Early in the season last year, birds were very vocal...
With our drought, it seems the predators (bobcats, coyotes, and foxes) got on the turkeys pretty hard, and the turkeys plum shut up by mid-season. Hens nor toms were vocal.
I have never called in as many predators as I did last season... One day I called in coyotes to three separate locations. Called in bobcats a couple times, and foxes a couple times as well. But, I honestly cannot think of one day in the field where I did not call in at least one predator.
Had a tom in range (but out of sight) on the last day of the season, and a yote ran in and spoiled things... I got cut off and ruined multiple times by yotes last season... I am not a fan of shooting them (as I am doing it for fun and they are doing it for a living), but this season, I am thinking of taking my brother-in-law out, as he really wants to get one and make a pelt...