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Hunting on the Sabbath?

Started by dejake, March 18, 2017, 06:21:28 AM

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I'm starting to have some second thoughts about hunting on the Sabbath.  I don't consider it work, and when I'm out hunting I feel closer to God, but it's starting to have second thoughts, and I'm not really sure why.  For my fellow brothers, why or why won't you hunt on the Sabbath?  Delicate/controversial subject, I know, but I need some guidance.


Guess it depends on your beliefs. Sounds like your prob a Christian n personally I don't see anything wrong w hunting a few hours n still making your service. At my church second service starts 11, plenty of time to do both. To me some of the best parts of the day are when the sun is just starting to rise n making the sky all streaky. Great way to start a Sunday. Tell me that's not something to thank God for? The gobbling birds, deer sneaking up the hill etc are all His creations. Imo nothing wrong w being part of it for a bit.


I am not that religious but I feel the closest to God when in the woods. Always have, and often thank him for giving me the best alter to worship in. No matter what day it happens to be.
live to hunt hunt to live


Quote from: Bowguy on March 18, 2017, 06:41:17 AM
Guess it depends on your beliefs. Sounds like your prob a Christian n personally I don't see anything wrong w hunting a few hours n still making your service. At my church second service starts 11, plenty of time to do both. To me some of the best parts of the day are when the sun is just starting to rise n making the sky all streaky. Great way to start a Sunday. Tell me that's not something to thank God for? The gobbling birds, deer sneaking up the hill etc are all His creations. Imo nothing wrong w being part of it for a bit.
X2. No better church than the one he created. I still make it back in time for the service with wife and kids but I see no problem getting out there for a couple hours on a Sunday morning.


This can be a controversial topic to be honest. As a born again Christian man, here is my take. The Sabbath is actually an Old Testament concept. According to our calendar, I believe the actual Sabbath would actually fall on Saturday. Our relationship with Christ under the New Covenant is not based on one particular day of the week, rather an ongoing personal relationship that should be interwoven into our daily lives. Sunday seems to be the day that the Christian church has selected to be our official day of worship, as well as Wednesday evenings in more recent times. The real issue here is not whether you are at church once a week, but rather are you living for Christ and communing with Him each day? Personally, I see no issue with hunting/fishing before or after services on a Sunday, as long as you're not placing your hobbies above your worship in the list of priorities. Anything we place a higher value on than Christ can become an idol in our lives, hunting and fishing included. A lot of people don't like to hear that, and I'm probably stepping on some toes here. However I've been guilty of everything I've listed for you. Even recently I've noticed my priorities getting a bit out of line, and that's something the Lord has pointed out to me these past few weeks. It happens rather easily. So the real question is not whether it's wrong to hunt before or after church, which in my opinion it is not, but are you placing Christ as your top priority? Hope this reply gives you some insight.
John 3:16

"Fall hunting is maneuvers. Spring hunting is war"
Tom Kelly, Tenth Legion


The Good Book says you don't work on the Sabbath and hunting turkeys the last time I checked is having fun and enjoyment. It isn't work. It all boils down to what ya feel in your heart, between you and God.  :bible:
We wait all year,why not enjoy the longbeard coming in hunting for a hen, let 'em' in close !!!


Not a fan!  God said Honor the Sabbath and keep it Holy.  In other words don't put anything ahead of worshipping God.  Yes, we can worship in the outdoors but your heart is on hunting not on honoring and worshiping God completely!


According to scripture Sunday is the first day of the week Saturday is the sabbath so most people that have an opinion on Sunday hunting need to read the bible more carefully. That being said I hunt the first weekend of the season then Monday-Friday and sometimes Saturday or whenever while out of state. But I'm usually in church every Sunday.
If you make everything easy how do you know when your good at anything?


