Turkey Season: Day One, got a turkey, sort of. As the gent I was hunting with and I walked in, we busted 4 hens off roost. Heard one hit the power lines that are in the training area we were in and make a plonk/crash noise.
We set in, worked a few birds they all left us to get laid...no gobblers past sun rise.
On the way out, he says we should go see if that turkey was there. Sure enough - dead hen with a broken neck.
Carried her in and gave her to the GW who was all suspicious I had shot her - I guess the absence of shot holes and the neck cranked 180 wasn't enough to show him I didn't shoot it. So day one - no birds.
They are henning up right off the roost - literally, we watched the hens fly down and then they all departed the area.