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America's biggest mass shooting......

Started by Yoder409, June 18, 2016, 07:49:40 PM

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It seems like some people want us to accept our "Participation Ribbons" and be happy!! The problem is we are not the problem. Eliminating guns will not solve the criminall problem. it's going to take a much more sophisticated approach. This approach will start at home and in our communities, not with the Government telling us what is best. They like to use fear in hopes that we give up more freedom and they gain more control. This gun issue is a slippery slope!

Spitten and drummen

Quote from: 1iagobblergetter on June 20, 2016, 03:14:37 PM
Quote from: GobbleNut on June 20, 2016, 02:51:32 PM
Whether anybody here agrees with the idea of compromise or not, change is on the way in this country.  We will either take a realistic look at where the overwhelming majority of the public stands on this issue, and then come to the table and make compromises that will satisfy that majority, or we will ultimately face the much harsher consequences of not doing so.
Compromise.....Lol.... I'm glad I was never on a battle field with a bunch of you. I have a feeling once the first shot went off I'd be out there alone. Or surrounded by white flags Lol... i dont think the other side would even need torture tactics to get info.. Lol..you seen what happened to the Indians with compromise and coming to the table. I can't hardly believe what I'm reading. I guess everyone has their own opinion mine is never compromise. Lord help us... oh is that ok to say??? Hope I didn't offend anyone. Lol....
I agree with this. I served 5 years as a army ranger and I have been in combat. I have bleed for this country as well. I feel that there is not a compromise with a liberal. They are so out of touch with reality that it isn't even funny. Why should I compromise a God given right. I have committed no atrocities what so ever. I feel sick because I volunteered and fought for everyone in our great country to be free . Some in this great country do not deserve these freedoms that I helped to provide. I am ashamed at how weak we have become. You can't say anything without hurting someone's feelings and everyone gets a participation trophy. It's horrible. You start compromising our right to bear arms and everyone will see where this country will wind up. If you all trust this government to take care of you , well I feel sorry for you. Make no mistake , they want all Guns not just certain ones. They will chip away until they achieve this goal. This is not a speculation but a fact. Sorry for a long post but I'm really frustrated. I will say this in closing , I will never surrender one of my guns and that's just a fact. I am not trying to act tough or be a key board warrior but you can take that to the bank. I hope that there are alot of my brothers and sisters that feel the same way and has that conviction. Everyone has a right to their opinion , thanked to our first amendment. Infringe on the 2nd and watch the rest fall like a house of cards.


Quote from: Spitten and drummen on June 20, 2016, 09:47:51 PM
Quote from: 1iagobblergetter on June 20, 2016, 03:14:37 PM
Quote from: GobbleNut on June 20, 2016, 02:51:32 PM
Whether anybody here agrees with the idea of compromise or not, change is on the way in this country.  We will either take a realistic look at where the overwhelming majority of the public stands on this issue, and then come to the table and make compromises that will satisfy that majority, or we will ultimately face the much harsher consequences of not doing so.
Compromise.....Lol.... I'm glad I was never on a battle field with a bunch of you. I have a feeling once the first shot went off I'd be out there alone. Or surrounded by white flags Lol... i dont think the other side would even need torture tactics to get info.. Lol..you seen what happened to the Indians with compromise and coming to the table. I can't hardly believe what I'm reading. I guess everyone has their own opinion mine is never compromise. Lord help us... oh is that ok to say??? Hope I didn't offend anyone. Lol....
I agree with this. I served 5 years as a army ranger and I have been in combat. I have bleed for this country as well. I feel that there is not a compromise with a liberal. They are so out of touch with reality that it isn't even funny. Why should I compromise a God given right. I have committed no atrocities what so ever. I feel sick because I volunteered and fought for everyone in our great country to be free . Some in this great country do not deserve these freedoms that I helped to provide. I am ashamed at how weak we have become. You can't say anything without hurting someone's feelings and everyone gets a participation trophy. It's horrible. You start compromising our right to bear arms and everyone will see where this country will wind up. If you all trust this government to take care of you , well I feel sorry for you. Make no mistake , they want all Guns not just certain ones. They will chip away until they achieve this goal. This is not a speculation but a fact. Sorry for a long post but I'm really frustrated. I will say this in closing , I will never surrender one of my guns and that's just a fact. I am not trying to act tough or be a key board warrior but you can take that to the bank. I hope that there are alot of my brothers and sisters that feel the same way and has that conviction. Everyone has a right to their opinion , thanked to our first amendment. Infringe on the 2nd and watch the rest fall like a house of cards.
I will say this right now. If it comes down to fighting for my guns or surrendering them, I will surrender them. I love my guns but not anywhere close to how much I love my family!  If it really comes down to that, and the government confiscates our guns, then I will not fight because it will be a losing battle for sure. My family is far more important than any gun I will ever own. Anyone who thinks that the government will not be successful in taking our guns if and when they ever want to is a fool. If given the choice between living with my family or dying with my guns, I'm taking family every time!  Yup, guess I am a coward. I just hope the rest of you don't have to prove that you're hero's!


