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What would your stategy be in the morning?

Started by LARRYHAYNES, March 13, 2015, 09:07:18 PM

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Tomorrow is opening day in bama. It's been raining all week but has been steadily warm which I like. It's suppose to be on and off showers in the morning which is fine by me cause the wind is suppose to be calm. My stategy is gonna be around daylight I'm gonna do a little calling to see if I can get one to sound off. Luckily we are loaded with turkeys so I know where several roost so if I can't get a gobble I'm gonna just do a little calling and set up on a small good plot. May try decoys. May not. But if yall were me what would yall try. Not really looking for advice just like to start conversations. Oh by the way it's gonna be around 50* in the morning and cloudy and getting up to 74* with sunny skies. Gonna be a beautiful day to be in the woods


My strategy for in the morning will be go stand on a big hill and wait for one to sound off. Once he gobbles ill move into about 80-100 yards and throw a few soft yelps and clucks out and wait for him to pitch out and offer me a shot. It probably ain't going to work that way but that's my plan. LMBO


Your plan sounds better than mine. I haven't had a chance to scout or listen. Joined new club last fall there are plenty of turkeys on land but about 10 guys turkey hunt also on 2000 acres. Since haven't been able to scout I'm gonna get up real early and go to a spot on public land I killed one at last year.

Triple Gobble

If they are still flocked up, which I'm assuming
They are, I would set up in an area that
They are frequenting and be patient and
Listen for the hens and call them in to get
The big old limb hanger. That's if they are flocked
Up like they are here.  Either way good luck
To you!!!!
Live your life through Jesus, and life begins!!!!

Spitten and drummen

My strategy is going to be patience. I know they are flocked up. Soft calling and leaf scratching every 15 or 20 min. Gonna hang in there. cant never tell what those crazy birds will do. The joy of turkey hunting


They are still in there winter flocks here in Alabama(at least in my part) so I will just be easing around listening,if I find one that gets cranked up a bit I will give him some soft calls.If by any chance I hear some hens,I will get a little aggressive with them,and see if they will come in and drag an ole long beard in with them.


I am in the southern part of the state. They are busting up I've got several pics of longbeards coming in solo in the last 4-5 days.


looks like your hunt started today. Hope you got one. To answer the first part of my stradegy Itd be not to walk around calling. Roost em n be in the game first light


I already knew the general area where he would be roosted. I was in the game for around 2 hr. But the chuffa's started calling him I guess. That's where he went. That's how it goes. Can't kill them all I guess. They gobbled very good this morning though.


I'm just saying I'd roost em n they may fly down right to you or have to move less in order to be in range. Good luck tomo bud


Thanks buddy. Good luck to all that are hunting tomorrow.


2000 acres and 10 guys seems like it could be a bit crowded...  Especially if the birds are congregated in certain parts of the ranch.

If I were going to hunt that area blind, I would look for a spot that birds might go to when spooked or bumped, that other hunters would not want to go to...  In my case that would either mean a steep up-hill walk, or thicker cover.

10 guys hunting, and flocked up birds, someone is going to scatter a flock or two (either with a gun-shot, or walking around looking for birds)...  I might go early, but I would plan on staying out a bit to kill a bird...
Did I do that?

Fly fishermen are born honest, but they get over it.