I have too many strikers and have a bunch that I prefer to sell as a bundle package, so I will try that first. I also need someone to post a pic for me, and that person has first shot at buying. The strikers (once you see the picture) are from left to right:
John Sinclair: snakewood
Fred Cox: wenge, persimmon, canarywood, and black walnut
Eddie Wynne: bubinga and zebrawood
Yingling: persimmon
Gobblestix: yellowheart
Southland: hickory (i assume), monkeywood (i think), and purpleheart
Dead End: floodzone wet striker
$100 TYD in lower 48. Who can post a pic for me? I will not consider other offers until the pic is posted and the person who helps has had a chance to purchase. Paypal is fine. As a reference, the snakewood was $40 by itself. Thanks