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Started by mfd1027, March 24, 2011, 09:16:55 PM

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Good luck, Dan! Smash some heads!
Hook's Custom Calls
Keep The Fever Custom Calls
Romans 3:24


0 for 3!   Didn't hear a peep today.   It was supposed to be a nice day but the weatherman lied!! lol   I'll be glad when this weather pattern breaks and we get a few days to dry out.   It's supposed to rain tomorrow so I'm not sure if we will go.   I'm fine with a drizzle but a hard rain and I'm sleeping in.    The worse thing about days and runs of bad weather like this is that frustration  or desparation sets in and you tend to do stupid things like trample your hunting grounds and call way too much.   I'm guilty of both.    I'm cutting way back on my calling and runnin' and gunnin' til better days get here.   


You'll get em Dan.  You hear anything?


You may have to deer huntm until the weather breaks.


keep after them Dan you will get em


Had a scarey moment this morning.    We thought we'd get an hr. or so of decent weather to hunt but it didn't happen.   I set up in some open pines where my buddy had seen a strutter yesterday and got in there nice and early.   I had to wait 20 min. on the songbirds.    Didn't hear any gobbles but was able to start up a nice conversation with a hens while they were still roosted.   It was thundering in the distance and I thought that if that didn't get one to sound off nothing would esp. as it got closer.   About flydown time it started drizzling as the main part of the storm approached.   It was thundering every min or so now.   I was thinking that maybe there was a gobbler roosted with the hens I was still talking to so I hung in there.    It started raining harder and harder and now the lightning was getting close.   Then I had one of those flash/ booms as the woods I was in lit up.   To say it scared the crap out of me is an understatement.   I looked like an olympic sprinter coming out of those woods!!   Well , that was it for this morning.    It's still raining lightly and we've got some more heavy stuff that's supposed to arrive in about and hr. or two.    We're forecast for rain tomorrow too but maybe we'll get lucky.   Fri. looks good.   I've got 4-5 birds located  and think we might do some good if the weather would just give us a break.   


Been caught one time out in a storm like that and if I have anything to do with, it will not happen again. Thunger, lightning, hail, the whole nine yards.


I'm not faring much better.  I wen tlast night after work, and couldn't make anything happen.  I am going to got tomorrow afterwork as well. Hopefully our luck will change. 


I can see stars!!!!  No, not from my wife whacking me over the head with a pan but in the sky.   First time I've seen em since we came up.    We've only got a 10% chance of rain and lite winds so maybe just maybe the boys will want to play tomorrow.   I feel like it's opening day! lol   I'm planning on going back where I was this morning to see if those girls want to do a little more talking.   I might even take ol jake mob. with me.   I won't sleep tonight!


My buddy Brad shot a nice 2 yr. old this morning.   Came in silent.   He was set up in some big pines just calling every once in a whlle with his box call.   

Now for me.    You can't come any closer and not shoot.   I got back into the same pines I started at yesterday and setup blindly in the dark.   I know the woods really well so I kind of knew where I need to be.   I even took my Jake Mob.  and set him up in a jealousy set.   I was all setup and sitting at the base of the tree 20 min. before the songbirds started.    I had decided I was just going to let things happen naturally so I just sat and enjoyed the world waking up around me.   With the sound of the first crows of the morning a gobbler opened up no more than 75 yds away.  Man, I thought I was in the driver's seat.   I waited a few more min. and when I thought the time was right I clucked 2-3 times on my L. Williams box.   He cut me off!!   I slide down the tree and got my knee up and rested my gun on it.   It was 2-3 more min. when I saw him fly down and he immediately started spitting and drumming.   I went ahead and yelped twice on one of my Gone Wild mouthcalls and he hammered back.   He wasn't more than 50 yds away doing donuts.   All i needed to do was be patient.    I just sat and watched.   Finally he got behind some brush and I didn't hear him spitting anymore so I figured he was on his final approach.
I just knew he was going to come through those open pines. lol    When I didn't hear or see him for about 2-3 min. I slid my hand to the ground to scratch the leaves and just as I flipped a few leaves around I heard a loud pffitttt varoom behind me!!  He was no more than 15 yds. away and I could just barely see him out of the corner of my eye.    I was really tempted to swing around and try to shoot him but I really thought he would see the dekes and just walk in.   It didn't happen.   Next thing I know he gobbles 40-50 yds. away and he's  headed away from me.   I let him get about 100 yds. away and I jumped up and tried to circle him.   I never got him to gobble again but did get some hens to answer me in the direction he was going so I'm pretty surre he hooked up with them.   This section of woods is really wide open and not wanting to spook him I just eased out.  I'll give him another shot tomorrow morning.    Man, it was close!!!   I have a feeling this guy is a 3-4 yr. old just by the way he acted.    It's raining again!!    I'm not sure if I will hunt him this afternoon or not.   I'll probably just leave those woods alone and slip back in there again tomorrow morning.  Like I said these woods are wide open so you're somewhat committed once you get in there.   I'm afraid he'd catch me and like I said I don't want to spook him.   


You got lucky you didn't spook him off by doing that with him so close. Sounds like you had a great morning. Good luck on him in the morning, sounds like it is just a matter of time. Then again, it is turkey hunting. We have one more day and a wake up.


You gotta be pumped up Dustin.    Are you heading for the same woods you hunted last wk. end for the youth hunt?   

I did get lucky not spooking that bird this morning.   What blows me away is how they can sneak in so quietly.  I actually thought it was another bird.   


Quote from: mfd1027 on March 31, 2011, 03:42:29 PM
You gotta be pumped up Dustin.    Are you heading for the same woods you hunted last wk. end for the youth hunt?   

I did get lucky not spooking that bird this morning.   What blows me away is how they can sneak in so quietly.  I actually thought it was another bird.   
Pumped up is an understatement. Yes I am gettin back on that same bird. It may have been another bird given the time frame, in which you described. The original bird may have slipped off after seeing or hearing the one behind you.

Gotta ask you a question about a mouthcall that you may be able to help me with later on. I will send you a PM later.


Them dogged birds are quick, fast and can be extremly quite, my big bird I killed last year did some of that, I seen him 300yrds away in a field struting around a lone hen, I started calling trying to get her attention, to no avail, I got frustrated and tired and looked one last time at this bird and still 200 or more yards away so I sat down and before I even got completely set down, there he was, these birds are magnificent creatures to chase.
Before all else fails,talk to Jesus


[quote these birds are magnificent creatures to chase.

They aint but one thing better to chase.  :icon_thumright: