Brought home a trailer full of tools about a week ago.
Two bandsaws, two 6" belt/ 12" disk sanders, Unisaw table saw, 8" jointer, a 24" scroll saw, and a 13" X 5' Southbend Lathe. It's a shame they don't make American Made tools like this anymore. Kind of makes a guy sad when he looks at the thin castings and cheep stands they use today VS. the quality that the same companys put into their tools 40+ years ago. All of these tools are pre- 1968, with the SS being a 1937 model.
The Unisaw and the Delta 14" Band saw are headed to the paint booth shortly, and once they get back they will replace both my late model saws (Jet TS, 14" delta). One of the sanders got a quick clean up, and it works great. I might keep my little 4" delta sander until it burns up, and then just use the 6" Powermatic. The best part is I got a great deal on these and brought all eight pieces home for $400 total!