So the real question is not whether it's wrong to hunt before or after church, which in my opinion it is not, but are you placing Christ as your top priority? Hope this reply gives you some insight.

You are 100% spot on!
When Christ was crucified on the cross the old law and covenant was not destroyed but fulfilled and the vale was torn down.
Under Grace we have the ability to be baptized for the remission of Sin and put on Christ. We can speak with the Father through Christ instead of relying on a priest and a curtain.
Under Grace we don't need a blood sacrifice to wipe out a sin. That sacrifice was made as Christ's blood was shed his blood is sufficient for all our sins. Living under grace we can repent for sins and ask forgiveness and also have others pray on our behalf.
The Sabbath under the Old Covenant falls on Saturday.
So hunting for a couple hours on Sunday morning before service wouldn't be considered hunting on the Sabbath.

In the last few months I've really been struggling to keep Christ as my number one priority. I've made turkey hunting into an idol. I have been putting off studying the word and have slacked off on Prayer throughout the day just Morning and night as of late.
I haven't allowed myself to see it until I read your post.
I would like to ask for forgiveness and strength and guidance to keep Christ as my number one priority.
If you will go to the Lord in prayer on my behalf. I would appreciate it greatly.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

My friend, I'm always honored to pray for a brother in Christ, and I ask that you pray for me also. It's very easy in today's fast paced world to shift your worship, prayer, and Bible study to the backburner. The past few months I've been guilty of this myself
Thank you very much and I appreciate your example.
It's a privilege to pray for one another and I am more than happy to pray for you.

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Just curious and not meaning any disrespect whatsover,but do you have to go to church in order to be a good Christian? I believe in God,spread his word on occasion,pray,and do my best trying to live life by the 10 commandments although not perfectly all the time. I rarely go to church and if I didn't work Sundays I wouldn't have a job anymore and kinda like the profession I'm in. Also if givin the chance and im not working i hunt every Sunday i can.I probably need a few prayers sent up for me if you fellas get a chance..(Serious)


Quote from: Brian Fahs on March 18, 2017, 11:08:22 AM
Here in pennsylvania it is illegal to hunt turkeys on sunday......

Worst rule ever.  If the "enlightened" want to attend their service, awesome. I wanna hunt!

CT Spur Collector

Quote from: compton30 on March 18, 2017, 12:42:42 PM
Quote from: Brian Fahs on March 18, 2017, 11:08:22 AM
Here in pennsylvania it is illegal to hunt turkeys on sunday......

Worst rule ever.  If the "enlightened" want to attend their service, awesome. I wanna hunt!

I'm in Pa and a God fearing man........but the day the PGC changes this stupid rule.....I'll be out among em'

Just can't serve two Masters and know I only have One.   Genesis 1:29.....Genesis 9: 1-3. 


I'm semiretired and work Monday and Wednesday. I feel like I can hunt four days and go to church on Sunday. Occasionally I skip church service to hunt or do something else. Then Monday comes and I just don't feel right. There is something about the service, the prayer, singing and being with my church family that makes a week complete. I was in our church building Wednesday helping serve a free community meal, Thursday for an Ad Team meeting and painting the kitchen Friday, BUT none of those things leave me with the same feeling worshiping God does.

The Cohutta Strutter

StruttinGobbler3 and Tennessee Lead can you pray for me that I will maintain my focus on God during each turkey season and the remainder of my days ? I want to sincerely thank y'all for the truths each of you shared in your post. I'm praying for you two as well.
Anybody seen America lately?


Quote from: The Cohutta Strutter on March 18, 2017, 01:34:17 PM
StruttinGobbler3 and Tennessee Lead can you pray for me that I will maintain my focus on God during each turkey season and the remainder of my days ? I want to sincerely thank y'all for the truths each of you shared in your post. I'm praying for you two as well.
I will be glad to my friend. God bless
John 3:16

"Fall hunting is maneuvers. Spring hunting is war"
Tom Kelly, Tenth Legion

The Cohutta Strutter

Quote from: StruttinGobbler3 on March 18, 2017, 01:52:44 PM
Quote from: The Cohutta Strutter on March 18, 2017, 01:34:17 PM
StruttinGobbler3 and Tennessee Lead can you pray for me that I will maintain my focus on God during each turkey season and the remainder of my days ? I want to sincerely thank y'all for the truths each of you shared in your post. I'm praying for you two as well.
I will be glad to my friend. God bless
Thank you and I don't think it's coincidence in the timing of your post. This past Wednesday at our small group our shortcomings were revealed. Grown men tearing up with guilt because they realized they had been selling their time short with Jesus. I'm guilty. It's a simple concept for Christians but sometimes such a difficult thing for us to do I guess partly because of our sinful nature and all the other distractions that come our way. Jesus just wants to spend time with you.
Anybody seen America lately?


Quote from: The Cohutta Strutter on March 18, 2017, 02:22:50 PM
Quote from: StruttinGobbler3 on March 18, 2017, 01:52:44 PM
Quote from: The Cohutta Strutter on March 18, 2017, 01:34:17 PM
StruttinGobbler3 and Tennessee Lead can you pray for me that I will maintain my focus on God during each turkey season and the remainder of my days ? I want to sincerely thank y'all for the truths each of you shared in your post. I'm praying for you two as well.
I will be glad to my friend. God bless
Thank you and I don't think it's coincidence in the timing of your post. This past Wednesday at our small group our shortcomings were revealed. Grown men tearing up with guilt because they realized they had been selling their time short with Jesus. I'm guilty. It's a simple concept for Christians but sometimes such a difficult thing for us to do I guess partly because of our sinful nature and all the other distractions that come our way. Jesus just wants to spend time with you.

Very, very true, and something I'm guilty of as well. It's a very easy thing to let idolatry slip into your life. As I said earlier, that's something I've been convicted about strongly here lately. However, always remember that He Who began a good work in you will complete it. That's a Biblical promise.
John 3:16

"Fall hunting is maneuvers. Spring hunting is war"
Tom Kelly, Tenth Legion

Tail Feathers

I believe God wants us to worship in communion with others, in church.  That said, I think he also understands the occasional solo worship in His great chapel, the outdoors.  I too, feel close to God in the wild outdoors and my hunts always includes prayer and talks with Him, be that on Sunday or any day I can get out to hunt.
Love to hunt the King of Spring!


I don't think god cares about where you're at when you're talking to him, learning from him, or sharing with others the lessons that matter. Church is a great place to surround oneself with others of like minds, and form a bond as a group of devoted individuals. But in reality saying that hunting on Sunday's is disrespectful to god is a bit of a leap in my opinion. I'm assuming people who are against hunting on sundays don't work Tuesday to Saturday schedules and a second job on Monday's. No disrespect  to others, just another perspective on the topic

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