In the late 1930's and early 1940'a a man in Germany made the possession of firearms by Jews illegal.  The Jews loved their families so they gave up their guns.  The families were later rounded up and taken to concentration camps where the families were gassed, shot and burned together.

In the 1770's the king of England sent troops to Lexington and Concord to seize the arms of the Massachusetts militia.  The militia resisted, pledging their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor and a new  nation conceived in Liberty was born.
"[T]he changing environment will someday be totally and irrevocably unsuitable for the wild turkey.  Unless mankind precedes the birds in extinction, we probably will not be hunting turkeys for too much longer."  Ken Morgan, "Turkey Hunting, A One Man Game


The gun show loophole as I understand it.   Private citizens frequently attend these gun shows and sell their personal guns to other private citizens. This is legal (in this state)as long as they are not selling to someone that they have knowledge of them being a convicted felon or otherwise unable to legally purchase a firearm.  I believe they may have to be a state resident also (buyer and seller). They want the state police at all gun shows to "close the gun show loophole" and thus run background checks on all of these sales from one private citizen to another.

The media makes the gun show loophole sound like you just walk up to any dealer attending the gun show and buy your firearm without a background check.   Completely false.


Couple things I would like to make perfectly clear. First... My NY pistol permit is valid in 22 other states. Sorry it is not yours Silvestri. I've had my pistol permit for 23 years. I had to take a course before purchasing my first handgun. I said in my original post that we don't trust the politicians making the laws because they Will try to sneak other policies in. I am 100% in full support with background checks. If you don't have anything to hide it wouldn't effect you


Quote from: Marc on June 20, 2016, 03:21:35 PM
Quote from: BowBendr on June 20, 2016, 10:36:44 AM
I disagree 100% with compromise. Liberals always talk about reaching across the aisle for bi-partisan agreement, like you have in the bills going up for vote today. Any compromise on our part will equal a gobbling-up power grab on their part.
I want to know 2 things. One, why was the Orlando shooter taken off said watch list ? Two, when his sorry arse went to buy a firearm, why wasnt he immediately snatched up by the FBI ?
The person in question was on a watch list...  To my knowledge, he had committed no crime, and was NOT a criminal.

What other Constitutional rights should we take away from citizens who we "suspect" as possible threats or criminals yet who have not been charged with any crimes?  In other words taking away someone's rights cause we do not like them or their beliefs??

Gun control is a slippery slope, and unfortunately, I think we will find that we cannot regulate our way to safety...  Unfortunately, the main portion affected by gun regulation will be law-abiding citizens...

What I do see that needs to be done is far more aggressive measures to prevent illegal gun sales and distribution, and far harsher punishment for illegally buying or selling guns.

Personally, I think it is a dangerous line of thinking to consider taking away the rights of citizens without some proof or good reason to do so...  Especially when we consider the ambiguity of being put on to a watch list...  Such reasoning could easily be used to prevent the majority of citizens from gun ownership.

I do not believe there are any easy answers, and with the increasing numbers of mass shootings, society is demanding that action be taken...  Nobody knows what action that should be, and the most obvious answer is to get rid of guns...

My feeling however, is that addressing this violence with gun regulation is similar to addressing a leaky dam by removing the water from a lake.

