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"Turkey Reaping" Video

Started by Selluwud, May 07, 2015, 09:50:59 AM

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Cove you are so busy talking you don't hear a thing I am saying. Digging up old posts and assuming shows an extreme lack of experience on your part.
"Turkeys ain't nothing but big quail son."-Dad

"The truth is that no one really gives a dam how many turkeys you kill."-T

"No self respecting turkey hunter would pay $5 for a call that makes a good sound when he can buy a custom call for $80 and get the same sound."-NWiles


Quote from: THattaway on October 03, 2015, 06:03:00 PM
Cove you are so busy talking you don't hear a thing I am saying. Digging up old posts and assuming shows an extreme lack of experience on your part.

...It appears somebody is getting a bit cranky....  ;D

I guess I'm with Cove on this one.  I'm not quite sure what you are trying to say either, but my impression, whether correct or not, is that you are implying that the only "legitimate" method for killing spring gobblers is to do nothing more than call to them.  If that is how you feel, then more power to you,...but I would question the rationale to state that anybody that does something different than that is somehow less of a turkey hunter. 

I will also state without hesitation that it is my opinion that there are field birds in this country that you never kill by doing nothing but calling to them,...regardless of how good a caller or "woodsman" you think you are.

In addition, perhaps it was a bit embarrassing to have Cove post the link showing your string of decoys.  I'm sure we are not the only ones here that made the assumption that the picture of the decoy herd indicated that you used, or at least "condoned", them.  Might be a good idea to go back to that thread and add a line with a disclaimer stating that although you had gone to the trouble of repainting those decoys to be more realistic, you really do not use them, or condone their use. 

I have only been turkey hunting for fifty years and I guess my "extreme lack of experience" was showing when I assumed you were one who hunted over a decoy herd.  I suspect there are others here like me....  :toothy12:


Quote from: THattaway on October 03, 2015, 06:03:00 PM
Cove you are so busy talking you don't hear a thing I am saying. Digging up old posts and assuming shows an extreme lack of experience on your part.

No sir. I'm never one to be "too busy talking" . . . I do a great deal of listening. I was merely pointing out the fact that with just a little search, you're concrete stance on being against a visual aid during the hunt melted. If you choose to roll out a flock of decoys on your hunts, then by all means do so . . . but I believe it's wrong to then hop on board the "purist" train and begin questioning other hunters ethics because they may put a turkey fan in their pocket and have success with it.

*and btw, the post I brought to the thread is only a few months old and since the last turkey season. I'm not certain that would qualify as an "old" post. If one wants to dig, I'm sure I have some video links to hunts 5/7 years ago that would show all of the above negatives. . . I'm glad I've matured as a turkey hunter.


Quote from: GobbleNut on October 04, 2015, 02:18:00 PM
Quote from: THattaway on October 03, 2015, 06:03:00 PM
Cove you are so busy talking you don't hear a thing I am saying. Digging up old posts and assuming shows an extreme lack of experience on your part.

...It appears somebody is getting a bit cranky....  ;D

I guess I'm with Cove on this one.  I'm not quite sure what you are trying to say either, but my impression, whether correct or not, is that you are implying that the only "legitimate" method for killing spring gobblers is to do nothing more than call to them.  If that is how you feel, then more power to you,...but I would question the rationale to state that anybody that does something different than that is somehow less of a turkey hunter. 

I will also state without hesitation that it is my opinion that there are field birds in this country that you never kill by doing nothing but calling to them,...regardless of how good a caller or "woodsman" you think you are.

In addition, perhaps it was a bit embarrassing to have Cove post the link showing your string of decoys.  I'm sure we are not the only ones here that made the assumption that the picture of the decoy herd indicated that you used, or at least "condoned", them.  Might be a good idea to go back to that thread and add a line with a disclaimer stating that although you had gone to the trouble of repainting those decoys to be more realistic, you really do not use them, or condone their use. 

I have only been turkey hunting for fifty years and I guess my "extreme lack of experience" was showing when I assumed you were one who hunted over a decoy herd.  I suspect there are others here like me....  :toothy12:
I am not cranky. I admit I'm a bit frustrated arguing with a brick wall, Cove that is. I've always had great respect for you and your truly unbiased opinion on turkey hunting, at least in my eyes you usually come far closer to that than most folks here. I am in no way embarrassed about what I have posted here but there have been assumptions made and false accusations. Please let me set the record straight here:
I pointed out that the idea that you HAD to have a fan to be successful on open ground was a LAME excuse.

