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Whats your thought

Started by chad fenton, March 13, 2015, 12:29:35 AM

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chad fenton

I was just reading the replies in the "cheating" thread.  Several people  said as long as its legal or following all the rules...  then why consider it cheating.  I guess morally
My question is,  who thinks ther are to many rules.  Besides bag limits, which can be highly arguable with various game.  Who thinks its a tale of " govt controling another part of my life".  I live in NC cant hunt Sunday.  But you can bow hunt Sunday.  Makes no sense what so ever.  No fall turkey  season yet have a very strong turkey flock.  The list goes on and on. 
I am all for bag limits but much of the other over regulation is just that. Now dont make any assumptions , this guy doesnt follow any laws, just the sportsman that gives everybody a bad name bla bla bla. I am not hurting to feed my family.  But if I was everything would be fair game all year long


 I would give up Sunday hunt for turkeys if we could hunt all day in Mo. in the spring. I wish someone could tell me why thats such a great idea. I know why they did it 50 years ago, but makes no sense at all now.

Spitten and drummen

the politicians sit up there and have to find something to do to justify their insane salaries , so they make up laws that have no common sense. they barter back and forth and say hey you sign my bill for this and I will sign your bill for that. then they go have steak , lobster and fine wine at our expense. politics at its finest. :smiley-patriotic-flagwaver-an


I am not going to get into a debate, argument, or even a discussion about rules, laws, etc... but I, personally, would like to see at least a week long fall turkey season here in SC. Not to be able to hunt turkeys in general, but, honestly, to have a chance to harvest your own Thanksgiving turkey. It would open up the Thursday before Thanksgiving and close the day before Thanksgiving (Wednesday). All of the same rules would apply as they do in the Spring, except that it would be a one bird limit. I just think it would be neat...


Yes-- I think there are WAY too many restrictions. For example--Take a look at the regulations for hunting in Arkansas for example----17 different zones for turkey and deer each with their own seasons, limits etc.. Crazy!! This does not even consider the WMAs which has their own set of regs and seasons. In short---TOO MUCH!! 


Quote from: catdaddy on March 13, 2015, 12:21:05 PM
Yes-- I think there are WAY too many restrictions. For example--Take a look at the regulations for hunting in Arkansas for example----17 different zones for turkey and deer each with their own seasons, limits etc.. Crazy!! This does not even consider the WMAs which has their own set of regs and seasons. In short---TOO MUCH!!

But with such varying habitat and populations, you can't make a blanket regulation.
Certified Wildlife Biologist


If everyone was a moral and ethical hunter, there would be no reason for any rules or regulations.  Unfortunately, this is not the case...

Should we be able to shoot birds out of the roost? 
Should we be able to use electronic turkey calls?
Should we be able to use motorized, highly realistic decoys?
Should we be able to use a rifle capable of killing birds at extremely long ranges?
Should we be able to take as many birds as we can kill during the season?

In all honesty, some of us will have different answers to some of the above questions, and even those that seem obviously wrong, without rules in place, there are people that practice some, if not all of the above practices.

Some regulations benefit the majority, while impinging upon the individual...  Some rules are just silly...  Some rules, due to the nature of society, are unfortunately necessary.
Did I do that?

Fly fishermen are born honest, but they get over it.


Tradition has a lot to do with game laws. IL and MO have the 1:00 stop time in the spring. IL. youth hunt is two days long and a week before the season starts. Give youth the whole week and the entire season.
When I turkey hunt I use a DSD decoy

M Sharpe

You think there are too many laws?????

Hunt on a military reservation and really let the games begin!!! They have the state's and their own!
I'm not a Christian because I'm strong and have it all together. I'm a Christian because I'm weak and admit I need a Saviour!

chad fenton

What is morally and ethically right for one is not for the next.  I definitely don't need a govt enity telling regulating me on what I think is morally or ethically correct (Look at Hilary).  As I said if officials were to really crack down on bag limits,I am not gonna tell anyo e what he can use to call any animal what gun he can use where or where not to shoot what time to shoot.  That's their call.  Just dont shoot more ore catch more than your allowed. That just me. 


Quote from: chad fenton on March 13, 2015, 04:10:40 PM
What is morally and ethically right for one is not for the next.  I definitely don't need a govt enity telling regulating me on what I think is morally or ethically correct (Look at Hilary).  As I said if officials were to really crack down on bag limits,I am not gonna tell anyoe what he can use to call any animal what gun he can use where or where not to shoot what time to shoot.  That's their call.  Just don't shoot more ore catch more than your allowed. That just me.

Obviously there are some methods of take that would lend towards more game being taken by more hunters (i.e. using rifles to hunt turkey, or using electronic calls to call them in)...

Granted, there are a number of people who would self-regulate, but there are more who would not...

Personally, for the most part I would like to see more biology, and less emotion involved with hunting regulations...  But, some regulations are necessary in today's society if we want to see the perpetuation of hunting...
Did I do that?

Fly fishermen are born honest, but they get over it.


QuotePersonally, for the most part I would like to see more biology, and less emotion involved with hunting regulations... 
You must be my brotha by anotha motha.  I say that all the time.  Use science in setting game and fish laws.  Biologists should have way more say in game laws than Senators.   
Psalms 118v24: This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

M Sharpe

Quote from: Treerooster on March 13, 2015, 05:54:03 PM
Bring on the regs, I can figure them out...it ain't rocket science.

Yeah, right up till the time they write you up for having a loaded gun in your vehicle, then when you unload your gun and put the shells in your pocket. Then they want you to prove that the gun won't hold but 3 shells and you reach in your pocket to pull your shells out and they give you a warning for having " ready accessible ammo"!!!

:TooFunny: :TooFunny:
That's the truth too!!!
I'm not a Christian because I'm strong and have it all together. I'm a Christian because I'm weak and admit I need a Saviour!


Quote from: M Sharpe on March 13, 2015, 06:45:50 PM
Quote from: Treerooster on March 13, 2015, 05:54:03 PM
Bring on the regs, I can figure them out...it ain't rocket science.

Yeah, right up till the time they write you up for having a loaded gun in your vehicle, then when you unload your gun and put the shells in your pocket. Then they want you to prove that the gun won't hold but 3 shells and you reach in your pocket to pull your shells out and they give you a warning for having " ready accessible ammo"!!!

:TooFunny: :TooFunny:
That's the truth too!!!

I'm guessing that happened to you, or somebody you know?


Just as with any faction of the government, I just wish they'd enforce the laws we already have on the books now...sound familiar ??

Sent from Gobblers Knob, NC