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Make sure you VOTE

Started by Old Gobbler, October 30, 2016, 09:40:34 PM

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Old Gobbler

Guys , i know you dont have to be reminded -especially in any of the swing states ...... get out and vote , if you have like minded  friends get them to the polls ....if their not like minded .....don't call them

I'm not lookin for a argument but the wikileaks on the Clinton's giving $600,000 to that FBI agents wife about made my stomach turn ....what are we reduced down to a some third world dump where you can bribe officials , these folks need to be thrown in prison !
:wave:  OG .....DRAMA FREE .....



JK Spurs

I'll be there when they unlock the door on Election Day! :smiley-patriotic-flagwaver-an
I like my turkey well peppered


Very well put Shannon, and I totally agree with your sentiment. 

FWIW, We should all keep in mind that if Hillary is elected, she will indeed place a new supreme court justice behind the bench and I'm quite sure the replacement for Scalia will no doubt be extremely liberal.

In closing I will say this.  Everyone should vote your conscience, but I for one am a Bible believing Christian and I can not in good conscience vote for Hillary, and anyone who identifies as a Christian who votes for her should check their moral compass.

Stepping off my soapbox now.


Come H E double toothpicks or high water my wife and I are going to vote. Its our duty.I hope candidate signs mean something because traveling a lot of Iowa the Trump signs out number the Crooked Hilary Signs like night and day. I've never seen candidate signs so one sided for the good in my opinion. I've even seen several homemade signs bashing Hilary. I'm surprised in seeing that we are considered a swing state. I'm definitely doing my part by word of mouth and my Gun Owners for Trump bumper sticker.


My wife & I voted last Monday. I know for a fact that Hillary didn't get those 2 votes!!


I'm with you ,When I think about what might happen I get sick to my stomach..
I will be there ,I figure if you don't vote no matter who gets elected you have forfeited one of your most important rights..
2016-2017-2018-2019-2020- 2021
Six time Old Gobbler Contest Champions


Tail Feathers

I'm voting today or tomorrow, depending on when I see no line at the polling place.  Getting it done before deer season opens up here. :icon_thumright:
My daughter has voted already, my wife will try to vote this week tool
Love to hunt the King of Spring!

Tail Feathers

And it took about five minutes  :icon_thumright:
Drove by and there were about six cars there.  Waited about a minute behind an old man.   Gotta love small town living.  Civic duty...done!
Love to hunt the King of Spring!


Hillary is a crook n anyone else'd be behind bars. In my state the libs put more previous convicts in office than any state I know of. (Mayors n such) They don't seem to mind but we should especially w what's at stake. Always an excuse why their guy or girl is exempt, the other way around it isn't forgotten. They're saying Trump talks incorrectly, grabbed some chicks. Hmmm what bout Bill? Benghazi? The Obama IRS scandal, Hillarys emails, etc etc etc. they don't wash. Trump caused no one to be killed. The libs have.


Definitely voting Trump, but practicing my guillotine construction just in case it gets time to storm the Bastille.
"[T]he changing environment will someday be totally and irrevocably unsuitable for the wild turkey.  Unless mankind precedes the birds in extinction, we probably will not be hunting turkeys for too much longer."  Ken Morgan, "Turkey Hunting, A One Man Game


        :z-dizzy: There is no choice, only a lesser of two evils. Trump was a flaming liberal, he was rabid-anti gun, pro-choice and progressive on most issues. Politicians is as bad as cable TV. 200 channels and nothing to watch. Check yourself. Trump is saying anything to get elected. Hillary is for sale to the highest bidder and lies about it. She tells the truth on guns ,she wants to get rid of them. I will hold my nose and vote for Trump. As Christians we need to get on our knees and ask for our country's forgiveness. We are heading for the end of our country as we know it unless we wake up and demand the politicians abide by the Constitution. Look around people, look around it is serious, damn serious.    :smiley-patriotic-flagwaver-an      :bible:
We wait all year,why not enjoy the longbeard coming in hunting for a hen, let 'em' in close !!!


Quote from: greencop01 on October 31, 2016, 07:31:10 PM
        :z-dizzy: There is no choice, only a lesser of two evils. Trump was a flaming liberal, he was rabid-anti gun, pro-choice and progressive on most issues. Politicians is as bad as cable TV. 200 channels and nothing to watch. Check yourself. Trump is saying anything to get elected. Hillary is for sale to the highest bidder and lies about it. She tells the truth on guns ,she wants to get rid of them. I will hold my nose and vote for Trump. As Christians we need to get on our knees and ask for our country's forgiveness. We are heading for the end of our country as we know it unless we wake up and demand the politicians abide by the Constitution. Look around people, look around it is serious, damn serious.    :smiley-patriotic-flagwaver-an      :bible:
[/quote I'm voting for Trump regardless but just curious where to find the anti gun,liberal info. Know matter what he's better than Hilary..and probably a whole lot better than Obama. I just seen him on T.V. saying how much he appreciated the NRA backing him so we shall see. I like the fact he doesn't owe alot of favors to anyone. If he gets elected I think he'll be either Great or no worse than what we've had for the last 8 years. I also don't think he's going to be tested much by other countries like if Hilary ( God help us) gets elected... :TrainWreck1:

Greg Massey

All my family is voting for Trump.. save our country , please vote people..