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VIDEO of my son practicing up for the season

Started by sugarray, March 26, 2011, 09:30:46 PM

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So I have the 20 gauge and FF II lined in and we went to practice.  It was cold at 30 degrees, but we got 3 shots in.  He is 3/3, 100 % at 20 yds.  He is my son, Reis, and he is 6.  Pressure is on dad to put him on his first turkey.  He seems to be settling in and ready to hold up his end of the bargain.

His 3rd shot.  Let me apologize up front.  This was taken with my iPhone and there is no zoom.  Also, the down time is me getting the gun up on the bipod.  All I do is get him pointed in the right direction and keep the gun from falling when he shoots.  He aims L/R and pulls the trigger.  Yeah, don't make fun of the calling, I know it was crap.  Trying to make it realistic.


Wasted a good beer nah im just kidding if u can drink old milauakees best then your well i wont say  :lol: :TooFunny:
Good job on getting him ready he plastered that can.


2016-2017-2018-2019-2020- 2021
Six time Old Gobbler Contest Champions


Thats awesome, that smile will only get bigger when them birds are in front of him... looks like you'll have a partner for along time... I used to buy old milwaukee for pistol targets, ain't good for nothing else ;D


Great job Ray. Loved the smile. Reis is a natural.

RIP Marvin Robbins



Way to go Reis. You are a natural born turkey killer. Nice job, Ray. That was neat..Mike :you_rock:
May I assume you're not here to inquire about the alcohol or the tobacco?
If attacked by a mob of clowns, go for the juggler.


That was great Ray, you better get that boy on a turkey.. :fud:    :newmascot:


Hey great video. So you know your Photobucket account is set to public once we click that link we can see your entire album. I suggest setting it to private. That will let people see only what you post.


Thats an awsome video Ray, thanks for posting it. You did let your son know about the long agonizing wait that's in store for him til our season opens up didn't you.  ;)  Looks like he'll be ready though!  :fud:


That was GREAT !!  Got ya a real turkey kiiler there  :icon_thumright:
"Freedom Has Never Been Free"



Great shot.  I hope you get him on some birds.  I think he can hold up his end of the deal.


Now that's a good use for that beeer. He laid it down :icon_thumright:


The smile makes it worth your time and effort. Wont be long and he will be counting the days until he can go with you to the woods.