You are walking the trail to your favorite hunting spot, you have at least a 1/4" mile to go, and the sun is trying to pop up behind the top of the highest tree you begin to huff and puff you realize that you have been packing around 125 pounds of junk on your back! Chair, decoys, gun, food, drink, calls, blind, and the list just keeps going wonder you are about to give're carrying around all that excess baggage as it were. You are wore out before you get to your spot, and to beat all the sun has already popped out! Bummer....too late to setup...too tired to setup....too frustrated to succeed .... so you grudgingly turn around and head back to the is much the same way. Spiritually we should be bouncing off the walls full of energy and sharing the Gospel of Jesus with the world, but...we carry the baggage of unforgiveness ... and that is a lot of weight! Worn down and disgusted, we often go about with our heads hung low, we try to forgive but we have carried that excess baggage for so long..."Forgive one another, as God in Christ forgave you." (Eph. 4:32) we do not need to carry everything on our backs in the woods, nor do we need to carry everything in our hearts in life, we need to drop all that excess stuff, if we ever expect to leave this place for an eternal home of peace and tranquility. My advice, give someone a call, tell them you have forgiven them, and mean it, and get over it!