The reason that I posed the 2 questions are simple...
Correct me if I am wrong, but this is the 5th incident during the current administration that someone committed an act of mass violence while being known and watched by the FBI. We knew about the Ft. Hood shooter, the Chattanooga shooter, the SanBernardino shooters, the Orlando shooter and the Tsarnaev brothers that set the Boston marathon bombs.
One thing that radicals are is patient, they have been waiting for about 2,000 years. These citizens committing these crimes are using their constitutional rights against the country. They pop up on a list, they are interviewed and watched, while cooperating and staying low profile. We cant do a thing because they are citizens.
The only job of the federal government is to keep the country safe and BHO's regime is doing a crappy job. Dont infringe on my rights to own when your not even catching the ones you know about, because it looks like we may end up having to do it ourselves, and I will need a gun.
Sorry, but when you have made several overseas trips to known areas, making crazy comments at work, been interviewed in person twice by the FBI and hit a watch list...no, you do not need to be buying guns, citizen or not. That type of action will never be discussed because we are too busy worrying about mag capacities...and remember, this is the 3rd time now that co-workers have known but employers are scared to fire them because of CAIR...don't want to get sued for infringing on their religious rights. They are using the Constitution against us. Do I want it re-written ? No, but the hands of the CIA and FBI will have to be untied before we can do anything, and that doesn't happen until liberals utter the words " radical jihad". Oops don't use that term, we'll make them mad......

Gods of Thunder
2015 Old Gobbler contest Champions


It is pretty obvious that there are differing opinions here as to what is the answer to the problems we have regarding gun violence in this country.  Honestly, it is such a complex issue that there is likely no "this will solve it" answer.  The reality is, however, that those of us on here discussing it are not going to be the ones that determine what regulations are put in place to attempt to remedy it.  Those regulations are ultimately going to be determined by the general citizenry of this country. 

It may not happen soon, but let's be realistic,...it is going to happen at some point.  There are way too many folks that want to see more deterrents to gun violence put in place.  We can accept that fact and understand its implications,... or we can bury our heads in the sand and wait for the locomotive to come run us over.

Personally, I am not going to do that.  I am going to work to get regulations put in place that I can live with through interacting with those folks that control my destiny as a gun owner on this issue.   That process involves the term COMPROMISE.  All the bluster and bravado others have about it is not going to change that attitude.


I don't claim to have the answers but here is my problem with laws. Criminals don't follow them. Trying to control guns is about like trying to control drugs. We all can see how swell that's turning out. I honestly believe that the only way you deter criminals is by making them afraid to commit a crime. We have to fix that. And yes you will still have some crazy people out there but you can slow this violence down. We are to sympathetic to those who don't deserve it. I have nothing against background checks but that only applies to those who try to purchase guns legally. Those aren't the people I am worried about. I am all for a reasonable solution however penalizing law abiding citizens isn't it.

Good-Looking and Platinum member of the Elitist Club


And by the way comprise means both sides give up something. More intense background checks? OK how about bringing back the death penalty and using it.

Good-Looking and Platinum member of the Elitist Club

the Ward

I will not compromise. I will not comply. I will live free, the blood and lives of thousands of patriots bought me that right. It is non negotiable. The government does not "allow" me to have my rights, those were endowed to me by my Creator. My family ran off the last tyrant at the point of a bayonet. The baaaaing of the sheep is deafening. Those who give up freedom for safety deserve neither. Will the left compromise on their  immigration policy? A tiny, tiny, tiny, percentage of crimes committed by semi autos and they want to ban all of them. A couple of  terrorist acts committed by the "religion of peace" and the libs want to import hundreds of thousands more? You cannot compromise with that kind of mindset. The fbi had the Boston bombers, San Bernadino, and the Orlando shooter on their radar. How did  that work out? All the calls and personal info being gathered by DHS didn't do anything either. So just give up a little more freedom and they will make it safer for you. No pesky due process involved. Good luck with that.


Quote from: the Ward on June 21, 2016, 12:04:06 PM
I will not compromise. I will not comply. I will live free, the blood and lives of thousands of patriots bought me that right. It is non negotiable. The government does not "allow" me to have my rights, those were endowed to me by my Creator. My family ran off the last tyrant at the point of a bayonet. The baaaaing of the sheep is deafening. Those who give up freedom for safety deserve neither. Will the left compromise on their  immigration policy? A tiny, tiny, tiny, percentage of crimes committed by semi autos and they want to ban all of them. A couple of  terrorist acts committed by the "religion of peace" and the libs want to import hundreds of thousands more? You cannot compromise with that kind of mindset. The fbi had the Boston bombers, San Bernadino, and the Orlando shooter on their radar. How did  that work out? All the calls and personal info being gathered by DHS didn't do anything either. So just give up a little more freedom and they will make it safer for you. No pesky due process involved. Good luck with that.

