Thanks that hunt started bad because I have terrible hearing lol. I walked to the forks in the road let out some yelps on the box call, and heard him gobble though he was quite a ways off. Walked to the gate to call so I could get a good bearing on him before I moved to set up. Let off some more yelps and he blew my cap off. I made a quick move to the left side of the road and about me stride he stepped out in the road about 70 yards Well I froze best I could he was with some hens and they didn't putt , but kinda just snuck off the road. I set there for a little while not calling until it felt safe to back out. I was pretty upset I misjudged the distance, and figured I had lost this bird. So I tried some other spots just listening for a couple hours. Decided to try him again and hope for the best, and I'm glad I did!
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