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let them walk ?

Started by porcupine, March 07, 2015, 01:43:40 AM

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I have nowhere near the time or land that holds a lot of birds as I like, plus out of state new places and different subspecies....makes me wonder if I am of the majority or minorityof my thinking that if a shot at a legal bird presents itself after all the hard work is passable???? Taking the hunt and enjoying nature out of the equation because that's already been had do you let it walk because of a few broken tail feathers short beard or small spur's??? Not this cowboy no free passes here, what about y'all?


I let some walk every year to keep from tagging out early. I like shooting them as much as the next person but I would rather catch and release than tag out early. I know I'm probably in the minority.


We are only allowed one gobbler here in NH.
Therefore, when I see a full fan, whether it is May 3rd, or May 31st, I pull the trigger. Just not enough days to hunt, and the only birds that get free passes are jakes.


Jakes always get a pass.  If I'm after a particular bird, others might or might not get a pass.  For me, the experience of working a bird is just, if not more, pleasurable than closing the deal.  if on every opening morning, a bird lit off the roost and came right in, and I killed it, after a while that wouldn't be much fun.


I can count on one hand the birds I've let walk that I could of shot in 15 years of turkey hunting. Those situations were all the same. Got caught hunting in some bad weather and moved to a field. Turkeys like fields in rainy wet weather. Turkeys piled out infront of me and huddled up. Wouldn't gobble wouldn't strut. They Just sat there and got wet. When I go out I'm hunting not killing. I felt like I was bird watching. I didn't get the urge to shoot. I don't care if it's a super jake that gobbles or a hard drumming mature bird I'm shooting if I get the fever!


Jakes get a pass............always.Over the years i've been lucky enough to walk up on a few gobblers,mostly during a light rain or windy days.I killed a few of those birds.Now unless i'm planted with my butt on the ground and a bird comes in that I believe came to the call,I wont shoot.Like others have said I enjoy the hunt.If its legal and you shoot one however it may happen,i'm not looking down on anyone and will offer my congrats.

"There are turkey hunters and people who hunt turkeys.I hope I am remembered as a turkey hunter"


First two weeks yes, any thing that comes into gun range after that gets shot in the face.


 :gobble: As long as you follow the laws of your state, it is your hunt so it is your call. Nobody else has control of your conscience. I will let a kid shoot a jake no worries. I want kids to get involved with our sport. I will never shoot another jake. My choice, but I see no evil in doing so. My son's first bird was a jake as was mine, it may be a family tradition, we shall see when my daughter is old enough to hunt. This is only the second generation of turkey hunters in my family, we shall see. Good luck everyone.


To me this sport is like deer hunting, some will shoot anything that is legal and there is nothing wrong with that.  As I get older, I find myself being selective.  I was told when I first started turkey hunting, you can kill jakes until you kill your first gobbler after that you can't cross back over that line and I've held myself to that.  To me, it's not about killing birds, it's about the total experience of the outdoors.  Killing a bird is "Icing on the Cake."   :z-twocents:


I will pass jakes but if I'm with someone that wants to shoot one they can. Still enjoy seeing those super jakes.


Jakes and small toms get a walk. I'm retired and tag soup is no big deal for me. Leave a few for the young'uns.

"I don't hunt turkeys because I want to. I hunt turkeys because I have to."

M Sharpe

I've let countless birds walk in the past, mostly jakes. But I let 2 different toms walk that I don't intend to do again. One was because I was waiting on a bigger bird that put the mojo on me and a buddy. I kept telling my buddy that birds is coming out farther down, he kept telling me no he's coming here. Well a 2 year old with about an 8-9 inch beard run up. He said there he is. I told him, no that wasn't Roy (yeah, we'd done named this bird). He got a little upset with me for not killing him. He said well where is Roy then? Roy gobbles....ahhh, there he is. Roy came out farther down the tree line just like I thought he was. Buddy goes back the next day while I'm in church and kills Roy! 12 inches of beard with 1 1/2 hooks! The other bird was one that would fly down in a field every morning and gather his hens. They'd be gone till late in the afternoon, then come back to fly up to roost. I'd looked at the fine gobbler so many times down my gun barrel and he'd be looking back at me just like he was reading my soul, actually he was probably looking at the green sight on the end of my gun... ;D......another fellow ended up killing him this very same way. 11 1/2 inch beard, 1 1/2 hooks. I vowed right then and there I'd never let another turkey get under my skin like those two did!! If I limit out early, I'll just call for my wife or take my camera!
I'm not a Christian because I'm strong and have it all together. I'm a Christian because I'm weak and admit I need a Saviour!

Cut N Run

I pass on jakes too.  I'd rather get a crack at him down the line when he's carrying more weight & has more sense.  Plus, if I get after a stud gobbler, I kind of get possessed.

Luck counts, good or bad.


Jakes getva pass with me but a full fan or long beard, and I'm making a BLT.
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One of my personal current interests is nest predators and how a majority of hunters, where legal bait to the extent of chumming coons.  However once they get the predators concentrated they don't control them.


Shoot jakes (or gobblers) if you want to,...or not.  Just do it with the right attitude about it.  It seems some folks think turkey hunting is about "body counting".  I have hunted around (not with) a person or two that were so fixated on killing their limit, or as close to it as they could come, that they would shoot whatever got in range, and as many of them as they could.  I suggest that anybody that hunts turkeys with that attitude is doing it for the wrong reason.