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Anyone brave enough???

Started by SteelerFan, March 29, 2016, 08:40:21 PM

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...to hit the field with just 1 call with them this season? (or seasons past). Lots of threads about how many, and which ones - but I was just curious (for the fun of sharing) if anyone has taken that leap of faith, all in, total commitment to hunt just one call?

I'd love to be able to head out with just the trumpet around my neck, but it's surely not gonna be this season...lol (I'll have it with me, for sure, but...). 

If you have (or thinking about it!):

- Which call?
- Was it one day? Several? All season?
- Let's hear your story... the good or bad.


I've gone before with just an HS ma deuce diaphragm call. Worked just fine and actually led to one of my better mornings. Worked three birds on one ridge until a coyote messed things up. Jumped across to the next ridge and called in a single that was originally quite a ways off. He popped in on me so fast I didn't get a good setup. Busted me quick and bolted. Less than a minute later, the 5 long beards I'd been working previously appeared around the hill but no good shot. They turned back and went around the hill so I ran to where they last were and called again. They turned and came right back. The 22 hornet cracked and that bird was dead a short 26 steps away. Played with the others for a bit as well but they got to go on about their way. So yes, I've done it but not often. Maybe because the terrain there sucks and I was packing light but who knows. Prefer having options but when I hunt that particular ground it doesn't pay to get too loaded down.


I killed a bird with only one call (a box call).  Had more to do with a lack of memory than a leap of faith.  Took the calls out the hunt before to wash the vest, remembered to put everything back, but the calls piled in the corner... 

Luckily, I had also forgotten to take my extra box call (in a holster) out of the truck...

Honestly though, all the toys are part of the fun of turkey hunting, and the best toys are the calls.  I enjoy having a variety of calls (that I really do not need) in my vest.

I'll never own too many guns or too many calls...
Did I do that?

Fly fishermen are born honest, but they get over it.


I called some birds last year almost w just one call on me. Don't ask me why but I forgot every striker home. Don't remember removing them from my vest. Did have one scratch box on me. First attempt at usage in the woods. Did tree yelps, fly down, reg light calls, birds came right in. Maybe lucky but I'll take it, still want to increase my odds n have zero plans to do so again


Unless an owl hooter counts as a call, I've hit the field with just a mouth call for the last 10 years, get proficient with any one call and gain confidence in yourself and your call and cover some ground.  You'll be surprised what can happen, besides once your out there with only one call you don't have a choice but to use it and make it work.   

I now carry a box call as well,  because I build them and see a lot of advantages in using them, but would have no issues going back to strictly a mouth call.


Dr Juice

I have killed birds with one call but I never depended only on one call. I need all of my calls with me in the vest as my security blanket. Good luck ya'll.


Like a few other posts, I've left things at the house, in the car, somewhere in the woods and just had one call to use and didn't notice if the hunt was better or worse in terms of success. As I hunt more I bring less and less into the woods and seem to have more fun. Last spring I carried a mouth call and a scratch box and it was so nice to not have a bunch of stuff to sort through, carry, keep from clacking together making noise when I moved, etc.


Up until last year I've hunted with one call, both spring and fall - the cowhorn/wingbone (now delrin) yelper.  Grew up using a cow horn yelper and it has served me well for over 60 years - I'm now 73.  Last year I added one of Austy Bott's 'adjustable trumpets' to get a little different sound and the two together work great!  Guess I'm to old to change and why mess with success?

West Augusta

I'd love to get my slam with one call. So far I've got an Eastern and a Rio with a Brian Mero Snakewood trumpet.  I'm not man enough to enter the turkey woods with only one call though. If I ever complete my slam with that call it will be retired.
No trees were hurt in the sending of this message, however a large number of electrons were highly inconvenienced.


Quote from: West Augusta on March 30, 2016, 06:02:08 PM
I'd love to get my slam with one call. So far I've got an Eastern and a Rio with a Brian Mero Snakewood trumpet.  I'm not man enough to enter the turkey woods with only one call though. If I ever complete my slam with that call it will be retired.

:icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright:


Over the last 20 years I have spent several days a field with just a single diaphragm call. Whatever model it was depended on my favorite that year(before my venture into custom, more consistent calls). I have killed quite a few that way. The funny thing is how bad my calling used to be and yet I still did well. I had played with a few other calls here and there, but I didn't use them on a regular basis till about 3 years ago.


alot of time when i get off work in the evening i will just grab 1 call and head out.i have done this alot with great sucess,but if im going before daylight in the morning i like to take all of them i can fit.i like it alot better when i have my calls with me,but when im in a hurry to get out there after work it doesnt bother me a bit to just take one.

Triple Gobble

I would go with just my tube call.  Haven't ever
Done it though.
Live your life through Jesus, and life begins!!!!


I don't think I will ever do it intentionally.  Would rather forget my face mask than my calls.

Good-Looking and Platinum member of the Elitist Club


Hunted three seasons with just a trumpet I made. Limited out every season and called in many more for my son and friends I hunted with. If I could have only one call, that would be it.