Feel free to quote me where I ever said I was against visual aids in turkey hunting. Please do read my posts for reference on what I said instead of what Cove said I said. LOL!

Since you mention those decoys again I'll gladly give you full disclosure.
4 dekes pictured. Two are mine I picked up at Walmart for $25 on clearance after turkey season this year. I painted them up. A friend liked them so much he asked me to paint his. As an afterthought I took pictures of the whole crew as "before and after" shots so I could post them online as a brag on the good deal and paint job. I've never owned a strutting tom but may one of these days, who knows. After making some duck decoys last fall I decided to make a hen to use this spring. Sort of a new challenge level, to take a turkey over a decoy I made myself. I carved and painted and succeeded with killing three of the five public land toms over it this spring. It's the most I've ever killed in a season over a deke. I posted that here too to brag as it's an accomplishment for me. Plenty proud of it too. I say all that to show that I like a new challenge, am somewhat open to new ideas and try to do something new every spring to bring turkey hunting to a new level for myself. I might even use a fan eventually but I sure as heck will NEVER say it or ANY visual aid is REQUIRED!

Believe I have stated that idea repeatedly. Plenty of irony here from my viewpoint on what has been stated in this thread. I believe my comments have been pretty straight forward and to the point.

That's about all I got to say on this subject anymore. I am sure someone will chime in and speak for me as it's been happening all along. I'll get back to my crutches now and "THE" turkey I killed last spring stories.

You have a great day Sir.
"Turkeys ain't nothing but big quail son."-Dad

"The truth is that no one really gives a dam how many turkeys you kill."-T

"No self respecting turkey hunter would pay $5 for a call that makes a good sound when he can buy a custom call for $80 and get the same sound."-NWiles


Good enough explanation, THattaway.  I think this is a case of the written word being misunderstood, misrepresented, or misinterpreted to be something other than what we often want to convey.  Sometimes, it seems, we all make comments that are probably better left unsaid.  I know I have been as guilty of that as anybody on occasion,...and this was a good example. 

We should all make it a point to give each other the benefit of the doubt in these discussions and keep our comments respectful and friendly.  All is good.  Carry on, friends. 


I am the first to say that hunting this way is dangerous. However, I would find it hard to believe that a reasonable person could not see that there is a human behind the decoy. Of course, REASONABLE is the key word here... I still say not a safe way to hunt.


Quote from: Cove on October 01, 2015, 02:37:24 PM
Quote from: davisd9 on October 01, 2015, 10:20:55 AM
When does it go from the integrity of the art of turkey hunting to just making sure you get a kill?

Sent from the Strut Zone

I wish there was a definitive answer to this one. . . .

There is.  But many don't want to recognize it.
"[T]he changing environment will someday be totally and irrevocably unsuitable for the wild turkey.  Unless mankind precedes the birds in extinction, we probably will not be hunting turkeys for too much longer."  Ken Morgan, "Turkey Hunting, A One Man Game


There are a lot of "purist" out there that only hunt with long bow vs compound, patch and ball vs inline w/sabots, flyrod vs spinning rod, etc.  The same thing can likely be said for purist turkey hunters that believe calls plus decoys are the only way to go.  Antelope hunters often use a decoy to hide behind to get within archery distance of antelope.  The same is true with elk and moose decoys.  I don't know any state that has outlawed the use of decoys, tailfeathers, or anything else for stalking closer to game species...not sure why this would change with turkeys?

I have actually turkey reaped on private ranches the past few years.  I haven't had to worry about other turkey hunters and it is definitely an adrenaline rush!  It usually took a number of tries before I got within range...and most attempts ended in frustration!  I have yet to get one this way with bow....even though I've tried for several weeks.  Similar to trying to convince rutting bull elk away from his with cows...the toms often take their hens and head the opposite direction!

With that said, there is no way I'll ever convince a purist fly fisherman to use a spinning rod....and I'm sure the same thing is true with purist turkey hunters!  I've hunted everything from dall sheep in Alaska to moose in Wyoming and having success turkey reaping is one of the biggest adrenaline rushes I have ever experienced!  Safety is obviously the biggest issue to contend with...if it's not a safe place to turkey reap...by-gingleberries....don't turkey reap!