You got it.  Compromise is a one way street with left turns only.
"[T]he changing environment will someday be totally and irrevocably unsuitable for the wild turkey.  Unless mankind precedes the birds in extinction, we probably will not be hunting turkeys for too much longer."  Ken Morgan, "Turkey Hunting, A One Man Game


Quote from: Farmboy27 on June 20, 2016, 10:30:19 PM
Quote from: Spitten and drummen on June 20, 2016, 09:47:51 PM
Quote from: 1iagobblergetter on June 20, 2016, 03:14:37 PM
Quote from: GobbleNut on June 20, 2016, 02:51:32 PM
Whether anybody here agrees with the idea of compromise or not, change is on the way in this country.  We will either take a realistic look at where the overwhelming majority of the public stands on this issue, and then come to the table and make compromises that will satisfy that majority, or we will ultimately face the much harsher consequences of not doing so.
Compromise.....Lol.... I'm glad I was never on a battle field with a bunch of you. I have a feeling once the first shot went off I'd be out there alone. Or surrounded by white flags Lol... i dont think the other side would even need torture tactics to get info.. Lol..you seen what happened to the Indians with compromise and coming to the table. I can't hardly believe what I'm reading. I guess everyone has their own opinion mine is never compromise. Lord help us... oh is that ok to say??? Hope I didn't offend anyone. Lol....
I agree with this. I served 5 years as a army ranger and I have been in combat. I have bleed for this country as well. I feel that there is not a compromise with a liberal. They are so out of touch with reality that it isn't even funny. Why should I compromise a God given right. I have committed no atrocities what so ever. I feel sick because I volunteered and fought for everyone in our great country to be free . Some in this great country do not deserve these freedoms that I helped to provide. I am ashamed at how weak we have become. You can't say anything without hurting someone's feelings and everyone gets a participation trophy. It's horrible. You start compromising our right to bear arms and everyone will see where this country will wind up. If you all trust this government to take care of you , well I feel sorry for you. Make no mistake , they want all Guns not just certain ones. They will chip away until they achieve this goal. This is not a speculation but a fact. Sorry for a long post but I'm really frustrated. I will say this in closing , I will never surrender one of my guns and that's just a fact. I am not trying to act tough or be a key board warrior but you can take that to the bank. I hope that there are alot of my brothers and sisters that feel the same way and has that conviction. Everyone has a right to their opinion , thanked to our first amendment. Infringe on the 2nd and watch the rest fall like a house of cards.
I will say this right now. If it comes down to fighting for my guns or surrendering them, I will surrender them. I love my guns but not anywhere close to how much I love my family!  If it really comes down to that, and the government confiscates our guns, then I will not fight because it will be a losing battle for sure. My family is far more important than any gun I will ever own. Anyone who thinks that the government will not be successful in taking our guns if and when they ever want to is a fool. If given the choice between living with my family or dying with my guns, I'm taking family every time!  Yup, guess I am a coward. I just hope the rest of you don't have to prove that you're hero's!

guess I'm a fool then, because I'm not surrendering no guns at all. I love my family very much, so much that I would die for them protecting them from what ever wolf is at the door.  Unarmed in this day and time is utterly stupid.    I hope that I don't ever have to prove that I'm a hero, but my family will not be sheep led to the slaughter.
it's not the harvest,it's the chase


I agree with this. I served 5 years as a army ranger and I have been in combat. I have bleed for this country as well. I feel that there is not a compromise with a liberal. They are so out of touch with reality that it isn't even funny. Why should I compromise a God given right. I have committed no atrocities what so ever. I feel sick because I volunteered and fought for everyone in our great country to be free . Some in this great country do not deserve these freedoms that I helped to provide. I am ashamed at how weak we have become. You can't say anything without hurting someone's feelings and everyone gets a participation trophy. It's horrible. You start compromising our right to bear arms and everyone will see where this country will wind up. If you all trust this government to take care of you , well I feel sorry for you. Make no mistake , they want all Guns not just certain ones. They will chip away until they achieve this goal. This is not a speculation but a fact. Sorry for a long post but I'm really frustrated. I will say this in closing , I will never surrender one of my guns and that's just a fact. I am not trying to act tough or be a key board warrior but you can take that to the bank. I hope that there are alot of my brothers and sisters that feel the same way and has that conviction. Everyone has a right to their opinion , thanked to our first amendment. Infringe on the 2nd and watch the rest fall like a house of cards.
[/quote]               Spitten and Drummen...  This Country needs more men like you. God bless
When I turkey hunt I use a DSD decoy