Got in the new choke and I am more than happy with what I am seeing. Pattern seems slightly more open than in my previous choke.
Distance was 25 yards & 40 yards. Both shots are shooting to POA with this setup give or take a little bit but nothing like it did before. I am very happy with how it is shooting now. I shot 15 or so shells today and every one of them hit to POA. That is what I have been looking for. I think my gun likes a slightly more open choke.
Let me know what you all think.
I think this is more than adequate at 25 yards. Not too tight and hitting right where I aim.
My 40 yard shots really made me smile. It is hitting to POA every time now. Its obviously not perfectly the same every shot but the mass of my pellets are hitting where I want them too. I took 5 shots like this today and this was about what they all look like. 219 in the 10" with 127 more between the 10-15"
Not as even of a pattern as the Sumtoy put down, but I like it.