I wouldn't use a fan personally. I hunt fields a lot, as well as the woods. We have a crazy amount of "hunters" that drive our road from first light til noon, trying to shoot birds in the fields from their vehicle window (illegal) with rifles (also illegal). I doubt I'd live til 9:00 am on opening day.

From the videos I've seen of this, and some of you will probably think I'm crazy, but it seems to me to be taking unfair advantage. It appears to work too well. It wouldn't take long for hunting to lose It's charm with me, if I killed a bird every time out. I have no experience with them, so maybe they don't work as well as they're portrayed on the net, I don't know. And no, you wouldn't have to shoot every bird that came in either.

If you use them and you're happy, I'm happy for you, but they're not for me. Please be careful, and here's hoping that everybody else out there with you is too. :z-twocents:


Call 'em close, It's the most fun you'll ever have doing the right thing.


Its legal so I have have no problem with someone doing it. Its cute some of you get upset when someone does not turkey hunt exactly like you.


I guess we all have some kind of a problem with the way others hunt. I SURE DO! and people have a problem with the way I hunt too. Fanning.... Reaping... Whatever its called... decoys...ground tent blinds.... crossbows...shooting at birds at long ranges 50-70 yards yards..... I can make an argument for all the above.... but who am I to judge you. I just choose not to hunt with others that don't share my common hunting ethics... it doesn't mean my way Is right and you're way is wrong. but since I'm on my soap box I hate reaping, crossbows and tent turkey hunting.  :TooFunny:  :fud: :gobble:


First off I hate the term "Reaping", and hunters have been "fanning" for birds a long time before this came along. And as with most things posted to YouTube and the like bringing things to the "extreme" is the thing. I know we can see descent among the ranks when we don't agree on certain aspects of how "we" hunt and as this leads how we are perceived as hunters. With that said I am a firm believer that if it is legal within the state you hunt you have the option to pursue game in that fashion, I guess it is one of the freedoms we are fortunate to have. As we all know we are judged pretty hard by the non-hunting public, not that is my main concern but it is out there. I will also admit that I have "snuck" into position (close)  on birds and called and killed them in the field and timber. I do also use blinds and decoys at times whether it's a youth hunt, new hunter or a bow hunt, pretty much a mix of everything and all legal where I hunt. Do I plan to "Reap" a bird... Nope, just not my style of hunting, should I tell you that you can't hunt that way because I do not approve, nope that is your decision. Do I think this can be a dangerous way to hunt? I believe it does add to the chance of an accident happening and to me is an issue as I help teach Hunters Ed classes. I also do a lot of teaching about turkey hunting, seminars and video work as well, I will not be adding this tactic of turkey hunting to my venue in any form, I have been questioned about it a lot in my job and leave that final decision to each hunter to make.
I will also say that in the last dozen years (been turkey hunting for many more) my challenge has been getting a bird to come in close and personal, I guess I am just at that stage with my hunts, I would have a hard time thinking of a bird that with the shotgun has been out of the 15-17 yard range and our bow hunts are at 10-12 yards or closer!



I've done a bunch of fanning, turkey reaping, and decoying the past few years.  I would say fanning/reaping is everything but a slam dunk as some have mentioned above.  Similar to trying to "reap" antelope, elk, or moose with a decoy it is just as difficult to get toms to commit and approach fans/reaping decoys as any other game...especially when toms are henned up or in larger groups.  Unless you have tried it you have no idea how easy or difficult it is!  I'm sure the guys that produced the videos have gobs of unsuccessful stalks.  They likely only show most of the successful footage.  I also would venture a guess that once toms get wise to fanning, reaper, or regular decoys the wise old toms are nearly impossible to coax into lethal range.  I've yet to harvest a tom while turkey reaping with a bow...and have tried it for days upon days!   Similar to sitting in a blind with decoys...if you hit a tom in the right mood it will likely work but it may take many hours of trying to have success!

Dr Juice

Never tried it and very concerned about my safety from a poacher with a rifle. No thanks!  :fud:


Quote from: mlisandro on February 24, 2016, 01:40:15 PM
Never tried it and very concerned about my safety from a poacher with a rifle. No thanks!  :fud:

Agreed. The land that I hunt is adjacent to public swamp. I have too much to lose to even take the slightest minute bit of a chance that somebody may be hunting the edge of the swamp and mistake me for a bird. Aside from that, whatever happened to calling a bird to you, not you trying to go to it? Everybody is always wanting to improve what already works. Seems to me like some people will do whatever it takes to not eat a tag, even for one day.