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Started by beagler, March 14, 2017, 11:51:20 AM

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Snow this time of year is particularly ignorant!(Only 8" here... but still ignorant!)



Just keeps getting better here. Wind is unbelievable, roads completely drifted in. I'm going to have to get a backhoe tomorrow to try and clear my driveway. 30"+ of snow.
Never Misses

Greg Massey

Quote from: beagler on March 14, 2017, 08:59:10 PM
Just keeps getting better here. Wind is unbelievable, roads completely drifted in. I'm going to have to get a backhoe tomorrow to try and clear my driveway. 30"+ of snow.
That's bad, post us a picture if you can...


Cleared everything off this evening. Snow still falling. Say when it's all said and done we may have 12-14". Not to shabby. Still I can remember some storms way worse. When Sandy came through we had 36" and I lost power for 11 days. Made it through just fine. Cooked deer steaks on the grill, had my freezer goods buried in a snowdrift and was no worse for wear from it. Ain't no thang.

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Good-Looking and Platinum member of the Elitist Club


The only saving grace is Spring is close,but if all that melts fast it'll be another mess.. We got around 5in. after all of ours was melted and I was bummed. Can hardly feel bad now after hearing this.

Rick Howard

South Buffalo guys are like 24"?  Call me when you hit 9 feet and we'll cry together lol. I think we're at about 20" and climbing north of Syracuse.  Stay safe everyone!

JK Spurs

About a foot here in central PA....looks like we're at the end. Maybe another 1" overnight.  >:(
I like my turkey well peppered


man I was so happy woke up this morning was calling for up to a foot here in the laurel high lands  guess the dry air kept it from coming up We are to  get some lake effect for next 2 days high winds 6in  but that's normal for us lol   can keep it all out east
Not taking orders for calls at this time ,,,but my have some on hand  ,,,I Dont sell strikers
I do like copper pot calls,,,,Get them While u can
My YouTube


I'm just laughing at my neighbor you called early spring, mowed his yard and planted flowers in February because we had 2 days of 70's..

It will melt fast and turkey season before we know it, i kind of prefer late springs over early ones for turkey huntings sack in my book
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Well, still snowing here and a blustery 10 degrees out. Everyone be safe if travelling and it will be over soon enough.

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Good-Looking and Platinum member of the Elitist Club

jed clampett

3 inches here in illinois...just about melted now...glad it got colder...i didn't want a early spring..still a month to go before season


22 inches total snowfall here!  I live on a mountain top(1870') so usually get more than the surrounding area.  Looks like spring just got buried.  I had a robin at my bird feeder yesterday.  Never saw a robin eat birdseed before but that one did and he seemed happy to get it!  LOL
Deer see you and think you are a stump. The Old Gobbler sees a stump and thinks it is YOU!

Tail Feathers

64 for a high yesterday, I went crappie fishing. ;D
Love to hunt the King of Spring!


Got 30" here in Apalachin, NY  :'( :'( :'(.......my back hurts!!!!
"Hard work spotlights the character of people: some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses, & some don't turn up at all."


42" in a day and a half here and were supposed 3-5" more tonight!Record snowfall for my area. The snowblower and shovel have been working overtime for sure. To think i just saw the first strutter here last week, and now we have 3&1/2 feet of snow on the ground. CNY weather at its finest.On the bright side,we're safe and sound,my daughter got 2 snow days and I had the day off today.We have also been very lucky and haven't lost power, yet.