I live In Tennessee the terrain is steep on the Cumberland plateau. There is a gobbler roosts at the top of the flat. There are several logging roads that lead onto the flat from where he is roosted. About 100-150 yards from flat to his roost tree. I was on him several times last year with no decoy. He came in silent one time. And took different roads down the other times. Always staying just out of range or coming in so I couldn't get a shot or f9ollowi g hens down the other roads. I hunted him for the first time this year Tuesday morning. I set up where three roads come together with one hen decoy I the road. Well before light. He flew down with a hen. The hen came down one road and he came down the other. She came right to the decoy and started "strutting in front of it". The gobbler was coming strait at me up the road in front. I couldn't aim because the hen was 10 yards. He got to about 60 yards just over A little rise in the road. Then strutted off the road kind of circling the decoy over to another road. And then spent the next hour just over the ridge gobbling and strutting. I could not lure him back to decoy. The hen stayed near me the whole time so I could not move. I then pissed then hen off she started cutting and came back up to me right in my face and busted me. She putted but he never quit gobbling. Just stayed over the ridge. She met up with him then lead him off.
I'm gonna try it again this coming Saturday. He will probably be near the same tree. It's all open hardwoods mostly. I was thinking to put a hen decoy in breeding position and a jake decoy. I've had two other mature gobblers attack my jake this year with good luck. Thinking of another feeder hen there as well. Really try to piss him off.