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Started by OldSchool, February 27, 2016, 09:11:53 AM

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Up until this past spring the only ticks I'd seen were a few on deer here and there. I picked a couple off myself during the spring season last year and that seemed to open the floodgates. I lost track of how many I found on myself over the summer and into last fall. Two of them burrowed in and had to be cut out. Seemed like I couldn't walk out the door without picking a couple up. Bugs don't bother me, but from what I read the little suckers can carry some nasty stuff, including Lyme disease. Do you guys have many where you are? I'm in central NY by the way.

Call 'em close, It's the most fun you'll ever have doing the right thing.


The last few years have been bad here in Northwest PA. I started using permethrin and haven't had one on me since.


Ticks are bad here in West KY. From early spring until frost I can not walk in grass or leaves without spraying around my ankles.
Spring turkey hunting, I love it so.                FREEDOM IS NOT FREE

Meadow Valley Man

We've been dealing with ticks in Wisconsin for many, many, years.  And, yes, they commonly transmit Lyme's disease.  Our group uses permanone spray (on our clothes, not the skin) religiously.  One treatment is good for a week. It is very effective. We also make sure our pant legs are either tucked into the boots or our socks. We did not have a major tick problem until our deer herd exploded in the late eighties.  They are no laughing matter. They become active early, too.


I am also in central NY and have the same experience as you. Their numbers have really grown in the last few years. It's now standard practice to thoroughly check oneself after being outdoors. I worry about my kids the most, they are getting too old to be checked over by their parents.


Missouri they are thick. i know 4 people who have had lyme disease.
Tons in medical bills , jobs were lost, homes etc.
Ready to do brain surgery for tumors on one guy when one doc out of  a group of doctors asked if anyone has tested for lyme disease? This after 2 years of having it.
Another young lady lost her job after being gone for over a year until it was figured out.
Lots of doctors don't seem to check for it
Don"t mess with this guys and gals.
permanone those clothes , gear , boots, inside your truck, blinds etc.
You can mix your own up, thread on here somewhere.
And keep an eye out for a red circle area around a bite you do get.


If you walk through the woods in SC from April to November unless you wear specific clothing and or insect repellent, look every 3 mm on your body, they are with you.


first sticky on turkey hunting tips. strategies and methods  , mix your own..



Yep they are bad here also.

Good-Looking and Platinum member of the Elitist Club


I will not go into the MO spring woods without a permethrin treatment to all my gear.
United Front Armory
Custom built firearms
Top quality cerakote applications


N.J. they've been bad for years...I know a number of people who have had lymes. One guy had all sorts of procedures to later find out that he had lymes. He walks with a cane now.
Permethrin is phenomenal stuff. Lasts about 5 weeks and 5 washings. I don't go in the woods without it! DO NOT SPRAY ON SKIN and let clothes dry before wearing...
Keep in mind that pets can bring 'em into the house so keep an eye on them and keep them protected also (flea and tick treatment). Pets can't tell you that they hurt. Better to be proactive with them also...
If you get light or hearing sensitivity, head aches, vision problems, achy joints, unexplained rashes, stiffness or fever, suspect lymes and get tested (more than once if symptoms persist). It's a nasty disease with enormous consequences so be proactive...


I guess I never really took them seriously until started to see them myself and read some of the horror stories. I found one one my hip that had really taken hold. The area around the tick was all purple looking and swollen, so with what I'd read about them in mind I went to the Dr's and got some antibiotics. He said it appeared to have been there a while so he ordered blood work too. I had blood tests twice and they came back negative, so I guess I was lucky. From what I read, Lyme disease is only one of several diseases they can carry and the others don't sound like much fun either.

Like I said I'm not afraid of bugs, but It's sure something to keep in mind. Seems like every time I'm working a bird and don't dare move, something crawls up a sleeve or down my neck. I didn't used to let it bother me, now I always wonder if It's a tick.


Call 'em close, It's the most fun you'll ever have doing the right thing.

Tail Feathers

I forgot to spray my hunting clothes with Permethrin before a KS/OK trip a few years ago.  I got over two dozen bites.  Some in places you REALLY don't want a tick!
I will not forget to spray my clothes and boots ever again.  Permethrin really works.
Love to hunt the King of Spring!


Quote from: owlhoot on February 27, 2016, 09:58:07 AM
first sticky on turkey hunting tips. strategies and methods  , mix your own..


I did see that owlhoot, thank you. :icon_thumright: I still have some that I bought last year, but when it gets low I'll mix up some of my own.

Call 'em close, It's the most fun you'll ever have doing the right thing.


Tail Feathers, I can only imagine. I cut one out of the underside of my wrist last fall and I have no desire to have to do the same "in places you really don't want a tick." ::)

Call 'em close, It's the most fun you'll ever have doing the right thing.