Myself? as a general rule, I don't.  Yes there may be an out of state trip when I do but if I'm home and I usually am on Sunday then I'm at Church.  You all know how much I enjoy hunting but honestly I think that being in church is more important.  I can't put in a quick hunt before church and still have my mind where it needs to be because it's lost in the woods.  Frankly I realize that a job and supporting my family and myself are more important than turkeys and keeping perspective if I won't work on Sunday then why hunt on Sunday.  Yes I believe it to be a day of rest but resting the mind and Spirit while feeding the soul will do me more good than a gobbling turkey.  As a Christian I try to put Christ first and I feel like I'm very blessed because of my decision.   
NWTF Booth 1623
One of my personal current interests is nest predators and how a majority of hunters, where legal bait to the extent of chumming coons.  However once they get the predators concentrated they don't control them.


This all seems very silly to me, but probably because I'm bitter my State doesn't allow Sunday hunting and I have no belief in your deity or his book. Maybe try asking your clergyman or praying on it, that's where I'd start if I was a man of religion. Good luck.

Tennessee Lead

Quote from: StruttinGobbler3 on March 18, 2017, 07:37:19 AM
This can be a controversial topic to be honest. As a born again Christian man, here is my take. The Sabbath is actually an Old Testament concept. According to our calendar, I believe the actual Sabbath would actually fall on Saturday. Our relationship with Christ under the New Covenant is not based on one particular day of the week, rather an ongoing personal relationship that should be interwoven into our daily lives. Sunday seems to be the day that the Christian church has selected to be our official day of worship, as well as Wednesday evenings in more recent times. The real issue here is not whether you are at church once a week, but rather are you living for Christ and communing with Him each day? Personally, I see no issue with hunting/fishing before or after services on a Sunday, as long as you're not placing your hobbies above your worship in the list of priorities. Anything we place a higher value on than Christ can become an idol in our lives, hunting and fishing included. A lot of people don't like to hear that, and I'm probably stepping on some toes here. However I've been guilty of everything I've listed for you. Even recently I've noticed my priorities getting a bit out of line, and that's something the Lord has pointed out to me these past few weeks. It happens rather easily. So the real question is not whether it's wrong to hunt before or after church, which in my opinion it is not, but are you placing Christ as your top priority? Hope this reply gives you some insight.

You are 100% spot on!
When Christ was crucified on the cross the old law and covenant was not destroyed but fulfilled and the vale was torn down.
Under Grace we have the ability to be baptized for the remission of Sin and put on Christ. We can speak with the Father through Christ instead of relying on a priest and a curtain.
Under Grace we don't need a blood sacrifice to wipe out a sin. That sacrifice was made as Christ's blood was shed his blood is sufficient for all our sins. Living under grace we can repent for sins and ask forgiveness and also have others pray on our behalf.
The Sabbath under the Old Covenant falls on Saturday.
So hunting for a couple hours on Sunday morning before service wouldn't be considered hunting on the Sabbath.

In the last few months I've really been struggling to keep Christ as my number one priority. I've made turkey hunting into an idol. I have been putting off studying the word and have slacked off on Prayer throughout the day just Morning and night as of late.
I haven't allowed myself to see it until I read your post.
I would like to ask for forgiveness and strength and guidance to keep Christ as my number one priority.
If you will go to the Lord in prayer on my behalf. I would appreciate it greatly.

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LI Outdoorsman

Always feel closer to God in the woods full of gobblers than a church full of people!


Quote from: LI Outdoorsman on March 18, 2017, 09:47:52 AM
Always feel closer to God in the woods full of gobblers than a church full of people!

Same here.  I don't buy into the idea that any day of the week is more important than any other.

Greg Massey

I have a mini Bible that goes with me on all my hunting trips deer and turkey season. I keep it in a zip lock bag and read it all the time setting in the deer stand or again a tree turkey hunting. You don't have to wait until Sunday just to study the Bible....Nothing like nature and the good book....


Quote from: turkaholic on March 18, 2017, 07:15:05 AM
I am not that religious but I feel the closest to God when in the woods. Always have, and often thank him for giving me the best alter to worship in. No matter what day it happens to be.

:agreed: :jesus-cross: