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turkeys for tomorrow

When does your season start?

Started by turkey harvester, February 27, 2017, 12:55:31 PM

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turkey harvester

I have to wait till April 17th here in MO. You guys that get to hunt early I'm green with envy, lol.
TURKEY NUT CUSTOM STRIKERS- Jeffrey Thompson-Owner.  Kathleen,GA
Hunt with your kids, not for them.

Hunt with your kids, not for them.


April 17th here in WV. Can't wait to take my boys out for the youth hunt on the 15th!!



You guys have all the luck.

I have to wait till the 18th in MD.

That's like foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

And Spring Rockfish Season is on, double damn.
.410 Favors the Bold


We don't start here in NJ till April 24th. NY is May 1st


March 15th here. Heard my first bird gobble last week and with the warm weather already here, the birds have already started the spring process. Gonna be an interesting season with this weather.
Loving God's Creation!

turkey harvester

Quote from: birdman67 on February 27, 2017, 06:32:01 PM
March 15th here. Heard my first bird gobble last week and with the warm weather already here, the birds have already started the spring process. Gonna be an interesting season with this weather.

You lucky dog you!!! That's like 2 weeks away. Can't wait till I retire then I can start hitting those early march dates. 10 years and counting,lol.
TURKEY NUT CUSTOM STRIKERS- Jeffrey Thompson-Owner.  Kathleen,GA
Hunt with your kids, not for them.

Hunt with your kids, not for them.


You lucky dog you!!! That's like 2 weeks away. Can't wait till I retire then I can start hitting those early march dates. 10 years and counting,lol.

Haha. Yeah I'm blessed for sure. I got about 15 before I can retire. Sure hope to travel some when that happens.
Loving God's Creation!

turkey harvester

Maybe I just need to come to your part of the world and hunt anyways before I retire,lol. I here Miss. is some pretty good huntin.
TURKEY NUT CUSTOM STRIKERS- Jeffrey Thompson-Owner.  Kathleen,GA
Hunt with your kids, not for them.

Hunt with your kids, not for them.


I have to say. It's not to bad. Lots of pressure in some areas and lots of public land. But got a good many birds too.
Loving God's Creation!


Went out again this morning to a WMA I have a hunt on the 1st week of the season. I heard several birds and was able to build a partial blind and mark some spots. 1 was gobbling so close to a camera, I had to leave it without checking it.
Youth hunt next weekend, just have to hope the bird makes it through.


I picked up an extra opportunity today. A friend of mine has some land that he invited me to turkey hunt with him a couple times this year. It is loaded with birds so hoping for a bonus bird.
Loving God's Creation!

turkey harvester

We actually picked up a new place to hunt too. Owners don't turkey hunt at all, but love to deer hunt. So we got free range.
77 on Thursday and my buddy heard 10 different birds. Now it's 28, sleeting, snowing, and raining. Unbelievable!!!
TURKEY NUT CUSTOM STRIKERS- Jeffrey Thompson-Owner.  Kathleen,GA
Hunt with your kids, not for them.

Hunt with your kids, not for them.

North of 8

3rd week of April in WI then :z-guntootsmiley: to SD and NE and return to WI for a few more hunts
My GOAL this year is 10 gobblers.


Starts tomorrow guys. Scouted out things today and found good sign. It is frigid outside so I'm not expecting them to be too fired up. Hopefully I will have a story to tell before long. Time will tell.
Loving God's Creation!

turkey harvester

Good luck Tandy!!! Whack a biggun!!!!
TURKEY NUT CUSTOM STRIKERS- Jeffrey Thompson-Owner.  Kathleen,GA
Hunt with your kids, not for them.

Hunt with your kids, not for them.